You can alter the flow of time itself. When you first gain the Time sphere, you gain the alter time sphere ability, and one (chronos) talent of your choice.
Alter Time
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Target: 1 creature
Manipulate time around a target by applying the effects of a single (chronos) talent you possess.
Augment 2 sp: Alter Time effects with non-instantaneous durations persist for the remaining duration without concentration. This augment may be applied after the effect is cast on your turn without an action.
Time Basic Talents
Some Time talents are marked (chronos). These talents grant you additional alter time abilities.
Chronos Talents
Adjusted Frequency (chronos)
Saving Throw: Wisdom
Cost: 0 sp
You can alter time in one of two ways, chosen at the time of casting:
For the duration of the effect, the target’s speed is doubled, it gains a +2 bonus to AC, and it has advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
Augment 2 sp: For the duration, you also grant the target an additional action on each of its turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action. When the effect ends, the target can’t move or take actions until after its next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over it.
For the duration of the effect, the target’s speed is halved, it takes a −2 penalty to AC and Dexterity saving throws, and it can’t use reactions. A creature affected by this effect makes another Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save, the effect ends for it.
Augment 2 sp: For the duration, the affected target also has limited actions on its turn. It can use either an action or a bonus action, not both. Regardless of the creature’s abilities or magic items, it can’t make more than one melee or ranged attack during its turn.
If the creature attempts to cast a spell or sphere effect with a casting time of 1 action, roll a d20. On an 11 or higher, the spell doesn’t take effect until the creature’s next turn, and the creature must use its action on that turn to complete the spell or sphere effect. If it can’t, the effect is wasted.
Age (chronos)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute (except as noted)
Target: 1 creature or object
Cost: 1 sp
You can touch a creature or object and adjust its age either forward or backward. Creatures are permitted a Wisdom saving throw to negate this ability if they or their worn or held items are targeted. Applications with a duration may be dismissed as a reaction. Choose from the following effects:
- Arboreal Shift: You can increase or decrease the size category of a plant by 1 step, the change increasing by 1 step at 7th level (2) and 14th level (3), to a maximum of Gargantuan and a minimum of Tiny.
- Adjust Age: You adjust a target creature’s age. A successful Constitution saving throw negates this effect. If transforming a target into a child, its size is reduced by one step and it suffers a 1d4 penalty on all weapon damage rolls, and gains disadvantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma checks. If transforming a target into an elder, it suffers disadvantage on all Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws.
- Restore/Weather: As an instantaneous effect, you can target an item and either reduce its hit points by your level or restore hit points equal to twice your level. This does not restore or remove any charges to limited use items nor restore expended items. This option can also be used to counter or dispel the other applications of this talent with a spellcasting ability check.
- Rewind Enchantment: You return an object to the state it was in before it was enchanted. Make a spellcasting ability check against the item’s spell save DC or sphere DC (see Item Magic Skill in the introduction if necessary). If successful, the object becomes non-magical for the duration of the effect.
- Spoilage: As an instantaneous effect, you can cause an amount of food sufficient to feed 1 Medium creature per level to spoil or cause an equal amount of spoiled food to return to a palatable state. If the food had had poison or magical effects added, you must succeed on a spellcasting ability check against the poison or effect’s DC to remove it. Restoring the food does not prevent future spoilage.
Broken Time (chronos)
Saving Throw: Wisdom
Cost: 1 sp
You cause time to move at an unnatural pace around the target, jumping and skipping in distorted shudders unless they succeed at a Wisdom saving throw. Targets who fail their saving throw take disadvantage on all ability checks and must succeed on a Constitution check against your sphere DC to cast a spell or sphere effect; failing this check means the spell fails and the effort is wasted. Creatures are permitted a new saving throw at the end of each of their turns to end this effect on themselves.
