Training in the Tinkerer martial sphere teaches you how to quickly and efficiently use tools and materials to build constructs, gadgets, and wonderful machines. Depending on the nature of your setting, these could be clockwork contraptions, gnomish machines, alchemical wonders, a form of applied magic powered by charged crystals, or even advanced super-science born from the fevered dreams of mad scientists; such decisions do not change the nature of the sphere, and are between you and the Game Master.
When you gain the Tinkerer sphere, you gain proficiency with tinker’s tools and gain one (gadget) talent of your choice.
If you are already proficient with the tinker’s tools, you instead gain an additional Tinkerer talent of your choice.
Gadgets. (Gadget) talents describe items you can create if you have that talent. Gadgets that allow a saving throw use your sphere DC.
So long as you have tinker’s tools and are proficient, you are assumed to have all the tools and materials required to create gadgets. Gadgets are finicky things and require constant attention to stay working; you cannot have more gadgets created at one time than a number equal to your proficiency bonus + the number of Tinkerer sphere talents you possess. You may create up to your maximum number as part of a short or long rest.
It is relatively easy (DC 5 Intelligence check) to recognize the unstable and impermanent nature of these gadgets, so typically they have no monetary value; a potential buyer who fails their Intelligence check assumes they are a standard item of their type (if applicable), or are a mundane item worth no more than 10 gp.
A creature must be holding a gadget to activate it. Activating a gadget is considered interacting with an object, although some gadgets include other action costs as well.
Complexity. Some gadgets are particularly complex, counting as 2 or even 3 gadgets against your total. Each gadget possesses a complexity score, which details how many gadgets it counts as towards your total.
Gadget Proficiency. With the exception of gadgets that are considered weapons, you are proficient with any gadget you possess the talent to create. Others in your party are not proficient, but can use gadgets without issue if you’ve shown them how they work. Other creatures, however, consider gadgets alien technology (requiring a number of successes equal to 1 + the gadget’s complexity).
Accessory Talents. In addition to gadgets, some talents are labeled (accessory). Accessories are gadgets that attach themselves to other gadgets or pieces of equipment, expanding the item’s versatility. Attaching a gadget to an item requires an action or bonus action.
Consumable. Some gadgets are labeled (consumable). These gadgets can only be used once. You may grant it additional uses at a cost of +1 complexity per use.
Alien Technology
In order to determine how alien technology works, a character must succeed on a number of Intelligence checks based on the complexity of the item. GMs should consider making the item break if a character fails four or more times before taking a long rest. A character who has seen an item used or has operated a similar item has advantage on Intelligence checks made to figure out its use.
Figuring Out Alien Technology
Int. Check Total | Result |
9 or lower | One failure; one charge is wasted, if applicable; character has disadvantage on next check |
10-14 | One failure |
15-19 | One success |
20 or higher | One success; character has advantage on next check |
Tinkerer Basic Talents
Accessory Talents
Battery (accessory, gadget)
You may create a gadget that can attach to a consumable gadget. Only one battery can be attached to an individual gadget at a time. A battery is created possessing a number of charges equal to your key ability modifier (minimum 1). Consumable gadgets may spend a charge from the battery in place of one of its limited uses.
Footwear Improvement (accessory, gadget)
You may modify an existing set of footwear with a gadget, such as boots that are part of a clothing outfit or armored boots from a suit of armor. You can grant multiple benefits to the same footwear; each granted mode counts as a separate gadget for the purpose of complexity.
Only one mode can be active at a time. Activating, deactivating, or changing a mode is considered interacting with an object.
Inflatable Shoes. The boots have a water-walking mode. While active, the wearer’s land speed is reduced by half, but they may walk on liquid as if it were solid.
Magnetic Shoes. The boots have a magnetic mode. While active, the wearer’s land speed is reduced by half, but they may walk on metal surfaces such as metal walls and ceilings as easily as if they were ground.
Motorized Steps. The boots have a runner’s mode. While active, the wearer’s land speed is increased by 10 feet.
Retractable Flippers. The boots have a swimmer’s mode. While active, the wearer moves at half speed while on land but can move at their full speed while swimming.
