Vault Rings, Rods, Staves, And Wands
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Vault of Magic for 5th Edition

This content is from Vault of Magic for 5th Edition by Kobold Press.

From the wands apprentices use to prank each other, to staves capable of manipulating the world, to the captivating scepters wielded by monarchs and jesters, this page contains a variety of powerful and often bejeweled magic items. Find all the devices heroes need to rend reality, mingle with giants, or simply write messages in the air.

Ashwood Wand

Wand, common (requires attunement by a druid)

You can use this wand as a spellcasting focus. The wand has 3 charges and regains all expended charges daily at dawn. When you cast a spell that deals fire damage while using this wand as your spellcasting focus, the spell deals 1 extra fire damage. If you expend 1 of the wand’s charges during the casting, the spell deals 1d4 + 1 extra fire damage instead.

Big Dipper

Rod, rare (requires attunement)

This wooden rod is topped with a ridged ball. The rod has 7 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the rod’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the rod melts into a pool of nonmagical honey and is destroyed. Anytime you expend 1 or more charges for this rod’s properties, the ridged ball flows with delicious, nonmagical honey for 1 minute.

Spells. While holding the rod, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it (save DC 17): hold monster (5 charges) or hold person (2 charges).

Sticky Stick. While holding the rod, you can use your reaction to expend 1 charge and magically stick it to any surface. Until you use an action to end the effect, the rod remains stuck. The rod can hold up to 8,000 pounds of weight. More weight causes the rod to deactivate and fall.


Wand, legendary

This black ivory, rune-carved wand has 7 charges. It regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast the guiding bolt spell from it, using an attack bonus of +7. For 1 charge, you cast the 1st-level version of the spell. You can increase the spell slot level by one for each additional charge you expend.

Beguiler of Darkness (Requires Attunement). You must be a fiend or undead spellcaster or a spellcaster with fiendish or undead heritage to attune to this wand. While you are attuned to this wand, it can hold up to 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: calm emotions (2 charges), command (1 charge), dominate monster (8 charges), hold monster (5 charges), or suggestion (2 charges). These spells can target and affect only fiends and undead creatures, but they otherwise work like the indicated spells. A target that is immune to the charmed condition can be affected by a spell cast from this wand, however that target has advantage on its saving throw against the spell.

Brass Clockwork Staff

Staff, rare (requires attunement)

This curved staff is made of coiled brass and glass wire. You can use an action to speak one of three command words and throw the staff on the ground within 10 feet of you. The staff transforms into one of three wireframe creatures, depending on the command word: a unicorn, a hound, or a swarm of tiny beetles. The wireframe creature or swarm is under your control and acts on its own initiative count.

On your turn, you can mentally command the wireframe creature or swarm if it is within 60 feet of you and you aren’t incapacitated. You decide what action the creature takes and where it moves during its next turn, or you can issue it a general command, such as to attack your enemies or guard a location.

The wireframe unicorn lasts for up to 1 hour, uses the statistics of a warhorse, and can be used as a mount. The wireframe hound lasts for up to 5 minutes, uses the statistics of a dire wolf, and has advantage to track any creature you damaged within the past hour. The wireframe beetle swarm lasts for up to 1 minute, uses the statistics of a swarm of beetles, and can destroy nonmagical objects that aren’t being worn or carried and that aren’t made of stone or metal (destruction happens at a rate of 1 pound of material per round, up to a maximum of 10 pounds).

At the end of the duration, the wireframe creature or swarm reverts to its staff form. It reverts to its staff form early if it drops to 0 hit points or if you use an action to speak the command word again while touching it. If it reverts to its staff form early by being reduced to 0 hit points, the staff becomes inert and unusable until the third dawn after the creature was killed. Otherwise, the wireframe creature or swarm has all of its hit points when you transform the staff into the creature again.

When a wireframe creature or swarm becomes the staff again, this property of the staff can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Brazen Band

Ring, uncommon

While you wear this polished brass ring, you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks and on saving throws against being frightened. If you fail a saving throw against being frightened, you can choose to succeed instead. If you do, the ring’s magic ceases to function until the next dawn.

Clockwork Rogue Ring

Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)

Made by kobold clockwork mages, this brass clockwork ring is formed to look like a coiled dragon.

When you speak or whisper the Draconic command word etched on the inside of the ring, the brass dragon uncoils and attempts to pick any lock within 10 feet of you. The dragon picks the lock using your proficiency bonus but with advantage. It is treated as having thieves’ tools when attempting to pick locks. It uses your Dexterity (Stealth) bonus for purposes of not being spotted but with advantage due to its extremely small size. Whether successful or not, once you have used the ring to attempt to pick a lock, it can’t be used again until the next sunset.

Crook of the Flock

Rod, very rare (requires attunement)

This plain crook is made of smooth, worn lotus wood and is warm to the touch.

Resolute. While holding the rod, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.

Spells. While holding the rod, you can use an action to cast one of the following spells from it: animal messenger, beast sense, or speak with animals.

Leader. You can use an action to present the rod and command obedience from one creature that you can see within 60 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or be charmed by you for 8 hours. While charmed in this way, the creature regards you as its trusted leader. If harmed by your companions, or commanded to do something contrary to its nature, the target ceases to be charmed in this way. If harmed by you, the target ceases to be charmed, and you must roll a d20. On a 1, the staff disappears in a burst of golden light and reappears in a random location on the Material Plane. Once used, this property of the rod can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Crystal Staff

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

Carved from a single piece of solid crystal, this staff has numerous reflective facets that produce a strangely hypnotic effect. The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: color spray (1 charge), confound senses* (3 charges), confusion (4 charges), hypnotic pattern (3 charges), jeweled fissure* (3 charges), prismatic ray* (5 charges), or prismatic spray (7 charges). Spells marked with an asterisk (*) can be found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition. At the GM’s discretion, spells from Deep Magic for 5th Edition can be replaced with other spells of similar levels and similarly related to light or confusion.

The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the crystal shatters, destroying the staff and dealing 2d6 piercing damage to each creature within 10 feet of it.

Death’s Mirror

Ring, uncommon

Made from woven lead and silver, this ring fits only on the hand’s smallest finger. As the moon is a dull reflection of the sun’s glory, so too is the power within this ring merely an imitation of the healing energies that can bestow true life. The ring has 3 charges and regains all expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing the ring, you can expend 1 charge as a bonus action to gain 5 temporary hit points for 1 hour.

Devil’s Barb

Wand, rare (requires attunement)

This thin wand is fashioned from the fiendish quill of a barbed devil. While attuned to it, you have resistance to cold damage.

The wand has 6 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 expended charges daily at dusk. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into cinders and is destroyed.

Hurl Flame. While holding the wand, you can expend 2 charges as an action to hurl a ball of devilish flame at a target you can see within 150 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity check or take 3d6 fire damage. If the target is a flammable object that isn't being worn or carried, it also catches fire.

Devil's Sight. While holding the wand, you can expend 1 charge as an action to cast the darkvision spell on yourself. Magical darkness doesn't impede this darkvision.

Eldritch Rod

Rod, uncommon (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This bone rod is carved into the shape of twisting tendrils or tentacles. You can use this rod as an arcane focus. The rod has 3 charges and regains all expended charges daily at dawn.

When you cast a spell that requires an attack roll and that deals damage while holding this rod, you can expend 1 of its charges as part of the casting to enhance that spell. If the attack hits, the spell also releases tendrils that bind the target, grappling it for 1 minute. At the start of each of your turns, the grappled target takes 1d6 damage of the same type dealt by the spell.

At the end of each of its turns, the grappled target can make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC, freeing itself from the tendrils on a success. The rod’s magic can grapple only one target at a time. If you use the rod to grapple another target, the effect on the previous target ends.

Elk Horn Rod

Rod, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This rod is fashioned from elk or reindeer horn. As an action, you can grant a +1 bonus on saving throws against spells and magical effects to a target touched by the wand, including yourself. The bonus lasts 1 round. If you are holding the rod while performing the somatic component of a dispel magic spell or comparable magic, you have a +1 bonus on your spellcasting ability check.

Freerunner Rod

Rod, very rare (requires attunement)

Tightly intertwined lengths of grass, bound by additional stiff, knotted blades of grass, form this rod, which is favored by plains-dwelling druids and rangers. While holding it and in grasslands, you leave behind no tracks or other traces of your passing, and you can pass through nonmagical plants without being slowed by them and without taking damage from them if they have thorns, spines, or a similar hazard. In addition, beasts with an Intelligence of 3 or lower that are native to grasslands must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw to attack you.

The rod has 10 charges, and it regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the rod collapses into a pile of grass seeds and is destroyed. Among the grass seeds are 1d10 berries, consumable as if created by the goodberry spell.

Plainsrunner. You can use a bonus action to expend 1 charge to increase your walking speed by 10 feet for 1 minute. If you are in grasslands, your speed increases by 20 feet instead.

Freedom. You can use a reaction to expend 2 charges when you become paralyzed or restrained, ending that effect.

Forbidden Actions. If you burn or inflict fire damage to grasslands or if you kill a grasslands beast without you and your allies eating at least half of its flesh, the rod’s magic ceases to work for you, and you can never attune to this rod again.


Wand, uncommon

This strangely-shaped item resembles a melted wand or a strange growth chipped from the arcane trees of elder planes. The wand has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 charges daily at dusk. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and point it at a target within 60 feet of you. The target must be a creature. When activated, the wand frunges creatures into a chaos matrix, which does… something. Roll a d10 and consult the following table to determine these unpredictable effects (none of them especially good). Most effects can be removed by dispel magic, greater restoration, or more powerful magic.

d10 Frungilator Effect
1 Glittering sparkles fly all around. You are surrounded in sparkling light until the end of your next turn as if you were targeted by the faerie fire spell.
2 The target is encased in void crystal and immediately begins suffocating. A creature, including the target, can take its action to shatter the void crystal by succeeding on a DC 10 Strength check. Alternatively, the void crystal can be attacked and destroyed (AC 12; hp 4; immunity to poison and psychic damage).
3 Crimson void fire engulfs the target. It must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
4 The target’s blood turns to ice. It must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 6d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
5 The target rises vertically to a height of your choice, up to a maximum height of 60 feet. The target remains suspended there until the start of its next turn. When this effect ends, the target floats gently to the ground.
6 The target begins speaking in backwards fey speech for 10 minutes. While speaking this way, the target can’t verbally communicate with creatures that aren’t fey, and the target can’t cast spells with verbal components.
7 Golden flowers bloom across the target’s body. It is blinded until the end of its next turn.
8 The target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or it and all its equipment assumes a gaseous form until the end of its next turn. This effect otherwise works like the gaseous form spell.
9 The target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become enthralled with its own feet or limbs
until the end of its next turn. While enthralled, the target is incapacitated.
10 A giant ray of force springs out of the frungilator and toward the target. Each creature in a line that is 5 feet wide between you and the target must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d12 force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Ghoulbane Rod

Rod, rare

Arcane glyphs decorate the spherical head of this tarnished rod, while engravings of cracked and broken skulls and bones circle its haft. When an undead creature is within 120 feet of the rod, the rod’s arcane glyphs emit a soft glow.

As an action, you can plant the haft end of the rod in the ground, whereupon the rod’s glyphs flare to life and the rod’s magic activates. When an undead creature enters or starts its turn within 30 feet of the planted rod, it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or have disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures that aren’t undead until the start of its next turn. If a ghoul fails this saving throw, it also takes a –2 penalty to AC and Dexterity saving throws, its speed is halved, and it can’t use reactions.

The rod’s magic remains active while planted in the ground, and after it has been active for a total of 10 minutes, its magic ceases to function until the next dawn. A creature can use an action to pull the rod from the ground, ending the effect early for use at a later time. Deduct the time it was active in increments of 1 minute from the rod’s total active time.