Causality (chronos)
Duration: Instantaneous
Cost: 0 sp
You can pull causality from an alternate timeline, making cause follow effect rather than the other way around. You force the target to attempt a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against your Sphere DC. If they fail the check, something happens to hinder them; perhaps a falling rock lands on them, they trip over something benign, or a freak accident debilitates them in some way (the details are left to the DM). The outcome of this is one of the following, chosen randomly:
1. The target is deafened for 1 minute.
2. The target falls prone.
3. The target is grappled for 1 round.
4. The target’s movement speed is cut in half for 1 minute.
5. The target is blinded for 1 round.
6. The target drops whatever they are holding, which falls 10 feet away in a random direction.
Usually a target can spend an action to rub out their eyes, untie their clothing, or otherwise undo whatever happened to them and end this effect early. If you are using any form of critical failure rules, you may instead roll for a critical failure instead of on the table above.
Augment 1 sp: You can choose which effect they get from the table.
Delay Pain (chronos)
Casting Time: 1 reaction
Duration: 1 round
Target: 1 creature or object that you can see
Saving Throw: Wisdom
Cost: 1 sp
When a willing creature or object within range would take damage or be subject to any effect, you can delay the onset of that damage and/or effect until the end of the creature’s next turn (for creatures and objects that are worn or held) or your next turn (for unattended objects). The delayed damage and/or effect is incurred at this time, though is subject to any changes to immunity, resistances, etc. A given effect or instance of damage cannot be delayed more than once. Unwilling creatures and objects worn or held by unwilling creatures are allowed a Wisdom saving throw to negate this delay. If this effect is dispelled before the delayed effect is incurred, it is incurred immediately. Effects that would heal damage, remove conditions, or dispel or otherwise counter the delayed effect may have all or part of their effect directed to reduce the amount of damage or remove or counter the effect being delayed.
Augment 1 sp: You can partially delay hit point damage further, causing the creature to receive half (round up) of the damage at the end of its next turn and the remainder at the end of the following turn.
Eject (chronos)
Duration: 1 round
Target: 1 creature or object
Saving Throw: Wisdom
Cost: 1 sp
You can eject a creature or object from time itself for the duration of the effect. Creatures are allowed a Wisdom saving throw to negate this effect for themselves and objects that they wear or hold. The target disappears completely and cannot be the target of any damage or effect while it is vanished.
When the effect ends, the target returns in the exact spot it disappeared from (or the closest unoccupied square). From the target’s perspective no time has passed, and any effect already on the target with a duration (such as magic or poison) continues as if the time spent ejected simply hadn’t happened. Targeted objects can be no larger than medium sized, increasing to large size at 5th level, huge size and 11th level, and gargantuan size at 17th level. You can dismiss this effect on your turn with no action required.
Augment 1 sp: The duration increases to concentration, up to 1 minute. This augment must be applied at the time of casting.
Augment 3 sp: The duration increases to 1 minute. This augment must be applied at the time of casting.
Fractured Image (chronos)
Cost: 2 sp
You can cause a target to bleed through time, blurring their image so that they appear to be in multiple places at once. For the duration, all creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against the target.
Lethargy (chronos)
Duration: Instantaneous
Cost: 1 sp
You can cause a target within range to experience a massive amount of time in a single instant, increasing their exhaustion level by 1 (to a maximum of 5) unless they succeed at a Constitution saving throw.
Rapid Response (chronos)
Cost: 0 sp
For the duration, you grant the target advantage on Dexterity checks for initiative and the ability to take an action or bonus action in a round when surprised.
Augment 1 sp: Affected creatures also gain evasion (when the target is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw and half damage if it fails).
Augment 1 sp: Attackers the target is not aware of do not gain advantage on attack rolls made against the target.