Retractable Toe Claws. The boots have a climber’s mode. While active, the wearer moves at half speed while walking or running but can move at their full speed while climbing.
Rocket Boots. (consumable) The boots have a flyer’s mode. While active, the wearer’s land speed is reduced by half, but they gain a 15-foot fly speed for 1 minute. If activated in the middle of a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, this grants advantage to that check.
Integrated Weapon (accessory, gadget)
You may create a gadget that attaches two objects together, such as two weapons or a weapon and a shield, such that wielding one means wielding the other. If either item requires two hands to wield or has the heavy quality, the entire combined item also requires two hands or cannot be wielded by Small creatures. Attaching or detaching an object to or from the gadget counts as interacting with an object.
For +1 complexity each, you can integrate one additional object into the gadget.
Melee Weapon Improvement (accessory, gadget)
Balanced Grip. The weapon gains one of the following benefits:
- Heavy weapons are treated as not possessing that weapon property.
- One-handed weapons that lack the light property are treated as possessing that weapon property.
- Light weapons that lack the finesse property are treated as possessing that weapon property.
Enhanced Damage. The weapon counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance.
Weighted Edge. (consumable) The weapon deals an additional +1d4 damage for 1 minute.
Ranged Weapon Improvement (accessory, gadget)
Ammo Spitter. (complexity 2) This gadget attaches to a single weapon with the ammunition property. Activating this gadget provides the attached weapon with a ready supply of ammunition. This gadget does not modify the actions necessary to load ammunition into the attached weapon, and this ammunition is always destroyed after an attack whether or not it hits the target.
This gadget cannot provide ammunition to unusually large ranged weapons such as siege weapons, nor can it create exotic ammunition for alien technology (weapons outside the setting’s era). Using burst fire (or another weapon property or ability that requires spending 5 or more rounds of ammunition in a single attack) causes this gadget to deactivate after the attack.
Far-sight Scope. The range of the weapon (both normal and long) doubles.
Pressurized Shot. You may spend an action to build up pressure within the shot. The next attack made with the weapon within 1 minute deals an additional 1d10 damage.
Speed Lever. This can only be attached to a weapon with the loading property. The loading property on the weapon now allows for up to 2 attacks per round instead of 1. For an additional +1 complexity, the weapon ignores the loading property altogether.
Shield Improvement (accessory, gadget)
You may create any of the following gadgets, which can be attached to a shield.
Dispenser. The shield can store up to 2 objects that can be held in one hand. You count as holding the object in your hand while wearing the shield.
You can’t use this to make an attack with a weapon contained in the shield, but you can use it to drink a potion when your hands are full, hold an extra throwing weapon (so long as your other hand is free to throw that weapon), etc. Reloading a dispenser is an action, but drawing from the dispenser doesn’t even count as interacting with an object. For +1 complexity each, you can increase the number of stored objects by 2.
Expanding. The shield has a wall mode. As an action, you may expand the shield to create a 5 ft. wide wall that provides three-quarter’s cover to anyone behind it (granting a +5 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws). You cannot move the wall while it is expanded and must either release the shield or return it to normal as an object interaction before moving.
Magnetized. (complexity 2) If something attacks the wearer of this shield with a metal melee weapon and misses, the wielder may make a disarm check against them as a reaction.
Suit Improvement (accessory, gadget)
You may create a series of gadgets that augment an existing outfit, such as a set of Armor:
Air Bladder. (consumable) The suit grants its wearer 1 hour of breathable air, which can be used to breath underwater, avoid the effects of gases, etc., switching to and from the air bladder’s air counts as interacting with an object.
Camouflage. (consumable) You may activate this suit to count as lightly obscured for 1 minute. While active, you can make Stealth checks to Hide even if observed.
Parachute. (consumable) The suit has a parachute that can be activated as a reaction when falling. The wearer falls only 60 feet per round and takes no falling damage.
Slick Materials. The suit grants its wearer advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made to resist or escape a grapple.
Weapon Damage Pack (accessory, gadget)
You create an attachable gadget that changes the damage dealt by an existing weapon. If attached to a non-thrown ranged weapon (such as a crossbow), the gadget is applied to the weapon’s ammunition. If attached to a consumable weapon (such as an acid flask), the gadget breaks after use.