Glamour Rings

Ring, uncommon

These rings are made from twisted loops of gold and onyx and are always found in pairs. The rings’ magic works only while you and another humanoid of the same size each wear one ring and are on the same plane of existence. While wearing a ring, you or the other humanoid can use an action to swap your appearances, if both of you are willing. This effect works like the Change Appearance effect of the alter self spell, except you can change your appearance to only look identical to each other. Your clothing and equipment don’t change, and the effect lasts until one of you uses this property again or until one of you removes the ring.

Glass Wand of Leng

Wand, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

The tip of this twisted clear glass wand is razorsharp. It can be wielded as a magic dagger that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. The wand weighs 4 pounds and is roughly 18 inches long. When you tap the wand, it emits a single, loud note which can be heard up to 20 feet away and does not stop sounding until you choose to silence it.

This wand has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 charges daily at dawn. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells (save DC 17): arcane lock (2 charges), disguise self (1 charge), or tongues (3 charges).

Gremlin’s Paw

Wand, rare (requires attunement)

This wand is fashioned from the fossilized forearm and claw of a gremlin. The wand has 5 charges. While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells (save DC 15): bane (1 charge), bestow curse (3 charges), or hideous laughter (1 charge).

The wand regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dusk. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 20, you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become afflicted with short-term madness. On a 1, the rod crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.

Hazelwood Wand

Wand, common (requires attunement by a druid)

You can use this wand as a spellcasting focus. The wand has 3 charges and regains all expended charges daily at dawn. When you cast the goodberry spell while using this wand as your spellcasting focus, you can expend 1 of the wand’s charges to transform the berries into hazelnuts, which restore 2 hit points instead of 1. The spell is otherwise unchanged. In addition, when you cast a spell that deals lightning damage while using this wand as your spellcasting focus, the spell deals 1 extra lightning damage.

Howling Rod

Rod, rare (requires attunement)

This sturdy, iron rod is topped with the head of a howling wolf with red carnelians for eyes. The rod has 5 charges for the following properties, and it regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.

Spectral Howl. While holding the rod, you can expend 1 of its charges to cause a spectral wolf head to appear above you and unleash a terrifying howl. Each creature within 20 feet of you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you for 1 minute. If you wish, all creatures in the area that aren’t hostile toward you automatically succeed on the saving throw. While frightened of you, a creature must take the Dash action and move away from you by the safest available route on each of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw is immune to the howl of this rod for 24 hours.

Wolf Bite. While holding the rod, you can use a bonus action to expend 2 of its charges to attack one frightened creature you can see within 20 feet of you. A spectral wolf head leaps out of the rod and makes its attack roll with a +7 bonus. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 force damage.

Kraken Clutch Ring

Ring, very rare (requires attunement)

This green copper ring is etched with the image of a kraken with splayed tentacles. The ring has 5 charges, and it regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn, as long as it was immersed in water for at least 1 hour since the previous dawn. If the ring has at least 1 charge, you have advantage on grapple checks.

While wearing this ring, you can expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using spell save DC 15: black tentacles (2 charges), call lightning (1 charge), or control weather (4 charges).

Lightning Rod

Rod, very rare (requires attunement)

This rod is made from the blackened wood of a lightning-struck tree and topped with a spike of twisted iron. It functions as a magic javelin that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While holding it, you are immune to lightning damage, and each creature within 5 feet of you has resistance to lightning damage.

The rod can hold up to 6 charges, but it has 0 charges when you first attune to it. Whenever you are subjected to lightning damage, the rod gains 1 charge. While the rod has 6 charges, you have resistance to lightning damage instead of immunity. The rod loses 1d6 charges daily at dawn.

Ground. You can use an action to drive the rod’s spiked tip into the ground, harmlessly emptying it of all its current charges.

Lightning Bolt. While holding the rod, you can use an action to expend 3 charges to cause a bolt of lightning to crackle out from the rod’s tip in a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d8 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Lightning Shield. When you are attacked while holding the rod, you can use a reaction to expend 2 charges to cover yourself in a shield of arcing electrical sparks. Until the start of your next turn, when a creature hits you with a melee attack while within 5 feet of you, it takes 2d8 lightning damage.

Shocking Strike. When you hit with a melee attack using the rod, you can expend 1 charge to deal an extra 3d8 lightning damage to the target. You have advantage on the attack roll if the target is wearing armor made of metal.

Oakwood Wand

Wand, common (requires attunement by a druid)

You can use this wand as a spellcasting focus. The wand has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. While holding it, you can expend 1 charge as an action to cast the detect poison and disease spell from it. When you cast a spell that deals cold damage while using this wand as your spellcasting focus, the spell deals 1 extra cold damage.

Recondite Shield

Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)

While wearing this ring, you can use a bonus action to create a weightless, magic shield that shimmers with arcane energy. You must be proficient with shields to wield this semi-translucent shield, and you wield it in the same hand that wears the ring. The shield lasts for 1 hour or until you dismiss it (no action required). Once used, you can’t use the ring in this way again until the next dawn.

Ring of Arcane Adjustment

Ring, uncommon (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This stylized silver ring is favored by spellcasters accustomed to fighting creatures capable of shrugging off most spells. The ring has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.

When you cast a spell of 5th level or lower that has only one target and the target succeeds on the saving throw, you can use a reaction and expend 1 charge from the ring to change the spell’s target to a new target within the spell's range. The new target is then affected by the spell, but the new target has advantage on the saving throw. You can’t move the spell more than once this way, even if the new target succeeds on the saving throw. You can’t move a spell that affects an area, that has multiple targets, that requires an attack roll, or that allows the target to make a saving throw to reduce, but not prevent, the effects of the spell, such as blight or feeblemind.

Ring of Bravado

Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)

This polished brass ring has 3 charges. While wearing the ring, you are inspired to daring acts that risk life and limb, especially if such acts would impress or intimidate others who witness them.

When you choose a course of action that could result in serious harm or possible death (your GM has final say in if an action qualifies), you can expend 1 of the ring’s charges to roll a d10 and add the number rolled to any d20 roll you make to achieve success or avoid damage, such as a Strength (Athletics) check to scale a sheer cliff and avoid falling or a Dexterity saving throw made to run through a hallway filled with swinging blades.

The ring regains all expended charges daily at dawn. In addition, if you fail on a roll boosted by the ring, and you failed the roll by only 1, the ring regains 1 expended charge, as its magic recognizes a valiant effort.

Ring of Deceiver’s Warning

Ring, common

This copper ring is set with a round stone of blue quartz. While you wear the ring, the stone’s color changes to red if a shapechanger comes within 30 feet of you. For the purpose of this ring, “shapechanger” refers to any creature with the Shapechanger trait.

Ring of Dragon’s Discernment

Ring, uncommon

A large, orange cat's eye gem is held in the fittings of this ornate silver ring, looking as if it is grasped by scaled talons. While wearing this ring, your senses are sharpened. You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) checks, and you can take the Search action as a bonus action. In addition, you are able to discern the value of any object made of precious metals or minerals or rare materials by handling it for 1 round.

Ring of Featherweight Weapons

Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)

If you normally have disadvantage on attack rolls made with weapons with the Heavy property due to your size, you don’t have disadvantage on those attack rolls while you wear this ring. This ring has no effect on you if you are Medium or larger or if you don’t normally have disadvantage on attack rolls with heavy weapons.

Ring of Giant Mingling

Ring, rare (requires attunement by a giant or humanoid)

While wearing this ring, your size changes to match the size of those around you. If you are a Large creature and start your turn within 100 feet of four or more Medium creatures, this ring makes you Medium. Similarly, if you are a Medium creature and start your turn within 100 feet of four or more Large creatures, this ring makes you Large. These effects work like the effects of the enlarge/reduce spell, except they persist as long as you wear the ring and satisfy the conditions.

Ring of Hoarded Life

Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)

This ring stores hit points sacrificed to it, holding them until the attuned wearer uses them. The ring can store up to 30 hit points at a time. When found, it contains 2d10 stored hit points.

While wearing this ring, you can use an action to spend one or more Hit Dice, up to your maximum Hit Dice. For each Hit Die spent in this way, you roll the die and add your Constitution modifier to it. Your hit point maximum is reduced by the total, and the ring stores the total, up to 30 hit points. This hit point maximum reduction can’t be removed with the greater restoration spell or similar magic and lasts as long as hit points remain stored in the ring. You can’t store hit points in the ring if you don’t have blood. When hit points are stored in the ring, you can cause one of the following effects:

  • You can use a bonus action to remove stored hit points from the ring and regain that number of hit points.
  • You can use an action to remove stored hit points from the ring while touching the ring to a creature. If you do so, the creature regains hit points equal to the amount of hit points you removed from the ring.
  • When you are reduced to 0 hit points and are not killed outright, you can use a reaction to empty the ring of stored hit points and regain hit points equal to that amount.

Hit Dice spent on this ring’s features can’t be used to regain hit points during a short rest. You regain spent Hit Dice as normal.

Ring of Imperious Command

Ring, rare (requires attunement)

Embossed in gold on this heavy iron ring is the image of a crown. The ring has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.

While wearing this ring, you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks, and you can project your voice up to 300 feet with perfect clarity. In addition, you can use an action and expend 1 of the ring’s charges to command a creature you can see within 30 feet of you to kneel before you. The target must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, the target spends its next turn moving toward you by the shortest and most direct route then falls prone and ends its turn.

Ring of Light’s Comfort

Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)

A disc of white chalcedony sits within an encompassing band of black onyx, set into fittings on this pewter ring. While wearing this ring in dim light or darkness, you can use a bonus action to speak the ring’s command word, causing it to shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. The ring automatically sheds this light if you start your turn within 60 feet of an undead or lycanthrope. The light lasts until you use a bonus action to repeat the command word. In addition, you can’t be charmed, frightened, or possessed by undead or lycanthropes.

Ring of Night’s Solace

Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)

A disc of black onyx sits within an encompassing band of white chalcedony, set into fittings on this pewter ring. While wearing this ring in bright light, you are draped in a comforting cloak of shadow, protecting you from the harshest glare. If you have the Sunlight Sensitivity trait or a similar trait that causes you to have disadvantage on attack rolls or Wisdom (Perception) checks while in bright light or sunlight, you don’t suffer those effects while wearing this ring. In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against being blinded.

Ring of Powerful Summons

Ring, rare (requires attunement by a cleric, druid, warlock, or wizard)

When you summon a creature with a conjuration spell while wearing this ring, the creature gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls and 1d4 + 4 temporary hit points.

Ring of Remembrance

Ring, common

This ring is a sturdy piece of string, tied at the ends to form a circle. While wearing it, you can use an action to invoke its power by twisting it on your finger. If you do so, you have advantage on the next Intelligence check you make to recall information. The ring can’t be used this way again until the next dawn.

Ring of Sealing

Ring, very rare (requires attunement)

This ring appears to be made of golden chain links. It has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.

When you hit a creature with a melee attack while wearing this ring, you can use a bonus action and expend 1 of the ring’s charges to cause mystical golden chains to spring from the ground and wrap around the creature. The target must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the magical chains hold the target firmly in place, and it is restrained. The target can’t move or be moved by any means. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. However, if the target fails three consecutive saving throws, the chains bind the target permanently. A successful dispel magic (DC 17) cast on the chains destroys them.

Ring of Shadows

Ring, common

While wearing this ebony ring in dim light or darkness, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. When you roll a 20 on a Dexterity (Stealth) check, the ring’s magic ceases to function until the next dawn.

Ring of Small Mercies

Ring, common

While wearing this plain, beaten pewter ring, you can use an action to cast the spare the dying spell from it at will.

Ring of Spell Negation

Ring, rarity varies (requires attunement)

This ring has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing the ring, you can use your reaction to expend 1 of its charges to cast counterspell, and you lose hit points related to the spell’s level. You can’t use this feature of the ring if you don’t have blood. The types of spells you can counter and the amount of hit points you lose depend on the type of ring you are wearing.