Repetition (chronos)
Casting Time: 1 action (if self-only, 1 bonus action)
Duration: 1 round
Cost: 1 sp
You can momentarily extend time for a target, allowing them to take extra care when performing an action. This allows the target to treat a Strength or Dexterity ability check as if it had rolled a 20. This may only be used on ability checks that take no more than 1 round to perform and do not target and are not opposed by a hostile creature. If using this ability on yourself and only yourself, you can use this ability as a bonus action. You cannot use this ability as a bonus action in this manner if augmenting it with the Mass (metasphere) talent.
Retroactive Preparation (chronos)
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: varies
Cost: 1 sp
You can edit the past. Choose one of the following effects:
- Influence: Choose a creature within your alter time range. You can alter the past so that you sought out and influenced that creature recently. Make a Charisma (Deception), Charisma (Persuasion), or Charisma (Intimidate) ability check to influence the target’s attitude or otherwise manipulate its behavior. The creature is treated as if you had made the check in the past. The creature must have been in a place you could have reasonably found it within the past 1 day per level, or else the effect fails, though you do not lose the spell point. This ability does not increase the duration of the outcome of the chosen ability check. You can expend up to 10 gp per level as part of this ability check for bribes or similar payments. This application cannot cause creatures to appear in a place they would not have otherwise been (so you can retroactively bribe a guard to let you pass, but you cannot pay him to hire mercenaries on your behalf).
- Purchase: You can retroactively obtain a generic object worth less than 100 gp per level. The object immediately appears on your person or in a container or extradimensional space in your possession. The cost of the item is immediately deducted from the wealth you currently carry. The object must be one that would have been available in a settlement you have visited within the past 1 week per level. If you specify an item that could not have been purchased, the casting fails, but the spell point is not expended.
- Research: You can alter the past to have spent time researching a subject. You have expertise (you add your proficiency bonus twice) when making Intelligence checks regarding a specific subject (you could choose “green dragons” or “this city” but not “arcana” or “geography”) for 1 hour, provided you have been near a location where you could have accessed reference materials within the past 1 week per level, retroactively spending time to research the subject. You can expend up to 100 gp per level to gain access to such research materials.
Wealth spent on this ability is usually coins, but can be non-magical gemstones or other non-magical objects used for trade, and must be accessible to you at the time the effect is cast. You cannot spend wealth that you do not possess. Once a given creature has been targeted by this effect, you cannot target it again with this ability for 24 hours.
If you augment this ability with the Mass (metasphere) talent, you can influence multiple creatures (rolling each ability check separately), obtain multiple items, or attempt multiple skill checks, with the total number of affected creatures, objects, or skill checks limited by that talent. You can also include willing creatures in the effect, allowing an ally to make the ability checks or obtain the item(s). Each ally included counts against the Mass (metasphere) limit. Each casting may only select one of the options; you cannot influence a creature while obtaining an item or researching a subject.
Retry (chronos)
Casting Time: 1 reaction
Duration: Instantaneous
Cost: 2 sp
You can force a target to redo their turn (a Wisdom saving throw negates this effect for unwilling creatures). The target is returned to where their turn began, and any ability checks, attack rolls, movement, opportunity attacks, etc. that occurred during their turn become as if they never happened. The target may perform the same actions again (remaking any rolls required by such actions), or they may choose completely different actions. If you choose to redo your own turn in this manner, you do not recover the action or spell points spent using this ability.
Rewind Mana (chronos)
You gain the following abilities:
Restore Mana
Duration: Instantaneous
Cost: varies
You can rewind time to restore magical energy previously spent by another creature. You expend a number of spell points not exceeding your proficiency bonus to restore an equal number to a willing creature within range whose CR or level does not exceed your level. This cannot cause a creature to exceed its maximum spell points; any excess are not transferred. Temporary spell points cannot be transferred. If augmented with the Mass (metasphere) talent in the Universal sphere, you distribute the points amongst the affected creatures as you choose. This does not allow you to exceed your proficiency bonus in spell points transferred.
Cancel Dispel
Casting Time: 1 reaction
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: 1 spell or sphere effect dispelled since the end of your last turn
Cost: 2 sp
When a spell or sphere effect within range is dispelled, you can rewind time to undo the dispelling.