This gadget has a complexity determined by the damage type selected.
- Complexity 1: Bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage
- Complexity 2: Acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison damage
- Complexity 3: Necrotic, psychic, radiant, or thunder damage
Gadget Talents
Artillerist Gadgets (gadget)
You may craft any of the following gadgets:
Detonator. A detonator is a consumable hand-held object that must be set (considered interacting with an object), after which it explodes after a set amount of time (1 round, 1 minute, 10 minutes, or 1 hour) chosen at the time of activation.
You may throw the detonator up to 60 feet as an action. When a detonator explodes, it is destroyed and deals 1d6 fire damage, +1d6 at 5th (2d6), 11th (3d6), and 17th level (4d6), to anything within 5 feet of it. Targets are allowed a Dexterity saving throw for half damage. Additionally, when you set a detonator, you can attach a poison or alchemical item to the detonator as part of the same action, such as an alchemist’s fire, flash powder, or others. When the detonator explodes, any creature who fails their Dexterity saving throw is also affected by the alchemical item or poison. You may use your Potency from the Alchemy sphere to increase the DC of an item you use, but doing so will have no other mechanical effect on the poison or alchemical item. If you have a Remote Control gadget, you can use a reaction to cause a detonator within signal range to immediately explode.
- Complexity 2: You are no longer limited to attaching only alchemical items or poisons to the detonator. You can now instead attach magical consumables, including magic dusts, oils, potions, and scrolls.
Hook and Pulley. A hook and pulley must be held in one hand to use. The wearer can pick up objects up to 30 feet away that they could easily hold in one hand. The object moves to the wearer’s hand in a straight line, and if it would pass within the natural reach of a creature, they may attempt a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check against your Sphere DC as a reaction to grab the object as it passes by. You may also use a hook and pulley to perform a rope swing.
- Complexity 2: You may make a hook and pulley that attaches to a belt or wrist, meaning it can be used without being held in one hand. You may also create a hook and pulley that can allow you to, when performing a rope swing, travel up to the location where it is attached.
- Complexity 3: You can make a hook and pulley with both complexity 2 options.
Launcher. The launcher must be held in one hand to use, with the object to be thrown held in the other. So long as you are holding a launcher, you double the distance you can throw an object, including a thrown weapon.
- Complexity 2: You may make a launcher that attaches to a wrist or belt, in which case it can be used without being held in one hand.
Battery (accessory, gadget)
You may create a gadget that can attach to a consumable gadget. Only one battery can be attached to an individual gadget at a time. A battery is created possessing a number of charges equal to your key ability modifier (minimum 1). Consumable gadgets may spend a charge from the battery in place of one of its limited uses.
Collapsible Weapons (gadget)
You may create a gadget that functions as any simple or martial weapon but can fold down into a tiny, unassuming hand-held object (or even a ring or bracelet, in the case of a light weapon) as part of another action (much like drawing a weapon as part of an attack). Unless a creature spends actions to purposefully hide the gadget with a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, a folded-down weapon is only considered passively hidden using your sphere DC and can be discovered with passive Intelligence (Investigation).
Complexity 2: The weapon’s minimum damage dice roll becomes equal to your proficiency bonus (maximum: the dice’s highest number).
Complexity 2: Whenever you fold down the weapon out of view of others, you can hide the weapon as part of the same action. Finding the hidden gadget requires either a Wisdom (Perception) check or an Intelligence (Investigation) check; Either check is made with disadvantage against your sphere DC +5. A successful check reveals the hidden gadget.
Communication Gadgets (gadget)
You may craft any of the following gadgets:
Correspondence Device. You create a number of handheld devices equal to your proficiency bonus. Anyone holding one device can speak to and hear anyone else holding another device. Multiple sets of correspondence device gadgets (whether crafted by you or others) may be synced up to communicate together as if they were all from the same set, so long as all users are aware, willing, and within range. The correspondence device’s range is 2 miles over flat terrain, but this range is halved in forests or hills and quartered in mountainous terrain or through water.