Blue (Uncommon). If you use your reaction to expend 1 charge from the ring, you can use counterspell on a spell of 3rd level or lower that is from a specific school of magic. If you do so, you lose hit points equal to 3 times the spell’s level. The GM chooses the ring’s school or determines it randomly from the options below.

d8 School
1 Abjuration
2 Conjuration
3 Divination
4 Enchantment
5 Evocation
6 Illusion
7 Necromancy
8 Transmutation

Red (Rare). If you use your reaction to expend 1 charge from the ring, you can use counterspell on any spell of 3rd level or lower. If you do so, you lose hit points equal to 4 times the spell’s level.

Black (Very Rare). If you use your reaction to expend 1 charge from the ring, you can use counterspell on any spell of any level. If the spell is 4th level or higher, you make the ability check with a +7 bonus. If you do so, you lose hit points equal to 5 times the spell’s level. You lose these hit points whether or not your counterspell is effective.

Ring of Stored Vitality

Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)

While you are attuned to and wearing this ring of polished, white chalcedony, you can feed some of your vitality into the ring to charge it. You can use an action to suffer 1 level of exhaustion. For each level of exhaustion you suffer, the ring regains 1 charge. The ring can store up to 3 charges. As the ring increases in charges, its color reddens, becoming a deep red when it has 3 charges. Your level of exhaustion can be reduced by normal means. If you already suffer from 3 or more levels of exhaustion, you can’t suffer another level of exhaustion to restore a charge to the ring.

While wearing the ring and suffering exhaustion, you can use an action to expend 1 or more charges from the ring to reduce your exhaustion level. Your exhaustion level is reduced by 1 for each charge you expend.

Ring of the Dolphin

Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)

This gold ring bears a jade carving in the shape of a leaping dolphin. While wearing this ring, you have a swimming speed of 40 feet. In addition, you can hold your breath for twice as long while underwater.

Ring of the Frog

Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)

A pale chrysoprase cut into the shape of a frog is the centerpiece of this tarnished copper ring. While wearing this ring, you have a swimming speed of 20 feet, and you can jump three times the normal distance, though you can’t jump farther than your remaining movement would allow.

Frog Tongue. You can use an action transform your tongue into one resembling that of a frog or toad for 1 minute or until you dismiss it (no action required). You can elongate your tongue out to a distance of 20 feet, and your tongue can pick up or hold an object weighing no more than 10 pounds. To grab an item that is being worn or carried, you must still succeed on a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, ranged attack, or similar check, as determined by your GM. The tongue retracts into your mouth when not in use and has no impact on your ability to speak or cast spells with verbal components. Once used, this property can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Ring of the Frost Knight

Ring, rare (requires attunement)

This white gold ring is covered in a thin sheet of ice and always feels cold to the touch. The ring has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.

While wearing the ring, you can use an action to expend 1 charge to surround yourself in a suit of enchanted ice that resembles plate armor. For 1 hour, your AC can’t be less than 16, regardless of what kind of armor you are wearing, and you have resistance to cold damage. The icy armor melts, ending the effect early, if you take 20 fire damage or more.

Ring of the Grove’s Guardian

Ring, rare (requires attunement by a druid or ranger)

This pale gold ring looks as though made of delicately braided vines wrapped around a small, rough obsidian stone. While wearing this ring, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.

You can use an action to speak the ring’s command word to activate it and draw upon the vitality of the grove to which the ring is bound. You regain 2d10 hit points. Once used, this property can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Ring of the Jarl

Ring, rare (requires attunement)

This thick band of hammered yellow gold is warm to the touch even in the coldest of climes. While you wear it, you have resistance to cold damage. If you are also wearing boots of the winterlands, you are immune to cold damage instead.

Bolstering Shout. When you roll for initiative while wearing this ring, you can use a reaction to shout a war cry, bolstering your allies. Each friendly creature within 30 feet of you and that can hear you gains a +2 bonus on its initiative roll, and it has advantage on attack rolls for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 round). Once used, this property of the ring can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Wergild. While wearing this ring, you can use an action to create a nonmagical duplicate of the ring that is worth 100 gp. You can bestow this ring upon another as a gift. The ring can’t be used for common barter or trade, but it can be used for debts and payment of a warlike nature. You can give this ring to a subordinate warrior in your service or to someone to whom you owe a blood-debt, as a weregild in lieu of further fighting. You can create up to 3 of these rings each week. Rings that are not gifted within 24 hours of their creation vanish again.

Ring of the Water Dancer

Ring, rare (requires attunement)

This thin braided purple ring is fashioned from a single piece of coral. While wearing this ring, you can stand on and move across any liquid surface as if it were solid ground. In addition, while walking atop any liquid, your movement speed increases by 10 feet and you gain a +1 bonus to your AC.

Ring of Ursa

Ring, rare (requires attunement)

This wooden ring is set with a strip of fossilized honey. While wearing this ring, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your Strength score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20.
  • You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to interact with bearfolk.

In addition, while attuned to the ring, your hair grows thick and abundant. Your facial features grow more snout-like, and your teeth elongate. If you aren’t a bearfolk, you gain the following benefits while wearing the ring:

  • You can now make a bite attack as an unarmed strike. When you hit with it, your bite deals piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
  • Your gain a powerful build and count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Rod of Blade Bending

Rod, rare (requires attunement)

This simple iron rod functions as a magic mace that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

Blade Bend. While holding the rod, you can use an action to activate it, creating a magical field around you for 10 minutes. When a creature attacks you with a melee weapon that deals piercing or slashing damage while the field is active, it must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature’s attack misses. On a success, the creature’s attack hits you, but you have resistance to any piercing or slashing damage dealt by the attack as the weapon bends partially away from your body. Once used, this property can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Rod of Bubbles

Rod, rare

This rod appears to be made of foamy bubbles, but it is completely solid to the touch. This rod has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to conjure a bubble around a creature or object within 30 feet. If the target is a creature, it must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the target becomes trapped in a 10-foot sphere of water. A Huge or larger creature automatically succeeds on this saving throw. A creature trapped within the bubble is restrained unless it has a swimming speed and can’t breathe unless it can breathe water. If the target is an object, it becomes soaked in water, any fire effects are extinguished, and any acid effects are negated.

The bubble floats in the exact spot where it was conjured for up to 1 minute, unless blown by a strong wind or moved by water. The bubble has 50 hit points, AC 8, immunity to acid damage and vulnerability to piercing damage. The inside of the bubble also has resistance to all damage except piercing damage. The bubble disappears after 1 minute or when it is reduced to 0 hit points.

When not in use, this rod can be commanded to take liquid form and be stored in a small vial. The rod regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.

Rod of Conveyance

Rod, uncommon

The top of this rod is capped with a bronze horse head, and its foot is decorated with a horsehair plume. By placing the rod between your legs, you can use an action to temporarily transform the rod into a horse-like construct. This works like the phantom steed spell, except you can use a bonus action to end the effect early to use the rod again at a later time. Deduct the time the horse was active in increments of 1 minute from the spell’s 1-hour duration. When the rod has been a horse for a total of 1 hour, the magic ceases to function until the next dawn.

Rod of Deflection

Rod, rare

This thin, flexible rod is made of braided silver and brass wire and topped with a spoon-like cup. While holding the rod, you can use a reaction to deflect a ranged weapon attack against you. You can simply cause the attack to miss, or you can attempt to redirect the attack against another target, even your attacker. The attack must have enough remaining range to reach the new target. If the additional distance between yourself and the new target is within the attack’s long range, it is made at disadvantage as normal, using the original attack roll as the first roll.

The rod has 3 charges. You can expend a charge as a reaction to redirect a ranged spell attack as if it were a ranged weapon attack, up to the spell’s maximum range.

The rod regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.

Rod of Ghastly Might

Rod, legendary (requires attunement)

The knobbed head of this tarnished silver rod resembles the top half of a jawless, syphilitic skull, and it functions as a magic mace that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. The rod has properties associated with five different buttons that are set erratically along the haft. It has three other properties as well, detailed below.

Five Buttons. You can press one of the rod’s five buttons as a bonus action. A button’s effect lasts until you push a different button or until you push the same button again, which causes the rod to revert to its normal form.

If you press button 1, the rod’s head erupts in a fiery nimbus of abyssal energy that sheds dim light in a 5-foot radius. While the rod is ablaze, it deals an extra 1d6 fire damage and 1d6 necrotic damage to any target it hits.

If you press button 2, the rod’s head becomes enveloped in a black aura of enervating energy. When you hit a target with the rod while it is enveloped in this energy, the target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or deal only half damage with weapon attacks that use Strength until the end of its next turn.

If you press button 3, a 2-foot blade springs from the tip of the rod’s handle as the handle lengthens into a 5-foot haft, transforming the rod into a magic glaive that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

If you press button 4, a 3-pronged, bladed grappling hook affixed to a long chain springs from the tip of the rod’s handle. The bladed grappling hook counts as a magic sickle with reach that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. When you hit a target with the bladed grappling hook, the target must succeed on an opposed Strength check or fall prone.

If you press button 5, the rod assumes or remains in its normal form and you can extinguish all nonmagical flames within 30 feet of you.

Turning Defiance. While holding the rod, you and any undead allies within 30 feet of you have advantage on saving throws against effects that turn undead.

Contagion. When you hit a creature with a melee attack using the rod, you can force the target to make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target is afflicted with a disease. This works like the contagion spell. Once used, this property can’t be used again until the next dusk.

Create Specter. As an action, you can target a humanoid within 10 feet of you that was killed by the rod or one of its effects and has been dead for no longer than 1 minute. The target’s spirit rises as a specter under your control in the space of its corpse or in the nearest unoccupied space. You can have no more than one specter under your control at one time. Once used, this property can’t be used again until the next dusk.

Rod of Hellish Grounding

Rod, rare (requires attunement)

This curious jade rod is tipped with a knob of crimson crystal that glows and shimmers with eldritch phosphorescence. While holding or carrying the rod, you have darkvision out to a range of 30 feet, and you have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.

Hellish Desiccation. While holding this rod, you can use an action to fire a crimson ray at an object or creature made of metal that you can see within 60 feet of you. The ray forms a 5-foot wide line between you and the target. Each creature in that line that isn’t a construct or an undead must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d6 force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Creatures and objects made of metal are unaffected. If this damage reduces a creature to 0 hit points, it is desiccated.

A desiccated creature is reduced to a withered corpse, but everything it is wearing and carrying is unaffected. The creature can be restored to life only by means of a true resurrection or a wish spell. Once used, this property can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Rod of Icicles

Rod, rare (requires attunement)

This white crystalline rod is shaped like an icicle. The rod has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.

While holding the rod, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to attack one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. The rod launches an icicle at the target and makes its attack roll with a +7 bonus. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 piercing damage and 2d6 cold damage. On a critical hit, the target is also paralyzed until the end of its next turn as it momentarily freezes.

If you take fire damage while holding this rod, you become immune to fire damage for 1 minute, and the rod loses 2 charges. If the rod has only 1 charge remaining when you take fire damage, you become immune to fire damage, as normal, but the rod melts into a puddle of water and is destroyed.

Rod of Reformation

Rod, rare (requires attunement)

This rod of polished white oak is wrapped in a knotted cord with three iron rings binding each end. If you are holding the rod and fail a saving throw against a transmutation spell or other effect that would change your body or remove or alter parts of you, you can choose to succeed instead. The rod can’t be used this way again until the next dawn.

The rod has 5 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the rings fall off, the cord unknots, and the entire rod slowly falls to pieces and is destroyed.

Cure Transformation. While holding the rod, you can use an action to expend 1 charge while touching a creature that has been affected by a transmutation spell or other effect that changed its physical form, such as the polymorph spell or a medusa's Petrifying Gaze. The rod restores the creature to its original form.

If the creature is willingly transformed, such as a druid using Wild Shape, you must make a melee weapon attack roll, using the rod. You are proficient with the rod if you are proficient with clubs. On a hit, you can expend 1 of the rod’s charges to force the target to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target reverts to its original form.

Mend Form. While holding the rod, you can use an action to expend 2 charges to reattach a creature's severed limb or body part. The limb must be held in place while you use the rod, and the process takes 1 minute to complete. You can’t reattach limbs or other body parts to dead creatures. If the limb is lost, you can spend 4 charges instead to regenerate the missing piece, which takes 2 minutes to complete.