Shift Time (chronos)
You gain the following abilities:
Borrow Time
Casting Time: 1 action (self-only: bonus or free action, see text)
Duration: Instantaneous
Cost: 1 sp
You can grant the target the ability to immediately take an action, move up to their speed, or take a bonus action if they choose. Any target who takes an action, bonus action, or moves with this ability loses that action, bonus action, or movement distance for their next turn. You can use this ability on yourself and only yourself as a bonus action, or a free action if you choose to take a bonus action with this ability. You cannot use this ability as a bonus or free action in this manner if combining it with the Mass (metasphere) talent. A creature cannot benefit from Shift Time abilities (borrow time and store time) more than once per round.
Store Time
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Cost: 0 sp
You can grant a creature the ability to store actions for future use for the duration of the effect. On the target’s turn, it may expend an action, bonus action, or its entire movement. Before the end of its next turn, it gains an extra action of the stored type or the stored movement distance as a free action. A creature may only gain one additional action or movement from this ability in a round and any unspent actions are lost at the end of the creature’s next turn. A creature cannot benefit from Shift Time abilities (borrow time and store time) more than once per round.
Augment 1 sp: Targets may store the action or movement for a number of rounds equal to your key ability modifier (minimum 2 rounds).
Steal Time (chronos)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Wisdom
Cost: 1 sp
You can attempt to erase a target’s turn from existence. The target is incapacitated for 1 round unless it succeeds on a Wisdom saving throw.
Augment 1 sp: The target is stunned, instead of incapacitated, on a failed saving throw.
Augment 1 sp: If the target fails their saving throw, you also immediately gain an additional action. An individual target cannot suffer the effects of this ability more than once per round. If you successfully target multiple creatures in the same round with this ability (such as augmenting it with the Mass (metasphere) talent from the Universal sphere), you cannot gain more than a single action in a round in this manner.
Time Freeze (chronos)
Duration: 1 round
Target: 10-foot cube, increasing by 5 feet at 5th level (15- foot) 11th level (20-foot) and 17th level (25-foot)
Cost: 1 sp
You can freeze all activity within an area. If used as a readied action, this can stop ranged attacks or instantaneous magical effects (such as destructive blasts), but in the case of effects that target areas, only the effect contained within the time freeze’s area is stopped. Unwilling targets (including allies if they choose) are allowed a Wisdom saving throw to negate this effect for themselves or effects originating from them (attacks, magic, etc.). You can choose whether or not to affect yourself with your own time freeze. All affected objects and creatures within this area cannot act until the end of your next turn; neither can they be acted upon (moved, dealt damage to, etc.). Once the effect is in place, non-affected creatures can enter the area of effect without incident, though may not disturb an affected creature or object.
At the end of your next turn, everything within the area is unfrozen; creatures resume moving, ranged attacks hit the square they were targeting, and blast effects resolve as normal.
Augment 1 sp: You can reduce the casting time to 1 reaction.
Throttle Duration (chronos)
Cost: 1 sp
You can choose to speed or slow time for a creature or object.
Fleeting Duration
You can accelerate time for a creature or object. All effects on the creature or object have their duration decreased by a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus each round. This also decreases the maximum length of time an effect (other than this one) can be concentrated on. This affects magic (spells, sphere abilities, etc.), poisons, diseases, etc., but does not grant extra actions to the targets within this area or provide any other benefit. Unwilling targets (including allies if they choose) are allowed a Wisdom saving throw to negate this effect. Fleeting duration counters the effects of relaxed duration.