Cryptology Device. You create a set of 2 encryption/decryption devices. So long as someone is using one such device, they can encrypt a message they write or speak, such that it is only understandable by someone using the other device. Multiple sets of cryptology gadgets (whether crafted by yourself or a different practitioner) may be calibrated to use the same coding, provided they are all done so by the same person at the same time.
Adapting Correspondence Devices to the Setting
GMs and players are encouraged to be creative when explaining how a Tinkerer sphere gadget functions based upon the setting. Below are a couple of mere examples of how the Correspondence Device may be tailored to fit a specific power source:
- Alchemy powered gadgets: Each of half of the pair of devices contains an alchemically created ooze that is sympathetic to the other, responding to actions performed by its counterparts.
- Clockwork powered gadgets: Each of the pair of devices is a tiny clockwork messenger that makes its way to its mate and, in so doing, delivers the message.
- Energy powered gadgets: Each half of the pair communicates with the other using various signals, such as radio waves.
- Fleshcraft powered gadgets: Each of the pair of devices are actually made from the brain matter of telepathic creatures, with which it transmits audibly one to the other.
- Magic powered gadgets: The device is powered by discarded magical items, such as broken wands or sending stones.
Footwear Improvement (accessory, gadget)
You may modify an existing set of footwear with a gadget, such as boots that are part of a clothing outfit or armored boots from a suit of armor. You can grant multiple benefits to the same footwear; each granted mode counts as a separate gadget for the purpose of complexity.
Only one mode can be active at a time. Activating, deactivating, or changing a mode is considered interacting with an object.
Inflatable Shoes. The boots have a water-walking mode. While active, the wearer’s land speed is reduced by half, but they may walk on liquid as if it were solid.
Magnetic Shoes. The boots have a magnetic mode. While active, the wearer’s land speed is reduced by half, but they may walk on metal surfaces such as metal walls and ceilings as easily as if they were ground.
Motorized Steps. The boots have a runner’s mode. While active, the wearer’s land speed is increased by 10 feet.
Retractable Flippers. The boots have a swimmer’s mode. While active, the wearer moves at half speed while on land but can move at their full speed while swimming.
Retractable Toe Claws. The boots have a climber’s mode. While active, the wearer moves at half speed while walking or running but can move at their full speed while climbing.
Rocket Boots. (consumable) The boots have a flyer’s mode. While active, the wearer’s land speed is reduced by half, but they gain a 15-foot fly speed for 1 minute. If activated in the middle of a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, this grants advantage to that check.
Goggles (gadget)
You create a gadget that appears and functions as a set of eyewear of your own design. These goggles grant one of the following benefits. You can create one set of goggles that grant multiple benefits; each granted mode counts as a separate gadget for the purpose of complexity.
As many as two sets of lenses can be active at a time, but having two active sets of lenses imposes disadvantage on sight-based checks. Activating, deactivating, or changing a lens is considered interacting with an object.
Aetheric Lens. The goggles have an aether vision mode. While active, the wearer can see invisible and ethereal creatures or objects within their normal range of vision but is blind to visible creatures and objects.
Microscope Lens. The goggles have a micro vision mode. While active, the wearer cannot see further than 30 feet away but gains advantage on all checks made to examine a creature or object up close, including Wisdom (Survival) checks to follow or identify tracks, Intelligence checks to appraise the value of an item, and Dexterity checks to disable a trap.
Mirrored Lens. The goggles have a refraction mode. While active, the wearer has disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks but advantage on all Intelligence (Investigation) checks made to disbelieve illusions. Additionally, while refraction mode is active, the wearer is treated as always interacting with illusions with visible components and gains advantage on saving throws against gaze attacks.
Nightvision Lens. The goggles have a night vision mode. While active, the wearer has darkvision 60 feet, but also sunlight sensitivity, imposing disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight while in sunlight.
Telescope Lens. The goggles have a macro vision mode. While active, the wearer cannot see closer than 30 feet but views objects at twice their normal size, as if using a spyglass.
Integrated Weapon (accessory, gadget)
You may create a gadget that attaches two objects together, such as two weapons or a weapon and a shield, such that wielding one means wielding the other. If either item requires two hands to wield or has the heavy quality, the entire combined item also requires two hands or cannot be wielded by Small creatures. Attaching or detaching an object to or from the gadget counts as interacting with an object.