Reconstruct Form. While holding the rod, you can use an action to expend 5 charges to reconstruct the form of a creature or object that has been disintegrated, burned to ash, or similarly destroyed. An item is completely restored to its original state. A creature’s body is fully restored to the state it was in before it was destroyed. The creature isn’t restored to life, but this reconstruction of its form allows the creature to be restored to life by spells that require the body to be present, such as raise dead.

Rod of Repossession

Rod, common

This short, metal rod is engraved with arcane runes and images of open hands. The rod has 3 charges and regains all expended charges daily at dawn.

While holding the rod, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and target an object within 30 feet of you that isn’t being worn or carried. If the object weighs no more than 25 pounds, it floats to your open hand. If you have no hands free, the object sticks to the tip of the rod until the end of your next turn or until you remove it as a bonus action.

Rod of Sacrificial Blessing

Rod, rare (requires attunement)

This silvery rod is set with rubies on each end. One end holds rubies shaped to resemble an open, fanged maw, and the other end’s rubies are shaped to resemble a heart.

While holding this rod, you can use an action to spend one or more Hit Dice, up to half your maximum Hit Dice, while pointing the heart-shaped ruby end of the rod at a target within 60 feet of you.

For each Hit Die spent in this way, you roll the die and add your Constitution modifier to it. You lose hit points equal to the total, and the target regains hit points equal to the total hit points you lost. You can’t use this feature if you don’t have blood. Hit Dice spent on this feature can’t be used to regain hit points during a short rest. You regain spent Hit Dice as normal.

Rod of Sanguine Mastery

Rod, very rare (requires attunement)

This rod is topped with a red ram’s skull with two backswept horns.

As an action, you can spend one or more Hit Dice, up to half of your maximum Hit Dice. For each Hit Die spent in this way, you roll the die and add your Constitution modifier to it. You lose hit points equal to the total, and a target within 60 feet of you must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking necrotic damage equal to the total on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. You can’t use this feature if you don’t have blood. Hit Dice spent on this feature can’t be used to regain hit points during a short rest. You regain spent Hit Dice as normal.

Rod of Swarming Skulls

Rod, rare (requires attunement)

An open-mouthed skull caps this thick, onyx rod. The rod has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dusk.

While holding the rod, you can use an action and expend 1 of the rod’s charges to unleash a swarm of miniature spectral blue skulls at a target within 30 feet. The target must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, it takes 3d6 psychic damage and becomes paralyzed with fear until the end of its next turn. On a success, it takes half the damage and isn't paralyzed. Creatures that can’t be frightened are immune to this effect.

Rod of the Disciplinarian

Rod, uncommon (requires attunement)

This black lacquered wooden rod is banded in steel, has a flanged head, and functions as a magic mace. As a bonus action, you can brandish the rod at a creature and demand it refrain from a particular activity— attacking, casting, moving, or similar. The activity can be as specific (don’t attack the person next to you) or as open (don’t cast a spell) as you want, but the activity must be a conscious act on the creature’s part, must be something you can determine is upheld or broken, and can’t immediately jeopardize the creature’s life. For example, you can forbid a creature from lying only if you are capable of determining if the creature is lying, and you can’t forbid a creature that needs to breathe from breathing.

The creature can act normally, but if it performs the activity you forbid, you can use a reaction to make a melee attack against it with the rod. You can forbid only one creature at a time. If you forbid another creature from performing an activity, the previous creature is no longer forbidden from performing activities.

Instruments of Law. If you are also attuned to and wearing a Justicar’s mask (see Vault Wondrous Items), you can cast the command spell (save DC 13) from the rod once per day. If you are attuned to and wearing a signet of the Magister (see Vault Rings, Rods, Staves, and Wands), you have advantage on the melee attack made as a reaction against a creature performing an activity you forbid.

Rod of the Infernal Realms

Rod, very rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

The withered, clawed hand of a demon or devil tops this iron rod. While holding this rod, you gain a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls, and the save DC for your spells increases by 2.

Frightful Eyes. While holding this rod, you can use a bonus action to cause your eyes to glow with infernal fire for 1 minute. While your eyes are glowing, a creature that starts its turn or enters a space within 10 feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or become frightened of you until your eyes stop glowing. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Once used, you can’t use this property again until the next dawn.

Rod of the Jester

Rod, rare (requires attunement)

This wooden rod is decorated with colorful scarves and topped with a carving of a madly grinning head.

Caper. While holding the rod, you can dance and perform general antics that attract attention. Make a DC 10 Charisma (Performance) check. On a success, one creature that can see and hear you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made to perceive any creature other than you for 1 minute. The effect ends if the target can no longer see or hear you or if you are incapacitated. You can affect one additional creature for each 5 points by which you beat the DC (two creatures with a result of 15, three creatures with a result of 20, and so on). Once used, this property can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Hideous Laughter. While holding the rod, you can use an action to cast the hideous laughter spell (save DC 15) from it. Once used, this property can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Slapstick. You can use an action to swing the rod in the direction of a creature within 5 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be pushed up to 5 feet away from you and knocked prone. If the target fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it is also stunned until the end of its next turn.

Rod of the Mariner

Rod, rare (requires attunement)

This thin bone rod is topped with the carved figurine of an albatross in flight. The rod has 5 charges. You can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges and point the rod at one or more creatures you can see within 30 feet of you, expending 1 charge for each creature. Each target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be cursed for 1 minute. A cursed creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws while within 100 feet of a body of water that is at least 20 feet deep.

The rod regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the rod crumbles to dust and is destroyed, and you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be cursed for 1 minute as if you had been the target of the rod’s power.

Rod of the Wastes

Rod, legendary (requires attunement by a paladin)

Created by a holy order of knights to protect their most important members on missions into badlands and magical wastelands, these red gold rods are invaluable tools against the forces of evil. This rod has a rounded head, and it functions as a magic mace that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

While holding or carrying the rod, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Wisdom (Survival) checks made in badlands and wasteland terrain, and you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or otherwise compelled by aberrations and fiends. If you are charmed or magically compelled by an aberration or fiend, the rod flashes with crimson light, alerting others to your predicament.

Aberrant Smite. If you use Divine Smite when you hit an aberration or fiend with this rod, you use the highest number possible for each die of radiant damage rather than rolling one or more dice for the extra radiant damage. You must still roll damage dice for the rod’s damage, as normal. Once used, this property can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Spells. You can use an action to cast one of the following spells from the rod: daylight, lesser restoration, or shield of faith. Once you cast a spell with this rod, you can’t cast that spell again until the next dawn.

Rod of Thorns

Rod, rare (requires attunement)

Several long sharp thorns sprout along the edge of this stout wooden rod, and it functions as a magic mace that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. The rod has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. While holding the rod, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cast the spike growth spell (save DC 15) from it.

Embed Thorn. When you hit a creature with this rod, you can expend 1 of its charges to embed a thorn in the creature. At the start of each of the creature’s turns, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 piercing damage from the embedded thorn. If the creature succeeds on two saving throws, the thorn falls out and crumbles to dust. The successes don’t need to be consecutive. If the creature dies while the thorn is embedded, its body transforms into a patch of nonmagical brambles, which fill its space with difficult terrain.

Rod of Underworld Navigation

Rod, rare

This finely carved rod is decorated with gold and small dragon scales. While underground and holding this rod, you know how deep below the surface you are. You also know the direction to the nearest exit leading upward.

As an action while underground and holding this rod, you can use the find the path spell to find the shortest, most direct physical route to a location you are familiar with on the surface. Once used, the find the path property can’t be used again until 3 days have passed.

Rod of Vapor

Rod, common

This wooden rod is topped with a dragon’s head, carved with its mouth yawning wide. While holding the rod, you can use an action to cause a thick mist to issue from the dragon’s mouth, filling your space. As long as you maintain concentration, you leave a trail of mist behind you when you move. The mist forms a line that is 5 feet wide and as long as the distance you travel. This mist you leave behind you lasts for 2 rounds; its area is heavily obscured on the first round and lightly obscured on the second, then it dissipates. When the rod has produced enough mist to fill ten 5-foot-square areas, its magic ceases to function until the next dawn.

Rod of Verbatim

Rod, common

Tiny runic script covers much of this thin brass rod. While holding the rod, you can use a bonus action to activate it. For 10 minutes, it translates any language spoken within 30 feet of it into Common.

The translation can be auditory, or it can appear as glowing, golden script, a choice you make when you activate it. If the translation appears on a surface, the surface must be within 30 feet of the rod and each word remains for 1 round after it was spoken. The rod’s translation is literal, and it doesn’t replicate or translate emotion or other nuances in speech, body language, or culture.

Once used, the rod can’t be used again until 1 hour has passed.

Rod of Warning

Rod, common

This plain, wooden rod is topped with an orb of clear, polished crystal. You can use an action activate it with a command word while designating a particular kind of creature (orcs, wolves, etc.). When such a creature comes within 120 feet of the rod, the crystal glows, shedding bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. You can use an action to deactivate the rod’s light or change the kind of creature it detects. The rod doesn’t need to be in your possession to function, but you must have it in hand to activate it, deactivate it, or change the kind of creature it detects.

Root of the World Tree

Rod, uncommon

Crafted from the root burl of a sacred tree, this rod is 2 feet long with a spiked, knobby end. Runes inlaid with gold decorate the full length of the rod. This rod functions as a magic mace.

Blood Anointment. You can perform a 1-minute ritual to anoint the rod in your blood. If you do, your hit point maximum is reduced by 2d4 until you finish a long rest. While your hit point maximum is reduced in this way, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, and, when you hit a fey or giant with this weapon, that creature takes an extra 2d6 necrotic damage.

Holy Anointment. If you spend 1 minute anointing the rod with a flask of holy water, you can cast the augury spell from it. The runes carved into the rod glow and move, forming an answer to your query. Alternatively, if you spend 10 minutes anointing the rod with a flask of holy water, you can cast the divination spell from it. If you cast divination in this way, this property can’t be used again until 7 days have passed.

Rowan Staff

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

Favored by those with ties to nature and death, this staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While holding it, you have an advantage on saving throws against spells.

The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at midnight, though it regains all its charges if it is bathed in moonlight at midnight. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff loses its properties and becomes a nonmagical quarterstaff.

Spell. While holding this staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast animate dead, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability. The target bones or corpse can be a Medium or smaller humanoid or beast. Each charge animates a separate target. These undead creatures are under your control for 24 hours. You can use an action to expend 1 charge each day to reassert your control of up to four undead creatures created by this staff for another 24 hours.

Deanimate. You can use an action to strike an undead creature with the staff in combat. If the attack hits, the target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or revert to an inanimate pile of bones or corpse in its space. If the undead has the Incorporeal Movement trait, it is destroyed instead. Deanimating an undead creature expends a number of charges equal to twice the challenge rating of the creature (minimum of 1). If the staff doesn’t have enough charges to deanimate the target, the staff doesn’t deanimate the target.

Rowdy Ring

Ring, uncommon

The face of this massive ring is a thick slab of gold-plated lead, which is attached to twin rings that are worn over the middle and ring fingers. The slab covers your fingers from the first and second knuckles, and it often has a threatening word or image engraved on it. While wearing the ring, your unarmed strike uses a d4 for damage and attacks made with the ring hand count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Scepter of Majesty

Rod, rare (requires attunement)

While holding this bejeweled, golden rod, you can use an action to cast the enthrall spell (save DC 15) from it, exhorting those in range to follow you and obey your commands. When you finish speaking, 1d6 creatures that failed their saving throw are affected as if by the dominate person spell. Each such creature treats you as its ruler, obeying your commands and automatically fighting in your defense should anyone attempt to harm you. If you are also attuned to and wearing a headdress of majesty (see Vault Wondrous Items), your charmed subjects have advantage on attack rolls against any creature that attacked you or that cast an obvious spell on you within the last round. The scepter can’t be used this way again until the next dawn.