Relaxed Duration
All effects that are active on the creature or object have their duration extended by a number of rounds equal to the caster’s proficiency bonus, to a maximum extended duration of twice the effect’s normal duration (so an effect that normally only lasts for 1 round could not be extended in this manner for more than 1 additional round). This affects magic (spells, sphere abilities, etc.) poisons, diseases, etc., but does not prevent creatures from taking actions as normal. Unwilling targets (including allies if they so choose) are allowed a Wisdom saving throw to negate this effect. You can choose whether or not to affect yourself with your own relaxed duration. Relaxed duration counters the effects of fleeting duration
If you apply the Time Zone augment to either of these effects, they apply to all ongoing effects in the area, though only modify the duration of the portion of the effect in this area.
An unwilling creature may attempt a Wisdom saving throw to exclude an effect originating from it from being affected.
Timeline Bridge (chronos)
Cost: 0 sp
By connecting the target to versions of themselves that exist in alternate timelines, you grant the target advantage on all Intelligence ability checks to recall lore.
Augment 1 sp: As reaction, you can end this effect on the target and give an attacker targeting that creature disadvantage on a single attack roll or grant the target creature advantage on a single saving throw by giving them a surge of revelation from a version of themselves that has already survived the attack or effect in another timeline. This augment is applied at the time the triggering condition (an attack being declared against the target) is met.
Other Talents
Manipulate Healing
Augment 0 sp: Creatures benefiting from your Haste may spend a hit die as a bonus action to heal as if completing a short rest. This does not grant any other benefit of completing a short rest.
Augment 1 sp: When you use Slow on a creature, you can suspend the target’s healing abilities. Regeneration and other abilities that restore hit points are suppressed. Magic effects that restore hit points do not restore them unless the caster succeeds on a spellcasting ability check against your sphere DC.
Second Chance
Casting Time: 1 reaction
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: 1 creature that you can see currently under the affects of your alter time
Cost: 1 sp
You can force any one creature currently under the effects of one of your alter time effects to reroll a saving throw it just failed. They must accept the new result even if it is worse than the original roll. Unwilling targets may attempt a Wisdom saving throw to negate this effect.
Time Zone
You can apply the following augment to any (chronos) ability that targets a creature and has a duration of concentration:
Augment 0 sp: Your alter time effect is shaped into a sphere or wall. You can imbue this area with a single alter time ability. The area of the effect is visually perceptible. Creatures that enter or begin their turn in this area are affected as if targeted by the chosen alter time ability. If leaving the area, the effects last until the start of the creature’s next turn. If the alter time ability allows a saving throw, the creature must make it the first time each round it enters or begins its turn within the area.
Available areas are:
- Sphere: Your alter time has a radius of up to 10 feet, increasing by 5 feet at 5th level (15 feet), 11th level (20 feet), and 17th level (25 feet), centered on you. This effect radiates from a central point, and cannot extend through walls. You can choose to exclude yourself from the effect.
- Wall: You can arrange your alter time as up to three 5-foot cubes. You must be able to perceive all areas your alter time will inhabit. You must occupy a space in or adjacent to one of the cubes. The number of cubes that you may arrange increases by three at 5th level (6 cubes), 11th level (9 cubes), and 17th level (12 cubes).
Alter time abilities, such as Haste, applied to creatures in this area end for the affected creature the first time it ends its turn outside the affected area. If you possess the Reaching (metasphere) talent from the Universal sphere, the selected area may be anywhere within your Time sphere range and does not have to be centered on or adjacent to you.
Augment 1 sp: You can double the size of an alter time effect that targets an area.
Time Advanced Talents
Hasten Rest (chronos)
Prerequisites: Time sphere, 1st level or higher.
Duration: 10 minutes
Range: 30 feet
Target: 1 willing creature
Cost: 2 sp
You speed the flow of time surrounding a target, causing them to fall unconscious for the duration. The effect ends on a target early if it takes damage or someone uses an action to shake or slap it awake. If the target remains unconscious for the full duration, that target gains the benefits of a short rest, and it can’t be affected by this sphere effect again until it finishes a long rest. Augmenting this talent with (metasphere) talents from the Universal sphere, such as Mass, cannot reduce the duration of this sphere ability to less than 10 minutes.