For +1 complexity each, you can integrate one additional object into the gadget.
Melee Weapon Improvement (accessory, gadget)
Balanced Grip. The weapon gains one of the following benefits:
- Heavy weapons are treated as not possessing that weapon property.
- One-handed weapons that lack the light property are treated as possessing that weapon property.
- Light weapons that lack the finesse property are treated as possessing that weapon property.
Enhanced Damage. The weapon counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance.
Weighted Edge. (consumable) The weapon deals an additional +1d4 damage for 1 minute.
Multi-Tool (gadget)
You may create one type of artisan tools or a set of thieves’ tools as a gadget. Anyone proficient with the built-in tool may double their proficiency bonus when using them; this does not stack with expertise and other similar features.
For +1 complexity each, the multi-tool gains foldable parts that allow it to act as an additional type of artisan tools or a set of thieves’ tools.
Prosthetic (gadget)
This gadget replaces a hand, arm, foot, leg, or similar appendage that was lost or removed, and functions as normal for that limb.
For +1 complexity per use, this limb can be activated to grant increased strength, granting advantage on any ability checks requiring the replaced limb for 1 minute. While not a consumable gadget, a battery may be attached to a prosthetic limb allowing its user to spend charges instead of uses.
Ranged Weapon Improvement (accessory, gadget)
Ammo Spitter. (complexity 2) This gadget attaches to a single weapon with the ammunition property. Activating this gadget provides the attached weapon with a ready supply of ammunition. This gadget does not modify the actions necessary to load ammunition into the attached weapon, and this ammunition is always destroyed after an attack whether or not it hits the target.
This gadget cannot provide ammunition to unusually large ranged weapons such as siege weapons, nor can it create exotic ammunition for alien technology (weapons outside the setting’s era). Using burst fire (or another weapon property or ability that requires spending 5 or more rounds of ammunition in a single attack) causes this gadget to deactivate after the attack.
Far-sight Scope. The range of the weapon (both normal and long) doubles.
Pressurized Shot. You may spend an action to build up pressure within the shot. The next attack made with the weapon within 1 minute deals an additional 1d10 damage.
Speed Lever. This can only be attached to a weapon with the loading property. The loading property on the weapon now allows for up to 2 attacks per round instead of 1. For an additional +1 complexity, the weapon ignores the loading property altogether.
Recording Gadgets (gadget)
You may craft any of the following gadgets:
Audio Recorder. (consumable) You create a recorder gadget that can fit into your hand. Once activated, the audio recorder is able to record average quality sound for up to 1 hour. You can replay the audio stored on the gadget, or if you have the Remote Control gadget, you can hear the audio through your remote control while within range, even while it is actively recording.
Picture Recorder. (consumable) You create a camera gadget that can record pictures of what it observes. The picture recorder can take up to 10 still photographs, which are immediately burned onto a piece of paper contained inside the gadget after being taken.
- Complexity: For +1 complexity, you may upgrade a picture recorder to become a video recorder. For an additional +1 complexity, it can contain an audio recorder as well. (consumable) Once activated, the video recorder records moving images for 1 hour. Like an audio gadget, you may replay the stored video if you have the gadget, or if you have a remote control, you can view it remotely, even while it is actively recording.
Remote Control (gadget)
You create a gadget that appears as a Tiny handheld device, fitted with a circular screen and a set of buttons. The remote control allows you to activate or deactivate another gadget you created from up to 120 feet away.
Rucksack (gadget)
Complexity: 2
You create a gadget that counts as a backpack, except instead of storing items, it grants one of the following benefits. You can make one rucksack with multiple benefits, each one counting as a separate gadget. Each rucksack option has a complexity of 2.
Additional Arms. The rucksack grants the wearer an additional arm. This arm has a 5 ft. reach and can wield weapons, wear a shield, or manipulate objects like any other arm. This gadget can be granted multiple times, giving a new arm each time.