Second Wind

Ring, common

This plain, copper band holds a clear, spherical crystal. When you run out of breath or are choking, you can use a reaction to activate the ring. The crystal shatters and air fills your lungs, allowing you to continue to hold your breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier (minimum 30 seconds). A shattered crystal magically reforms at the next dawn.

Seelie Staff

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

This white ash staff is decorated with gold and tipped with an uncut crystal of blue quartz. This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff. While holding the staff, you have advantage on Charisma checks made to influence or interact socially with fey creatures.

The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. The staff regains 1d6 + 4 charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff dissolves into a shower of fragrant flower petals, which blow away in a sudden wind.

Rebuke Fey. When you hit a fey creature with a melee attack using the staff, you can expend 1 charge to deal an extra 2d6 radiant damage to the target. If the fey has an evil alignment, the extra damage increases to 4d6, and the target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you until the start of your next turn.

Spells. While holding this staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: charm person (1 charge), conjure woodland beings (4 charges), disguise self (1 charge), pass without trace (2 charges), or tree stride (5 charges). You can also use an action to cast the vicious mockery cantrip from the staff without using any charges.

Serpent Staff

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

Fashioned from twisted ash wood, this staff ’s head is carved in the likeness of a serpent preparing to strike. You have resistance to poison damage while you hold this staff.

The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the carved snake head twists and magically consumes the rest of the staff, destroying it.

Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: cloudkill (5 charges), detect poison and disease (1 charge), poisoned volley* (2 charges), or protection from poison (2 charges). You can also use an action to cast the poison spray spell from the staff without using any charges. Spells marked with an asterisk (*) can be found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition.

Serpent Form. While holding the staff, you can use an action cast polymorph on yourself, transforming into a serpent or snake that has a challenge rating of 2 or lower. While you are in the form of a serpent, you retain your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You can remain in serpent form for up to 1 minute, and you can revert to your normal form as an action. Once used, this property can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Shimmer Ring

Ring, rare (requires attunement)

This ring is crafted of silver with an inlay of mother-of-pearl. While wearing the ring, you can use an action to speak a command word and cause the ring to shed white and sparkling bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The light lasts until you use a bonus action to repeat the command word.

The ring has 6 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 charges daily at dawn.

Bestow Shimmer. While wearing the ring, you can use a bonus action to expend 1 of its charges to charge a weapon you wield with silvery energy until the start of your next turn. When you hit with an attack using the charged weapon, the target takes an extra 1d6 radiant damage.

Shimmering Aura. While wearing the ring, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to surround yourself with a silvery, shimmering aura of light for 1 minute. This bright light extends from you in a 5-foot radius and is sunlight. While you are surrounded in this light, you have resistance to radiant damage.

Shimmering Bolt. While wearing the ring, you can use an action to expend 1 to 3 of its charges to attack one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. The ring produces a bolt of silvery light and makes its attack roll with a +7 bonus. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 radiant damage for each charge you expend.

Signet of the Magister

Ring, rare (requires attunement)

This heavy, gold ring is set with a round piece of carnelian, which is engraved with the symbol of an eagle perched upon a crown. While wearing the ring, you have advantage on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects. You can use an action to touch the ring to a creature—requiring a melee attack roll unless the creature is willing or incapacitated—and magically brand it with the ring’s crest.

When a branded creature harms you, it takes 2d6 psychic damage and must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next turn. On a success, a creature is immune to this property of the ring for the next 24 hours, but the brand remains until removed. You can remove the brand as an action. The remove curse spell also removes the brand. Once you brand a creature, you can’t brand another creature until the next dawn.

Instruments of Law. If you are also attuned to and wearing a Justicar’s mask (see Vault Wondrous Items), you can cast the locate creature to detect a branded creature at will from the ring. If you are also attuned to and carrying a rod of the disciplinarian (see page 83), the psychic damage from the brand increases to 3d6 and the save DC increases to 16.

Slatelight Ring

Ring, rare (requires attunement)

This decorated thick gold band is adorned with a single polished piece of slate. While wearing this ring, you have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, wearing this ring increases its range by 60 feet.

In addition, you can use an action to cast the faerie fire spell (DC 15) from it. The ring can’t be used this way again until the next dawn.

Soldra’s Staff

Staff, uncommon (requires attunement by a wizard)

Crafted by a skilled wizard and meant to be a spellcaster’s last defense, this staff is 5 feet long, made of yew wood that curves at its top, is iron shod at its mid-section, and capped with a silver dragon’s claw that holds a lustrous, though rough and uneven, black pearl. When you make an attack with this staff, it howls and whistles hauntingly like the wind. When you cast a spell from this staff, it chirps like insects on a hot summer night.

This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

It has 3 charges. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: faerie fire (1 charge) or gust of wind (2 charges). The staff regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. Once daily, it can regain 1 expended charge by exposing the staff ’s pearl to moonlight for 1 minute.

Spider Staff

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

Delicate web-like designs are carved into the wood of this twisted staff, which is often topped with the carved likeness of a spider. The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, a swarm of spiders appears and consumes the staff then vanishes.

Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: giant insect (4 charges), spider climb (2 charges), or web (2 charges).

Spider Swarm. While holding the staff, you can use an action and expend 1 charge to cause a swarm of spiders to appear in a space that you can see within 60 feet of you. The swarm is friendly to you and your companions but otherwise acts on its own. The swarm of spiders remains for 1 minute, until you dismiss it as an action, or until you move more than 100 feet away from it.

Splinter Staff

Staff, uncommon

This roughly made staff has cracked and splintered ends and can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff. When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made with this weapon, you embed a splinter in the target’s body, and the pain and discomfort of the splinter is distracting. While the splinter remains embedded, the target has disadvantage on Dexterity, Intelligence, and Wisdom checks, and, if it is concentrating on a spell, it must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns to maintain concentration on the spell. A creature, including the target, can take its action to remove the splinter by succeeding on a DC 13 Wisdom (Medicine) check.

Staff of Binding

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

Made from stout oak with steel bands and bits of chain running its entire length, the staff feels oddly heavy. This staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff constricts in upon itself and is destroyed.

Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: arcane lock (2 charges), hold monster (5 charges), hold person (2 charges), lock armor* (2 charges), or planar binding (5 charges). Spells marked with an asterisk (*) can be found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition.

Unbound. While holding the staff, you can use your reaction to expend 1 charge and gain advantage on a saving throw you make to avoid being paralyzed or restrained.

Staff of Camazotz

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

This staff of petrified wood is topped with a stylized carving of a bat with spread wings, a mouth baring great fangs, and a pair of ruby eyes. It has 10 charges and regains 1d6 + 4 charges daily at dawn. As long as the staff holds at least 1 charge, you can communicate with bats as if you shared a language. Bat and bat-like beasts and monstrosities never attack you unless magically forced to do so or unless you attack them first.

While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: darkness (2 charges), dominate monster (8 charges), or flame strike (5 charges).

Staff of Channeling

Staff, uncommon (requires attunement by a sorcerer or wizard)

This plain, wooden staff has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.

When you cast a spell while holding this staff, you can expend 1 or more of its charges as part of the casting to increase the level of the spell. Expending 1 charge increases the spell’s level by 1, expending 3 charges increases the spell’s level by 2, and expending 5 charges increases the spell’s level by 3.

When you increase a spell’s level using the staff, the spell casts as if you used a spell slot of a higher level, but you don’t expend that higher-level spell slot. You can’t use the magic of this staff to increase a spell to a slot level higher than the highest spell level you can cast. For example, if you are a 7th-level wizard, and you cast magic missile, expending a 2ndlevel spell slot, you can expend 3 of the staff ’s charges to cast the spell as a 4th-level spell, but you can’t expend 5 of the staff ’s charges to cast the spell as a 5th-level spell since you can’t cast 5th-level spells.

Staff of Desolation

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. When you hit an object or structure with a melee attack using the staff, you deal double damage (triple damage on a critical hit).

The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: thunderwave (1 charge), shatter (2 charges), circle of death (6 charges), disintegrate (6 charges), or earthquake (8 charges).

The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff crumbles to dust and is destroyed.

Staff of Dissolution

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

A gray crystal floats in the crook of this twisted staff. The crystal breaks into fragments as it slowly revolves, and those fragments break into smaller pieces then into clouds of dust. In spite of this, the crystal never seems to reduce in size. You have resistance to necrotic damage while you hold this staff.

The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: blight (4 charges), disintegrate (6 charges), or shatter (2 charges).

The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff crumbles to dust.

Staff of Fate

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a bard or cleric)

One half of this staff is crafted of white ash and capped in gold, while the other is ebony and capped in silver. The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff splits into two halves with a resounding crack and becomes nonmagical.

Fortune. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and touch a creature with the gold end of the staff, giving it good fortune. The target can choose to use its good fortune and have advantage on one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. This effect ends after the target has used the good fortune three times or when 24 hours have passed.

Misfortune. While holding the staff, you can use an action to touch a creature with the silver end of the staff. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or have disadvantage on one of the following (your choice): ability checks, attack rolls, or saving throws. If the target fails the saving throw, the staff regains 1 expended charge. This effect lasts until removed by the remove curse spell or until you use an action to expend 1 of its charges and touch the creature with the gold end of the staff.

Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: augury (2 charges), bane (1 charge), bless (1 charge), remove curse (3 charges), or divination (4 charges). You can also use an action to cast the guidance spell from the staff without using any charges.

Staff of Feathers

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

Several eagle feathers line the top of this long, thin staff. The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff explodes into a mass of eagle feathers and is destroyed.

Feather Travel. When you are targeted by a ranged attack while holding the staff, you can use a reaction to teleport up to 10 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see. When you do, you briefly transform into a mass of feathers, and the attack misses. Once used, this property can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: conjure animals (2 giant eagles only, 3 charges), fly (3 charges), or gust of wind (2 charges).

Staff of Giantkin

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, or wizard)

This stout, oaken staff is 7 feet long, bound in iron, and topped with a carving of a broad, thick-fingered hand. While holding this magic quarterstaff, your Strength score is 20. This has no effect on you if your Strength is already 20 or higher. The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the hand slowly clenches into a fist, and the staff becomes a nonmagical quarterstaff.

Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: enhance ability (bear’s endurance or bull’s strength only, 2 charges), enlarge/reduce (enlarge only, 2 charges), or longstrider (1 charge).

Throw Boulder. You can use an action to expend up to 3 of the staff ’s charges to force the staff's hand to grasp an object within 5 feet of you that is no larger than a Small boulder and hurl it at a point you can see within 100 feet of you. Each creature within 5 feet of that point must make a Dexterity saving throw, using your spell save DC. For each charge you expend, a creature takes 1d10 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Staff of Ice and Fire

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

Made from the branch of a white ash tree, this staff holds a sapphire at one end and a ruby at the other. The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: flaming sphere (2 charges), freezing sphere (6 charges), sleet storm (3 charges), or wall of fire (4 charges).

The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff and its gems crumble into ash and snow and are destroyed.

Staff of Master of Monks

Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a fighter or monk)

This plain-looking, wooden staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

The staff has 12 charges and regains 1d6 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff retains its +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, loses all other properties, and the next time you roll a 20 on an attack roll using the staff, it explodes, dealing an extra 6d6 force damage to the target then is destroyed. On a 20, the staff regains 1d10 + 2 charges.

Some of the staff ’s properties require the target to make a saving throw to resist or lessen the property’s effects. The saving throw DC is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.

Bamboo in the Rainy Season. While holding the staff, you can use a bonus action to expend 1 charge to grant the staff the reach property until the start of your next turn.

Gate to the Hell of Being Roasted Alive. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 charge to cast the scorching ray spell from it. When you make the spell’s attacks, you use your Wisdom modifier as your spellcasting ability.

Iron Whirlwind. While holding the staff, you use an action to expend 2 charges, causing weighted chains to extend from the end of the staff and reducing your speed to 0 until the end of your next turn. As part of the same action, you can make one attack with the staff against each creature within your reach. If you roll a 1 on any attack, you must immediately make an attack roll against yourself as well before resolving any other attacks against opponents.