Improved Fractured Image
Prerequisites: Time sphere (Fractured Image), 9th level or higher.
Augment 2 sp: Whenever a target is under the effects of your Fractured Image talent, it gains an increased ability to perceive and act through their state of altered time; each round the target may take 1 additional bonus action for the duration of the fractured image effect. This bonus action cannot be used to cast a spell or sphere effect.
Past Sight
Prerequisites: Divination sphere (Hindsight), Time sphere, 5th level or higher.
Casting Time: 1 minute
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Range: 30 feet.
Target: special
Cost: 1 sp
You peer not only through space, but through time. You can view the past of a location within range, viewing the past hour. You gain full sensory information based on the senses you possess. You can concentrate on this effect, viewing an additional hour for each minute of concentration, to a maximum of 10 minutes. All attacks targeting you have advantage and you have disadvantage on all Strength and Dexterity ability checks and saving throws while casting and concentrating on this ability.
If you possess the Mass (metasphere) talent from the Universal sphere, you can augment this ability to share this sight with a number of targets within your alter time range as defined by that talent. Such creatures suffer the same penalties, though they may choose to exit the vision at any time, though may not rejoin it.
At 11th level, you can gain the following augment:
Augment 1 sp: The casting time of this ability increases to 10 minutes and you view one day. You can concentrate for up to 1 hour, viewing 1 day every 10 minutes.
At 17th level, you can gain the following augment:
Augment 2 sp: The casting time of this ability increases to 1 hour and you view one year. You can concentrate for up to 8 hours, viewing 1 year every hour.
Query Self
Prerequisites: Time sphere, 11th level or higher.
Duration: Instantaneous or Concentration, up to 1 minute
Target: special
Cost: 2 sp
You can reach through time to contact a possible future self. This future self can be up to 1 hour per level into the future. You can ask a future self a single short question, receiving a short, concise answer if your future self is able. You can concentrate on this effect, asking a different future self a different question each round. If the answer must be longer than a few words, your future self may reply over multiple rounds as long as you maintain concentration. While your future self usually gives honest and accurate information, your new knowledge of events may change the outcome, and therefore render the advice of your future self obsolete at the GMs judgement (such as the case of outcomes tied to random chance, in which case the GM should roll a dice to roughly approximate the chance of success when determining whether a successful or not version of yourself was contacted). If you cast the effect two or more times before finishing your next long rest, there is a cumulative 25 percent chance for each casting after the first that you get no answer. The GM makes this roll in secret. This result is identical to if you try to contact a version of yourself that is dead as a result of the course of action you specified.
Prerequisites: Time sphere, 17th level or higher.
Casting Time: 1 hour
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: one willing creature
Cost: 6 sp
You gain the ability to allow a character to completely retrain the last class level they gained by returning them to an earlier point in time. At the end of the casting, the target may immediately retrain the last class level they gained, choosing a new class, talents, feats (if in use), spells, or other class options as appropriate. The target of this ability must still rest to regain any spell points, spell slots, or other limited use abilities granted by this new class level.
Author's Note: The Reversion talent presented here offers a very flexible option for players in that they both allow for rapid retraining of a character in the event that a player grows dissatisfied with their character, and in that it allows a character to swap to a different build during a short rest (albeit at some expense of character daily resource). While this ability can be both interesting and useful, it also has the potential to severely impact play at the table if not managed wisely. We strongly encourage any character planning on using Reversion during play to have their alternate build put together before they sit down at the table so that they are not trying to rebuild a character while the rest of the party is trying to move forward with the story.
We also encourage players planning to use this ability on themselves to choose alternate builds that still have access to a spell point pool and the Reversion in the event that they find they enjoyed their previous build more; once a character has trained away their ability to use these talents, they may find that they cannot easily access them again.
Temporal Jailor (chronos)
Prerequisites: Time sphere (Eject), 17th level or higher.