Freezer. The rucksack has an icebox, which can hold as much as a normal backpack. Anything inside the rucksack for 1 minute is reduced to freezing temperatures. Frozen weapons or ammunition must be drawn to be used, but deal an additional 1d4 cold damage on their first successful attack made within 1 minute. The amount of additional cold damage increases by one die step at 5th level (1d6), 11th level (1d8), and 17th level (1d10).
Oven. The pack has a heat box inside it. This functions as a freezer, except it heats objects instead of freezes them. This can be used to incubate eggs, warm food, etc., and when used with weapons and ammunition, deals fire damage instead of cold damage.
Turtle Shell. The rucksack gives the wearer an armored shell on their back. Attacks of opportunity made against the wearer have disadvantage, and when prone, creatures within 5 feet no longer gain advantage on attack rolls against them.
Shield Improvement (accessory, gadget)
You may create any of the following gadgets, which can be attached to a shield.
Dispenser. The shield can store up to 2 objects that can be held in one hand. You count as holding the object in your hand while wearing the shield.
You can’t use this to make an attack with a weapon contained in the shield, but you can use it to drink a potion when your hands are full, hold an extra throwing weapon (so long as your other hand is free to throw that weapon), etc. Reloading a dispenser is an action, but drawing from the dispenser doesn’t even count as interacting with an object. For +1 complexity each, you can increase the number of stored objects by 2.
Expanding. The shield has a wall mode. As an action, you may expand the shield to create a 5 ft. wide wall that provides three-quarter’s cover to anyone behind it (granting a +5 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws). You cannot move the wall while it is expanded and must either release the shield or return it to normal as an object interaction before moving.
Magnetized. (complexity 2) If something attacks the wearer of this shield with a metal melee weapon and misses, the wielder may make a disarm check against them as a reaction.
Suit Improvement (accessory, gadget)
You may create a series of gadgets that augment an existing outfit, such as a set of Armor:
Air Bladder. (consumable) The suit grants its wearer 1 hour of breathable air, which can be used to breath underwater, avoid the effects of gases, etc., switching to and from the air bladder’s air counts as interacting with an object.
Camouflage. (consumable) You may activate this suit to count as lightly obscured for 1 minute, letting you make Stealth checks to Hide even if observed.
Parachute. (consumable) The suit has a parachute that can be activated as a reaction when falling. The wearer falls only 60 feet per round and takes no falling damage.
Slick Materials. The suit grants its wearer advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made to resist or escape a grapple.
Survival Gadgets (gadget)
You may craft any of the following gadgets:
Distress Beacon. You may turn a distress beacon on, at which point it emits loud noises, bright lights, and if anyone is using a correspondence device within range, a signal they can detect. Any creature within 2 miles of open territory can locate the distress beacon (less if underground or heavily obscured).
Fire Extinguisher. (consumable) This cylindrical device has a nozzle at one end and a handle on one side. A fire extinguisher can be used as an action to create a 15-ft. cone of misty vapor that swiftly extinguishes fires within its area of effect. If used on a fire-based creature (such as a fire elemental), this deals 1d10 cold damage, which increases by 1d10 at 5th (2d10), 11th (3d10), and 17th level (4d10). Affected creatures can attempt a Dexterity save for half damage.
Against magical fire effects, such as those created by a wall of fire or similar spell, the fire extinguisher only extinguishes the part of the larger effect its vapors directly contact. Continual magic flames, such as those of a flaming weapon or fire creature, are suppressed for 1 minute before they automatically reignite.
This gadget can also be used as a reaction to counter a fire-based spell or effect, provided the source of the effect is in the extinguisher’s area of effect.
Flashlight. A flashlight can be used to create a beam of bright light in a 60-ft. cone and dim light for 60 feet beyond. This gadget can be held in the hand or attached as an accessory to an outfit, such as a suit of armor. You may break this gadget as an action, making a key ability check against the spell DC of a magical darkness effect within 60 feet to dispel it.
For +1 complexity, the flashlight can grant advantage on Perception checks made for spotting creatures in its light.
Shelter. You may create a gadget that provides portable shelter, similar to a tent. The shelter has space for 4 Medium creatures and can be fully-erected or fully-collapsed as an Action. Creatures inside the shelter are protected from most environmental hazards such as heat, cold, winds, etc. However, particularly powerful weather (active fires, freezing magic, tornadoes, etc.) are too powerful to be blocked by the shelter.