Monkey Steals the Peach. While holding the staff, you can use a bonus action to expend 1 charge to extend sharp, grabbing prongs from the end of the staff. Until the start of your next turn, each time you hit a creature with the staff, the target takes piercing damage instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for the staff, and the target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target is incapacitated until the end of its next turn as it suffers crippling pain. On a success, the target has disadvantage on its next attack roll.

Rebuke the Disobedient Child. When you are hit by a creature you can see within your reach while holding this staff, you can use a reaction to expend 1 charge to make an attack with the staff against the attacker.

Seven Vengeful Demons Death Strike. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 7 charges and make one attack against a target within 5 feet of you with the staff. If the attack hits, the target takes bludgeoning damage as normal, and it must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 7d8 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the target dies from this damage, the staff ceases to function as anything other than a magic quarterstaff until the next dawn, but it regains all expended charges when its powers return. A humanoid killed by this damage rises at the start of your next turn as a zombie that is permanently under your command, following your verbal orders to the best of its ability.

Swamp Hag's Deadly Breath. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 2 charges to expel a 15-foot cone of poisonous gas out of the end of the staff. Each creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 4d6 poison damage and is poisoned for 1 hour. On a success, a creature takes half the damage and isn’t poisoned.

Vaulting Leap of the Clouds. If you are holding the staff and it has at least 1 charge, you can cast the jump spell from it as a bonus action at will without using any charges, but you can target only yourself when you do so.

Staff of Midnight

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

Fashioned from a single branch of polished ebony, this sturdy staff is topped by a lustrous jet. While holding it and in dim light or darkness, you gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws.

This staff has 10 charges. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: circle of death (6 charges), darkness (2 charges), or vampiric touch (3 charges). You can also use an action to cast the chill touch cantrip from the staff without using any charges.

The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dusk. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff crumbles to dark powder and is destroyed.

Staff of Minor Curses

Staff, common

This twisted, wooden staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to inflict a minor curse on a creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be affected by the chosen curse.

A minor curse causes a non-debilitating effect or change in the creature, such as an outbreak of boils on one section of the target’s skin, intermittent hiccupping, transforming the target’s ears into small, donkey-like ears, or similar effects. The curse never interrupts spellcasting and never causes disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, or saving throws. The curse lasts for 24 hours or until removed by the remove curse spell or similar magic.

The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff dissolves into a cloud of noxious gas, and you are targeted with a minor curse of the GM’s choice.

Staff of Portals

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a wizard)

This iron-shod wooden staff is heavily worn, and it can be wielded as a quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. The staff has 10 charges and regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff loses all of its magic and becomes a nonmagical quarterstaff.

While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: arcane lock (2 charges), dimension door (4 charges), knock (2 charges), or passwall (5 charges).

Staff of Scrying

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

This is a graceful, highly polished wooden staff crafted from willow. A crystal ball tops the staff, and smooth gold bands twist around its shaft. This staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: detect thoughts (2 charges), locate creature (4 charges), locate object (2 charges), scrying (5 charges), or true seeing (6 charges).

The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, a bright flash of light erupts from the crystal ball, and the staff vanishes.

Staff of Spores

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a druid)

Mold and mushrooms coat this gnarled wooden staff. The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff rots into tiny clumps of slimy, organic matter and is destroyed.

Mushroom Disguise. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 2 charges to cover yourself and anything you are wearing or carrying with a magical illusion that makes you look like a mushroom for up to 1 hour. You can appear to be a mushroom of any color or shape as long as it is no more than one size larger or smaller than you. This illusion ends early if you move or speak. The changes wrought by this effect fail to hold up to physical inspection. For example, if you appear to have a spongy cap in place of your head, someone touching the cap would feel your face or hair instead. Otherwise, a creature must take an action to visually inspect the illusion and succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check to discern that you are disguised.

Speak with Plants. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cast the speak with plants spell from it.

Spore Cloud. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 3 charges to release a cloud of spores in a 20-foot radius from you. The spores remain for 1 minute, making the area lightly obscured for creatures other than you. The cloud moves with you, remaining centered on you. When a creature, other than you, enters the cloud of spores for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 poison damage and become poisoned until the start of its next turn. A wind of at least 10 miles per hour disperses the spores and ends the effect.

Staff of the Arch-Devil

Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

This tarnished silver staff is tipped with the unholy visage of a fiendish lion skull carved from labradorite—a likeness of a particular arch-devil (see Creature Codex). The staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

While you hold it, you gain a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls.

The staff has 20 charges for the following properties. It regains 2d8 + 4 expended charges daily at dusk. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 20, the staff regains 1d8 + 2 charges. Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: charm person (1 charge), dominate person (5 charges), lightning bolt (3 charges), locate creature (4 charges), locate object (2 charges), magic missile (1 charge), scrying (5 charges), or suggestion (2 charges). You can also use an action to cast one of the following spells from the staff without using any charges: comprehend languages, detect evil and good, detect magic, identify, or message.

Extract Ageless Knowledge. As an action, you can touch the head of the staff to a corpse. You must form a question in your mind as part of this action. If the corpse has an answer to your question, it reveals the information to you. The answer is always brief—no more than one sentence—and very specific to the framed question. The corpse doesn’t need a mouth to answer; you receive the information telepathically.

The corpse knows only what it knew in life, and it is under no compulsion to offer a truthful answer if you are hostile to it or it recognizes you as an enemy. This property doesn’t return the creature’s soul to its body, only its animating spirit. Thus, the corpse can’t learn new information, doesn’t comprehend anything that has happened since it died, and can’t speculate about future events. Once the staff has been used to ask a corpse 5 questions, it can’t be used to extract knowledge from that same corpse again until 3 days have passed.

Staff of the Armada

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a wizard)

This gold-shod staff is constructed out of a piece of masting from a galleon. The staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants you a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While you are on board a ship, this bonus increases to +2.

The staff has 10 charges and regains 1d8 + 2 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff loses all of its magic and becomes a nonmagical quarterstaff.

Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: control water (4 charges), fog cloud (1 charge), gust of wind (2 charges), or water walk (3 charges). You can also use an action to cast the ray of frost cantrip from the staff without using any charges.

Staff of the Artisan

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This simple, wooden staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff vanishes in a flash of light, lost forever.

Create Object. You can use an action to expend 2 charges to conjure an inanimate object in your hand or on the ground in an unoccupied space you can see within 10 feet of you. The object can be no larger than 3 feet on a side and weigh no more than 10 pounds, and its form must be that of a nonmagical object you have seen. You can’t create items that ordinarily require a high degree of craftsmanship, such as jewelry, weapons, glass, or armor, unless you have proficiency with the type of artisan’s tools used to craft such objects. The object sheds dim light in a 5-foot radius. The object disappears after 1 hour, when you use this property again, or if the object takes or deals any damage.

Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: animate objects (5 charges), fabricate (4 charges) or floating disk (1 charge). You can also use an action to cast the mending spell from the staff without using any charges.

Staff of the Cephalopod

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

This ugly staff is fashioned from a piece of gnarled driftwood and is crowned with an octopus carved from brecciated jasper. Its gray and red stone tentacles wrap around the top half of the staff. While holding this staff, you have a swimming speed of 30 feet.

This staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the jasper octopus crumbles to dust, and the staff becomes a nonmagical piece of driftwood.

Spells. While holding this staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: black tentacles (4 charges), conjure animals (only beasts that can breathe water, 3 charges), darkness (2 charges), or water breathing (3 charges).

Ink Cloud. While holding this staff, you can use an action and expend 1 charge to cause an inky, black cloud to spread out in a 30-foot radius from you. The cloud can form in or out of water. The cloud remains for 10 minutes, making the area heavily obscured for creatures other than you. The cloud moves with you, remaining centered on you. A wind of at least 10 miles per hour or a steady current (if underwater) disperses the cloud and ends the effect.

Staff of the Four Winds

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

Made of gently twisting ash and engraved with spiraling runes, the staff feels strangely lighter than its size would otherwise suggest. This staff has 10 charges. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: circle of wind* (1 charge), feather fall (1 charge), gust of wind (2 charges), storm god’s doom* (3 charges), wind tunnel* (1 charge), wind walk (6 charges), wind wall (3 charges), or wresting wind* (2 charges). You can also use an action to cast the wind lash* spell from the staff without using any charges. Spells marked with an asterisk (*) can be found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition. At the GM’s discretion, spells from Deep Magic for 5th Edition can be replaced with other spells of similar levels and similarly related to breezes, wind, or movement.

The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff crumbles into ashes and is taken away with the breeze.

Staff of the Lantern Bearer

Staff, uncommon

An iron hook is affixed to the top of this plain, wooden staff. While holding this staff, you can use an action to cast the light spell from it at will, but the light can emanate only from the staff ’s hook. If a lantern hangs from the staff ’s hook, you gain the following benefits while holding the staff:

  • You can control the light of the lantern, lighting or extinguishing it as a bonus action. The lantern must still have oil, if it requires oil to produce a flame.
  • The lantern’s flame can’t be extinguished by wind or water.
  • If you are a spellcaster, you can use the staff as a spellcasting focus. When you cast a spell that deals fire or radiant damage while using this staff as your spellcasting focus, you gain a +1 bonus to the spell’s attack roll, or the spell’s save DC increases by 1 (your choice).

Staff of the Peaks

Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a druid)

This staff is made of rock crystal yet weighs the same as a wooden staff. The staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While holding it, you gain a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls. In addition, you are immune to the effects of high altitude and severe cold weather, such as hypothermia and frostbite.

The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff shatters into fine stone fragments and is destroyed.

Spells. While holding this staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: control weather (8 charges), fault line* (6 charges), gust of wind (2 charges), ice storm (4 charges), jump (1 charge), snow boulder* (4 charges), or wall of stone (5 charges). Spells marked with an asterisk (*) can be found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition.

Stone Strike. When you hit a creature or object made of stone or earth with this staff, you can expend 5 of its charges to shatter the target. The target must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking an extra 10d6 force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the target is an object that is being worn or carried, the creature wearing or carrying it must make the saving throw, but only the object takes the damage. If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, it shatters and is destroyed.

Staff of the Scion

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a cleric, druid, warlock, or wizard)

This unwholesome staff is crafted of a material that appears to be somewhere between weathered wood and dried meat. It weeps beads of red liquid that are thick and sticky like tree sap but smell of blood. A crystalized yellow eye with a rectangular pupil, like the eye of a goat, sits at its top. You can wield the staff as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the eye liquifies as the staff shrivels and twists into a blackened, smoking ruin and is destroyed.

Ember Cloud. While holding the staff, you can use an action and expend 2 charges to release a cloud of burning embers from the staff. Each creature within 10 feet of you must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The ember cloud remains until the start of your next turn, making the area lightly obscured for creatures other than you. A wind of at least 10 miles per hour disperses the cloud and ends the effect.

Fiery Strike. When you hit with a melee attack using the staff, you can expend 1 charge to deal an extra 2d6 fire damage to the target. If you take fire damage while wielding the staff, you have advantage on attack rolls with it until the end of your next turn. While holding the staff, you have resistance to fire damage.

Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: augury (2 charges), barkskin (2 charges), confusion (4 charges), entangle (1 charge), or wall of fire (4 charges).

Staff of the Treant

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a druid)

This unassuming staff appears to be little more than the branch of a tree. While holding this staff, your skin becomes bark-like, and the hair on your head transforms into a chaplet of green leaves. This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

Nature’s Guardian. While holding this staff, you have resistance to cold and necrotic damage, but you have vulnerability to fire and radiant damage. In addition, you have advantage on attack rolls against aberrations and undead, but you have disadvantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects from fey and plant creatures.

One with the Woods. While holding this staff, your AC can’t be less than 16, regardless of what kind of armor you are wearing, and you can’t be tracked when you travel through terrain with excessive vegetation, such as a forest or grassland.