You gain the following abilities:
Improved Eject
Augment 4 sp: You change the duration of your Eject (chronos) talent to instantaneous. The subject remains in a state of suspended animation unless Reclamation is cast at the locale where the ejection took place. Magical search by a crystal ball, a locate object spell, or other similar divinations (including most effects from the Divination sphere) does not reveal the fact that a creature is ejected, but the locate creature spell or Find Location advanced talent do. A wish or miracle spell will not free the recipient, but will reveal where it has been ejected.
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: 30-foot cube
Cost: 5 sp
You can return a creature ejected from the space-time continuum using Improved Eject. This ability must be used at the location where the target was first ejected. This talent may also be used to free a creature from the effects of an imprisonment or maze spell, and can be used to instantly dispel any ongoing effect created by the Time sphere, such as a slow effect, time bubble, or time clone.
Temporal Stasis
Prerequisites: Time sphere, 15th level or higher.
Duration: Special
Cost: 3 sp
You can place a creature into a state of suspended animation (a successful Constitution saving throw negates this effect). For the creature, time ceases to flow and its condition becomes fixed. The creature does not grow older. Its body functions virtually cease, and no force or effect can harm it. When placing this effect on a creature, you can choose to either place the target into stasis permanently or to set either a time limit or a condition on the ability. When the time limit expires or the condition is met, the temporal stasis ends. Temporal stasis may be dispelled.
Time Clone (chronos)
Prerequisites: Time sphere, 5th level or higher.
Cost: 1 sp
Target: 1 willing creature
You can create a time clone of the target, causing it to appear in an unoccupied space within range of you. This time clone is a magical and translucent image of the target that lasts for the duration, until it is destroyed, until you dismiss it as a bonus action, or until you use Time Clone again.
All time clones have AC 14 + your proficiency bonus, 1 hit point, and immunity to all conditions. If a time clone has to make a saving throw, it uses the target’s saving throw bonus for the roll. It is the same size as the target, and it occupies its own space.
The target on their turn can mentally command their time clone to move 30 feet in any direction (no action required). If any time clone is ever more than your Time sphere range from you at the end of the target’s turn, it is destroyed.
The target can use their time clone in the following ways:
- As a bonus action, the target can teleport, magically swapping places with their time clone at the cost of their movement, regardless of the distance between them.
- When the target takes the Attack action on their turn, any attack they make with that action can originate from their space or their time clone’s space. The target makes this choice for each attack.
- When the target casts a cantrip, or a sphere ability with a spell point cost of 0 on their turn, they can have the magical effect originate from their space or their time clone’s space.
- When a creature that the target can see within 5 feet of their time clone moves at least 5 feet away from it, they can use their reaction to make an opportunity attack against that creature as if they were in their time clone’s space.
Time Stop
Prerequisites: Time sphere (Time Freeze), 17th level or higher.
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: Self
Cost: 4 sp
You briefly stop the flow of time for everyone but yourself. No time passes for other creatures, while you take 1d4 + 1 turns in a row, during which you can use actions and move as normal.
This effect ends if one of the actions you use during this period, or any effects that you create during this period, affects a creature other than you or an object being worn or carried by someone other than you. In addition, the spell ends if you move to a place more than 1,000 feet from the location where you cast it.
Personal Time
You can only target yourself when using alter time abilities that target creatures. You cannot gain the Time Zone talent. You gain a bonus talent from the Time sphere.
Spheres of Power by Drop Dead Studios | ||||
Using Spheres of Power | ||||
Classes | ||||
Elementalist | Incanter | Mageknight | Prodigy | Soul Weaver |
Spheres | ||||
Alteration | Conjuration | Creation | Dark | Death |
Destruction | Divination | Enhancement | Fate | Illusion |
Life | Light | Mind | Nature | Protection |
Telekinesis | Time | Universal | Warp | Weather |
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