Weapon Damage Pack (accessory, gadget)
(see Accessory Talents)
Other Talents
Efficient Creation
Increase the number of gadgets you can have crafted at one time by your key ability modifier (minimum: 1).
Tinkerer Legendary Talents
Renaissance, Modern, and Future Eras
Some legendary Tinkerer talents are legendary because their availability depends on what level of technology is found in the world; for example, if the world already has access to modern firearms, there is no reason a tinkerer shouldn’t be able to gain modern era legendary talents. The game master determines the technological era of a particular campaign setting.
Advancing Eras
With game master permission, a dedicated tinkerer might be able to advance through technological eras with their creations, beginning with simple mechanics, advancing through gunpowder, before finally building futuristic technology.
In such a case, taking Collapsible Weapon counts as meeting the prerequisites for the Modern Melee Weaponry talent, and taking Modern Melee Weaponry counts as meeting the prerequisites for the Futuristic Melee Weaponry talent. Likewise, taking the Alchemy sphere’s Alchemist Fire talent counts as meeting the prerequisites for the Renaissance Firearms talent, taking Renaissance Firearms counts as meeting the prerequisites for the Modern Firearms talent, and taking Modern Firearms counts as meeting the prerequisites for Futuristic Firearms.
Futuristic Firearms (gadget)
Prerequisites: Tinkerer sphere, Futuristic era
Complexity: 3
You may create a gadget that functions as one of the ranged weapons listed in the Futuristic Firearms table below. The gadget is not crafted with ammunition, but you may create an energy cell as a separate gadget. An energy cell contains enough power for all the shots its firearm can make.
Futuristic FirearmsMartial Ranged Weapons | Damage | Weight | Properties |
Firearm, laser pistol | 3d6 radiant | 2 lb. | Ammunition (range 40/120), reload (50 shots) |
Firearm, antimatter rifle | 6d8 necrotic | 10 lb. | Ammunition (range 120/360), reload (2 shots), two-handed |
Firearm, laser rifle | 3d8 radiant | 7 lb. | Ammunition (range 100/300), reload (30 shots), two-handed |
Ammunition | Cost | Weight | Properties |
Energy Cell | - | 1/2 lb. | - |
Futuristic Melee Weaponry (gadget)
Prerequisites: Tinkerer sphere, Futuristic era
Complexity: 3
You may create a gadget that functions as one of the melee weapons listed in the Futuristic Melee Weaponry table below.
Futuristic Melee WeaponryMartial Melee Weapons | Damage | Weight | Properties |
Gravity Hammer | 3d10 bludgeoning | 15 lb. | Heavy, two-handed, special |
Monowhip | 2d6 slashing | 1 lb. | Finesse, light, reach, special |
Plasma Blade | 3d6 radiant | 2 lb. | Finesse, versatile (3d8) |
Gravity Hammer: A gravity hammer counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance, and any creature hit by the hammer must pass a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Monowhip: A monowhip counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and treats its wielder’s proficiency bonus as its minimum damage die roll.
Plasma Blade: A plasma blade counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance.
Modern Firearms (gadget)
Prerequisites: Tinkerer sphere, Modern era
Complexity: 2
As part of a long rest, you can craft up to 10 firearm bullets. You must have tinker’s tools and materials on hand (usually worth half the item’s market price). Firearm bullets are always destroyed upon use.
You may create a gadget that functions as one of the ranged weapons listed in the Modern Firearms table below or a gadget that functions as one set of 10 firearm bullets.
Modern FirearmsMartial Ranged Weapons | Damage | Weight | Properties |
Firearm, automatic pistol | 2d6 piercing | 3 lb. | Ammunition (range 50/150), reload (15 shots) |
Firearm, revolver | 2d8 piercing | 3 lb. | Ammunition (range 40/120), reload (6 shots) |
Firearm, hunting rifle | 2d10 piercing | 8 lb. | Ammunition (range 80/240), reload (5 shots), two-handed |
Firearm, automatic rifle | 2d8 piercing | 8 lb. | Ammunition (range 30/90) burst fire, reload (30 shots), two-handed |
Firearm, shotgun | 2d8 piercing | 7 lb. | Ammunition (range 30/90) reload (2 shots), two-handed |
Ammunition | Cost | Weight | Properties |
Firearm bullets (10) | 5 gp | 1 lb. | - |
Burst Fire. A weapon that has the burst fire property can make a single-target attack or it can spray a 10-foot-cube area within normal range with shots. Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take the weapon’s normal damage. This action uses ten pieces of ammunition.