Tree Friend. While holding this staff, you can use an action to animate a tree you can see within 60 feet of you. The tree uses the statistics of an animated tree and is friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for the tree, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you), as long as they don’t directly harm other trees or the natural world. If you don’t issue any commands to the three, it defends itself from hostile creatures but otherwise takes no actions. Once used, this property can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Venerated Tree. If you spend 1 hour in silent reverence at the base of a Huge or larger tree, you can use an action to plant this staff in the soil above the tree’s roots and awaken the tree as a treant. The treant isn’t under your control, but it regards you as a friend as long as you don’t harm it or the natural world around it. Roll a d20. On a 1, the staff roots into the ground, growing into a sapling, and losing its magic.

Otherwise, after you awaken a treant with this staff, you can’t do so again until 30 days have passed.

**Staff of the Unhatched
Staff, uncommon (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

This staff carved from a burnt ash tree is topped with an unhatched dragon’s (see Creature Codex) skull. This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff.

The staff has 5 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dusk. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff crumbles to dust and is destroyed.

Necrotic Strike. When you hit with a melee attack using the staff, you can expend 1 charge to deal an extra 1d8 necrotic damage to the target.

Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 charge to cast bane or protection from evil and good from it using your spell save DC. You can also use an action to cast one of the following spells from the staff without using any charges, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: chill touch or minor illusion.

Staff of the White Necromancer

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a cleric, sorcerer, or wizard of a non-evil alignment)

Crafted from polished bone, this strange staff is carved with numerous arcane symbols and mystical runes. The staff has 10 charges. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: false life (1 charge), gentle repose (2 charges), heartstop* (2 charges), death ward (4 charges), raise dead (5 charges), revivify (3 charges), shared sacrifice* (2 charges), or speak with dead (3 charges). You can also use an action to cast the bless the dead* or spare the dying spell from the staff without using any charges. Spells marked with an asterisk (*) can be found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition.

The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the bone staff crumbles to dust.

Staff of Thorns

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

This gnarled and twisted oak staff has numerous thorns growing from its surface. Green vines tightly wind their way up along the shaft. The staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the thorns immediately fall from the staff and it becomes a nonmagical quarterstaff.

Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: barkskin (2 charges), entangle (1 charge), speak with plants (3 charges), spike growth (2 charges), or wall of thorns (6 charges).

Thorned Strike. When you hit with a melee attack using the staff, you can expend up to 3 of its charges. For each charge you expend, the target takes an extra 1d6 piercing damage.

Staff of Voices

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a bard, cleric, druid, warlock, or wizard)

The length of this wooden staff is carved with images of mouths whispering, speaking, and screaming. This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff. While holding this staff, you can’t be deafened, and you can act normally in areas where sound is prevented, such as in the area of a silence spell. Any creature that is not deafened can hear your voice clearly from up to 1,000 feet away if you wish them to hear it.

The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the mouths carved into the staff give a collective sigh and close, and the staff becomes a nonmagical quarterstaff.

Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: divine word (7 charges), magic mouth (2 charges), speak with animals (1 charge), speak with dead (3 charges), speak with plants (3 charges), or word of recall (6 charges). You can also use an action to cast the vicious mockery cantrip from the staff without using any charges.

Thunderous Shout. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 charge and release a chorus of mighty shouts in a 15-foot cone from it. Each creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 2d8 thunder damage and is deafened for 1 minute. On a success, a creature takes half the damage and is deafened until the end of its next turn. A deafened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Staff of Winter and Ice

Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

This pure white, pine staff is topped with an ornately faceted shard of ice. The entire staff is cold to the touch. You have resistance to cold damage while you hold this staff.

The staff has 20 charges for the following properties. It regains 2d8 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff retains its resistance to cold damage but loses all other properties. On a 20, the staff regains 1d8 + 2 charges.

Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: Boreas’s breath* (2 charges), cone of cold (5 charges), curse of Boreas* (6 charges), ice storm (4 charges), flurry* (1 charge), freezing fog* (3 charges), freezing sphere (6 charges), frostbite* (5 charges), frozen razors* (3 charges), gliding step* (1 charge), sleet storm (3 charges), snow boulder* (4 charges), triumph of ice* (7 charges), or wall of ice (6 charges). You can also use an action to cast the chill touch or ray of frost spell from the staff without using any charges. Spells marked with an asterisk (*) can be found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition. At the GM’s discretion, spells from Deep Magic for 5th Edition can be replaced with other spells of similar levels and similarly related to ice, snow, or wintry weather.

Retributive Strike. You can use an action to break the staff over your knee or against a solid surface, performing a retributive strike. The staff is destroyed and releases its remaining magic in an explosion that expands to fill a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on it.

You have a 50 percent chance to instantly travel to a random plane of existence, avoiding the explosion. If you fail to avoid the effect, you take cold damage equal to 16 × the number of charges in the staff. Every other creature in the area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes an amount of cold damage based on how far away it is from the point of origin as shown in the following table. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage.

Distance from Origin Damage
10 ft. away or closer 8 × the number of charges in the staff
11 to 20 ft. away 6 × the number of charges in the staff
21 to 30 ft. away 4 × the number of charges in the staff

Stone Staff

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

Sturdy and smooth, this impressive staff is crafted from solid stone. Most stone staves are crafted by dwarf mages and few ever find their way into nondwarven hands. The staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: earthskimmer* (4 charges), entomb* (6 charges), flesh to stone (6 charges), meld into stone (3 charges), stone shape (4 charges), stoneskin (4 charges), or wall of stone (5 charges). You can also use an action to cast the pummelstone* or true strike spell from the staff without using any charges. Spells marked with an asterisk (*) can be found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition. The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, hundreds of cracks appear across the staff’s surface and it crumbles into tiny bits of stone.

Stonedrift Staff

Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

This staff is fashioned from petrified wood and crowned with a raw chunk of lapis lazuli veined with gold. The staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff.

The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff crumbles to dust and is destroyed.

Spells. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: animate objects (only stone objects, 5 charges), earthquake (8 charges), passwall (only stone surfaces, 5 charges), or stone shape (4 charges).

Elemental Speech. You can speak and understand Primordial while holding this staff.

Favor of the Earthborn. While holding the staff, you have advantage on Charisma checks made to influence earth elementals or other denizens of the Plane of Earth.

Stone Glide. If the staff has at least 1 charge, you have a burrowing speed equal to your walking speed, and you can burrow through earth and stone while holding this staff. While doing so, you don’t disturb the material you move through.

Stygian Crook

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

This staff of gnarled, rotted wood ends in a hooked curvature like a twisted shepherd’s crook. The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: bestow curse (3 charges), blight (4 charges), contagion (5 charges), false life (1 charge), or hallow (5 charges). The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dusk. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff turns to live maggots and is destroyed.

Umbral Band

Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)

This blackened steel ring is cold to the touch. While wearing this ring, you have darkvision out to a range of 30 feet, and you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks while in an area of dim light or darkness.

Umbral Staff

Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

Made of twisted darkwood and covered in complex runes and sigils, this powerful staff seems to emanate darkness. You have resistance to radiant damage while you hold this staff.

The staff has 20 charges for the following properties. It regains 2d8 + 4 expended charges daily at midnight. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff retains its ability to cast the claws of darkness*, douse light*, and shadow blindness* spells but loses all other properties. On a 20, the staff regains 1d8 + 2 charges.

Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: become nightwing* (6 charges), black hand* (4 charges), black ribbons* (1 charge), black well* (6 charges), cloak of shadow* (1 charge), darkvision (2 charges), darkness (2 charges), dark dementing* (5 charges), dark path* (2 charges), darkbolt* (2 charges), encroaching shadows* (6 charges), night terrors* (4 charges), shadow armor* (1 charge), shadow hands* (1 charge), shadow puppets* (2 charges), or slither* (2 charges). You can also use an action to cast the claws of darkness*, douse light*, or shadow blindness* spell from the staff without using any charges.

Spells marked with an asterisk (*) can be found in Deep Magic for 5th Edition. At the GM’s discretion, spells from Deep Magic for 5th Edition can be replaced with other spells of similar levels and similarly related to darkness, shadows, or terror.

Retributive Strike. You can use an action to break the staff over your knee or against a solid surface, performing a retributive strike. The staff is destroyed and releases its remaining magic in an explosion of darkness (as the darkness spell) that expands to fill a 30-foot‑radius sphere centered on it.

You have a 50 percent chance to instantly travel to the Plane of Shadow, avoiding the explosion. If you fail to avoid the effect, you take necrotic damage equal to 16 × the number of charges in the staff.

Every other creature in the area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes an amount of damage based on how far away it is from the point of origin as shown in the following table. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage.

Distance from Origin Damage
10 ft. away or closer 8 × the number of charges in the staff
11 to 20 ft. away 6 × the number of charges in the staff
21 to 30 ft. away 4 × the number of charges in the staff

Unseelie Staff

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

This ebony staff is decorated in silver and topped with a jagged piece of obsidian. This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff. While holding the staff, you have advantage on Charisma checks made to influence or interact socially with fey creatures.

The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. The staff regains 1d6 + 4 charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff dissolves into a shower of powdery snow, which blows away in a sudden, chill wind.

Rebuke Fey. When you hit a fey creature with a melee attack using the staff, you can expend 1 charge to deal an extra 2d6 necrotic damage to the target. If the fey has a good alignment, the extra damage increases to 4d6, and the target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you until the start of your next turn.

Spells. While holding this staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: charm person (1 charge), conjure woodland beings (4 charges), confusion (4 charges), invisibility (2 charges), or teleport (7 charges). You can also use an action to cast the vicious mockery cantrip from the staff without using any charges.


Ring, legendary (requires attunement)

This band of tarnished silver bears no ornament or inscription, but it is icy cold to the touch. The patches of dark corrosion on the ring constantly, but subtly, move and change; though, this never occurs while anyone observes the ring.

While wearing Voidwalker, you gain the benefits of a ring of free action and a ring of resistance (cold). It has the following additional properties.

Forbidden Lore. Voidwalker knows a great deal about esoteric and dark topics, and grants you the following skill modifiers: Arcana +8, History +8, Religion +8.

Necrotic Absorption. When you would take necrotic damage, you can use your reaction to absorb the damage instead. You regain hit points equal to the necrotic damage you would have otherwise taken.

Void Step. You can use the ring to cast misty step at will. Instead of a puff of mist, you fade and reappear in a black smear in the air.

Sentience. Voidwalker is a sentient neutral evil ring with an Intelligence of 14, a Wisdom of 12, and a Charisma of 16. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. The ring communicates telepathically with its wearer and can also speak Abyssal, Common, Infernal, and Void Speech. It constantly whispers suggestions for its wearer to find new pathways to the void, often as a means to solve any problem or dilemma the wearer faces.

Personality. Voidwalker is an obsequious thing that takes great pains to cater to the desires of its wearer.

It comports itself as an advisor, majordomo, or other high-ranking servant. In truth, its purpose is to return to the void and to take a mortal “master” with it. Conflict arises if its wearer tries to seal a breach or gateway into the void or to discard the ring.

The ring is clever and knows that most mortals want nothing to do with the void directly. It also knows that most of the creatures with strength enough to claim it will end up in dire straits sooner or later. It doesn’t overplay its hand trying to push a master to take a plunge into the depths of the void, but instead makes itself as indispensable as possible. It provides counsel and protection, all the while subtly pushing its master to take greater and greater risks.

Once it’s maneuvered its wearer into a position of desperation, generally on the brink of death, Voidwalker offers a way out. If the master accepts, it opens a gate into the void, most likely sealing the creature’s doom.

Wand of Accompaniment

Wand, very rare (requires attunement)

Tiny musical notes have been etched into the sides of this otherwise plain, wooden wand. It has 7 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand disintegrates with a small bang.

Dance. While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend 3 charges to cast the irresistible dance spell (save DC 17) from it. If the target is in the area of the Song property of this wand, it has disadvantage on the saving throw.

Song. While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend 1 charge to cause the area within a 30-foot radius of you to fill with music for 1 minute. The type of music played is up to you, but it is performed flawlessly. Each creature in the area that can hear the music has advantage on saving throws against being deafened and against spells and effects that deal thunder damage.

Wand of Air Glyphs

Wand, common

While holding this thin, metal wand, you can use action to cause the tip to glow. When you wave the glowing wand in the air, it leaves a trail of light behind it, allowing you to write or draw on the air. Whatever letters or images you make hang in the air for 1 minute before fading away.

Wand of Bristles

Wand, rare (requires attunement)

This wand is made from the bristles of a giant boar bound together with magical, silver thread. It weighs 1 pound and is 8 inches long. The wand has a strong boar musk scent to it, which is difficult to mask and is noticed by any creature within 10 feet of you that possesses the Keen Smell trait. The wand is comprised of 10 individual bristles, and as long as the wand has 1 bristle, it regrows 2 bristles daily at dawn. While holding the wand, you can use your action to remove bristles to cause one of the following effects.

Ghostly Charge (3 bristles). You toss the bristles toward one creature you can see. A phantom giant boar charges 30 feet toward the creature. If the phantom’s path connects with the creature, the target must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d8 force damage and be knocked prone.

Truffle (2 bristles). You plant the bristles in the ground to conjure up a magical truffle. Consuming the mushroom restores 2d8 hit points.

Wand of Depth Detection

Wand, common

This simple wooden wand has 7 charges and regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 charge and point it at a body of water or other liquid. You learn the liquid’s deepest point or its average depth (your choice). In addition, you can use an action to expend 1 charge while you are submerged in a liquid to determine how far you are beneath the liquid's surface.

Wand of Direction

Wand, common

This crooked, twisting wand is crafted of polished ebony with a small, silver arrow affixed to its tip. The wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can expend 1 charge as an action to make the wand remember your path for up to 1,760 feet of movement. You can increase the length of the path the wand remembers by 1,760 feet for each additional charge you expend. When you expend a charge to make the wand remember your current path, the wand forgets the oldest path of up to 1,760 feet that it remembers.

If you wish to retrace your steps, you can use a bonus action to activate the wand’s arrow. The arrow guides you, pointing and mentally tugging you in the direction you should go. The wand’s magic allows you to backtrack with complete accuracy despite being lost, unable to see, or similar hindrances against finding your way. The wand can’t counter or dispel magic effects that cause you to become lost or misguided, but it can guide you back in spite of some magic hindrances, such as guiding you through the area of a darkness spell or guiding you if you had activated the wand then forgotten the way due to the effects of the modify memory spell on you.

The wand regains all expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a roll of 1, the wand straightens and the arrow falls off, rendering it nonmagical.

Wand of Drowning

Wand, very rare

This wand appears to be carved from the bones of a large fish, which have been cemented together. The wand has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.

While holding this wand, you can use an action to expend 1 charge to cause a thin stream of seawater to spray toward a creature you can see within 60 feet of you. If the target can breathe only air, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or its lungs fill with rancid seawater and it begins drowning. A drowning creature chokes for a number of rounds equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the start of its turn after its choking ends, the creature drops to 0 hit points and is dying, and it can’t regain hit points or be stabilized until it can breathe again. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check removes the seawater from the drowning creature’s lungs, ending the effect.

Wand of Extinguishing

Wand, common

This charred and blackened wooden wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to extinguish a nonmagical flame within 10 feet of you that is no larger than a small campfire. The wand regains all expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand transforms into a wand of ignition.

Wand of Fermentation

Wand, uncommon

Fashioned out of oak, this wand appears heavily stained by an unknown liquid. The wand has 7 charges and regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand explodes in a puff of black smoke and is destroyed.

While holding the wand, you can use an action and expend 1 or more of its charges to transform nonmagical liquid, such as blood, apple juice, or water, into an alcoholic beverage. For each charge you expend, you transform up to 1 gallon of nonmagical liquid into an equal amount of beer, wine, or other spirit. The alcohol transforms back into its original form if it hasn’t been consumed within 24 hours of being transformed.

Wand of Flame Control

Wand, common

This wand is fashioned from a branch of pine, stripped of bark and beaded with hardened resin. The wand has 3 charges. If you use the wand as an arcane focus while casting a spell that deals fire damage, you can expend 1 charge as part of casting the spell to increase the spell’s damage by 1d4.

In addition, while holding the wand, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cause one of the following effects:

  • Change the color of any flames within 30 feet.
  • Cause a single flame to burn lower, halving the range of light it sheds but burning twice as long.
  • Cause a single flame to burn brighter, doubling the range of the light it sheds but halving its duration.

The wand regains all expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand bursts into flames and burns to ash in seconds.

Wand of Giggles

Wand, common

This wand is tipped with a feather. The wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and point the wand at a humanoid you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 10 Charisma saving throw or be forced to giggle for 1 minute. Giggling doesn’t prevent a target from taking actions or moving.

The wand regains all expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand transforms into a wand of tears.

Wand of Guidance

Wand, common

This slim, metal wand is topped with a cage shaped like a three-sided pyramid. An eye of glass sits within the pyramid. The wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cast the guidance spell from it. The wand regains all expended charges at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand transforms into a wand of resistance.

Wand of Harrowing

Wand, rare (requires attunement)

The tips of this twisted wooden wand are exceptionally withered. The wand has 7 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand disintegrates into useless white powder.

Affliction. While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend 1 charge to cause a creature you can see within 60 feet of you to become afflicted with unsightly, weeping sores. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage on all Dexterity and Charisma checks for 1 minute. An afflicted creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Pain. While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend 3 charges to cause a creature you can see within 60 feet of you to become wracked with terrible pain. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 4d6 necrotic damage, and its movement speed is halved for 1 minute. A pained creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself a success. If the target is also suffering from the Affliction property of this wand, it has disadvantage on the saving throw.

Wand of Ignition

Wand, common

The cracks in this charred and blackened wooden wand glow like live coals, but the wand is merely warm to the touch. The wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to set fire to one flammable object or collection of material (a stack of paper, a pile of kindling, or similar) within 10 feet of you that is Small or smaller. The wand regains all expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand transforms into a wand of extinguishing.

Wand of Plant Destruction

Wand, rare (requires attunement)

This wand of petrified wood has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend up to 3 of its charges to harm a plant or plant creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 2d8 necrotic damage for each charge you expended on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand shatters and is destroyed.

Wand of Relieved Burdens

Wand, uncommon

This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and touch a creature with the wand. If the creature is blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, or stunned, the condition is removed from the creature and transferred to you. You suffer the condition for the remainder of its duration or until it is removed.

The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles to dust and is destroyed.

Wand of Resistance

Wand, common

This slim, wooden wand is topped with a small, spherical cage, which holds a pyramid-shaped piece of hematite. The wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cast the resistance spell. The wand regains all expended charges at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand transforms into a wand of guidance.

Wand of Revealing

Wand, uncommon

Crystal beads decorate this wand, and a silver hand, index finger extended, caps it. The wand has 3 charges and regains all expended charges daily at dawn. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of the wand’s charges to reveal one creature or object within 120 feet of you that is either invisible or ethereal. This works like the see invisibility spell, except it allows you to see only that one creature or object. That creature or object remains visible as long as it remains within 120 feet of you. If more than one invisible or ethereal creature or object is in range when you use the wand, it reveals the nearest creature or object, revealing invisible creatures or objects before ethereal ones.

Wand of Tears

Wand, common

The top half of this wooden wand is covered in thorns. The wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and point the wand at a humanoid you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 10 Charisma saving throw or be forced to cry for 1 minute. Crying doesn’t prevent a target from taking actions or moving. The wand regains all expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand transforms into a wand of giggles.

Wand of the Timekeeper

Wand, rare (requires attunement)

This smoothly polished wooden wand is perfectly balanced in the hand. Its grip is wrapped with supple leather strips, and its length is decorated with intricate arcane symbols. When you use it while playing a drum, you have advantage on Charisma (Performance) checks. The wand has 5 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d4 + 1 charges daily at dawn.

Erratic. While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend 2 charges to force one creature you can see to re-roll its initiative at the end of each of its turns for 1 minute. An unwilling creature that succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw is unaffected.

Synchronize. While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend 1 charge to choose one creature you can see who has not taken its turn this round. That creature takes its next turn immediately after yours regardless of its turn in the Initiative order. An unwilling creature that succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw is unaffected.

Wand of Treasure Finding

Wand, rare (requires attunement)

This wand is adorned with gold and silver inlay and topped with a faceted crystal. The wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action and expend 1 charge to speak its command word. For 1 minute, you know the direction and approximate distance of the nearest mass or collection of precious metals or minerals within 60 feet. You can concentrate on a specific metal or mineral, such as silver, gold, or diamonds. If the specific metal or mineral is within 60 feet, you are able to discern all locations in which it is found and the approximate amount in each location. The wand’s magic can penetrate most barriers, but it is blocked by 3 feet of wood or dirt, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, or a thin sheet of lead. The effect ends if you stop holding the wand.

The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand turns to lead and becomes nonmagical.

Wand of Vapors

Wand, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

Green gas swirls inside this slender, glass wand. The wand has 7 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand shatters into hundreds of crystalline fragments, and the gas within it dissipates.

Fog Cloud. While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast the fog cloud spell from it. For 1 charge, you cast the 1st-level version of the spell. You can increase the spell slot level by one for each additional charge you expend.

Gaseous Escape. When you are attacked while holding this wand, you can use your reaction to expend 3 of its charges to transform yourself and everything you are wearing and carrying into a cloud of green mist until the start of your next turn. While you are a cloud of green mist, you have resistance to nonmagical damage, and you can’t be grappled or restrained. While in this form, you also can’t talk or manipulate objects, any objects you were wearing or holding can’t be dropped, used, or otherwise interacted with, and you can’t attack or cast spells.

Wand of Windows

Wand, common

This clear, crystal wand has 3 charges. You can use an action to expend 1 charge and touch the wand to any nonmagical object. The wand causes a portion of the object, up to 1-foot square and 6 inches deep, to become transparent for 1 minute. The effect ends if you stop holding the wand.

The wand regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand slowly becomes cloudy until it is completely opaque and becomes nonmagical.

Webbed Staff

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

This staff is carved of ebony and wrapped in a net of silver wire. While holding it, you can’t be caught in webs of any sort and can move through webs as if they were difficult terrain. This staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, spidersilk surrounds the staff in a cocoon then quickly unravels itself and the staff, destroying the staff.

Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: black tentacles (the tentacles appear as large strands of gray webbing, 4 charges), spider climb (2 charges), or web (2 charges).

Web Shot. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to shoot a wad of webbing at a target you can see within 60 feet of you. Make a ranged spell attack, using your spellcasting ability. On a hit, the target is restrained by webbing. As an action, the restrained target can make a Strength check against your spell save DC, bursting the webbing on a success. The webbing can also be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; vulnerability to fire damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage).

Wolfbite Ring

Ring, rare (requires attunement)

This heavy iron ring is adorned with the stylized head of a snarling wolf. The ring has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.

When you make a melee weapon attack while wearing this ring, you can use a bonus action to expend 1 of the ring’s charges to deal an extra 2d6 piercing damage to the target. Then, the target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Zipline Ring

Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)

This plain gold ring features a magnificent ruby. While wearing the ring, you can use an action to cause a crimson zipline of magical force to extend from the gem in the ring and attach to up to two solid surfaces you can see. Each surface must be within 150 feet of you. Once the zipline is connected, you can use a bonus action to magically travel up to 50 feet along the line between the two surfaces. You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn’t exceed what you can carry.

While the zipline is active, you remain suspended within 5 feet of the line, floating off the ground at least 3 inches, and you can’t move more than 5 feet away from the zipline. When you magically travel along the line, you don’t provoke opportunity attacks. The hand wearing the ring must be pointed at the line when you magically travel along it, but you otherwise can act normally while the zipline is active. You can use a bonus action to end the zipline.

When the zipline has been active for a total of 1 minute, the ring’s magic ceases to function until the next dawn.

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