Reload. A limited number of shots can be made with a weapon that has the reload property. A character must then reload it using an action or a bonus action (the character’s choice).
Modern Melee Weaponry (gadget)
Prerequisites: Tinkerer sphere, Modern era
Complexity: 2
You may create a gadget that functions as one of the melee weapons listed in the Modern Melee Weaponry table below.
Modern Melee WeaponrySimple Melee Weapons | Damage | Weight | Properties |
Stun Baton | 1d4 bludgeoning | 3 lb. | special |
Martial Melee Weapons | Damage | Weight | Properties |
Chainsaw | 2d8 slashing | 10 lb. | Versatile (3d6), special |
Chainsaw: Once activated, a chainsaw may be used as a martial melee weapon but imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks as well as Wisdom (Perception) checks made to listen.
Stun Baton: A stun baton is treated as a normal club, except it deals an additional 1d4 lightning damage. Creatures damaged by this lightning must make a Constitution saving throw or be incapacitated for 1 round.
Pressurized Liquid Applicator (gadget)
Prerequisites: Tinkerer sphere (Artillerist Gadgets)
Complexity: 3
You may create a special weaponized gadget that functions as described in the Pressurized Liquid Applicator table below.
The gadget is not crafted with ammunition, but instead uses alchemical weapons (including formulae from the Alchemy sphere) as ammunition. Creatures who are hit by the single- target attack or fail their Dexterity saving throw against the stream fire suffer the effects of the alchemical weapon or formulae used as ammunition.
Pressurized Liquid ApplicatorSimple Ranged Weapons | Damage | Weight | Properties |
Pressurized Liquid Applicator | See Text | 10 lb. | Ammunition (range 30/90), reload (5 shots), stream fire, two-handed |
Ammunition | Damage | Weight | Properties |
Acid (1) | 2d6 acid | 1 lb. | - |
Alchemist’s Fire (1) | 1d4 fire | 1 lb. | Catch fire (1d4 fire; DC 10 Dexterity negates) |
Stream Fire. A weapon that has the stream fire property can make a single-target attack, or as an Action, it can spray a 5 by 30-foot line area with a single round of ammunition. Each creature in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or suffer the effects of the attack as if hit.
Renaissance Firearms (gadget)
Prerequisites: Tinkerer sphere, Renaissance era
As part of a long rest, you can craft up to 10 firearm bullets. You must have tinker’s tools and materials on hand (usually worth half the item’s market price). Firearm bullets are always destroyed upon use.
You may create a gadget that functions as one of the ranged weapons listed in the Renaissance Firearms table below or a gadget that functions as one set of 10 firearm bullets.
Renaissance FirearmsMartial Ranged Weapons | Damage | Weight | Properties |
Firearm, musket | 1d12 piercing | 10 lb. | Ammunition (range 40/120), loading, two-handed |
Firearm, pistol | 1d10 piercing | 3 lb. | Ammunition (range 30/90) loading |
Ammunition | Cost | Weight | Properties |
Firearm bullets (10) | 3 gp | 1 lb. | - |
Spheres of Might by Drop Dead Studios | ||||||
Using Spheres of Might | ||||||
Classes | ||||||
Alter Ego | Armiger | Artisan | Commander | Conscript | Scholar | Striker |
Spheres | ||||||
Alchemy | Athletics | Barrage | Barroom | Beastmastery | Berserker | Brute |
Dual Wielding | Equipment | Fencing | Gladiator | Guardian | Leadership | Retribution |
Scoundrel | Scout | Shield | Sniper | Tinkerer | Trap | Warleader |
Wrestling | ||||||
Other Rules | ||||||
Combat Actions | Conditions | Feats | Martial Traditions | Mundane Equipment | ||
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