New Magic Items
Below are new magical items provided to supplement spherecasters. GMs should not feel constrained to limiting the appearance of these rewards as described. There is no reason that a Robe of the Spherecaster couldn’t instead be a Chainmail of the Spherecaster. Making such modifications should have little (if any) effect on the mechanical aspects of the item. For example, making the Rod of the Spherecaster into a Longbow of the Spherecaster shouldn’t make its bonuses suddenly apply also to weapon attack rolls and damage rolls.
Robe of the Spherecaster
Wondrous item, major, uncommon (+1), rare (+2), very rare (+3) (requires attunement by a spherecaster)
While wearing this robe, you gain a bonus to AC and saving throws against three magic spheres of your choice, chosen at the time of attunement. The bonus is determined by the item’s rarity. With GM permission, these bonuses can also apply against individual spells that they believe are closely associated with a chosen sphere; for example if one of the chosen spheres is Nature, the bonuses would also apply against the entangle spell.
In addition, you can as a reaction grant yourself advantage on a saving throw against any magical effect. You can’t use this property again until you finish a short rest.
Rod of the Spherecaster
Rod, major, uncommon (+1), rare (+2), very rare (+3) (requires attunement by a spherecaster)
While holding this rod, you gain a bonus to spell attack rolls and to the saving throw DCs with three magic spheres of your choice, chosen at the time of attunement. The bonus is determined by the rod’s rarity. While you are attuned, you can treat this rod as a focus.
In addition, you can reduce the spell point cost from a chosen sphere ability by 1 while holding the rod. You can’t use this property again until you finish a long rest.
Wand of the Spherecaster
Wand, minor, uncommon (2 charges), rare (4 charges), very rare (6 charges) (requires attunement by a spherecaster)
The wand has a number of charges determined by the wand’s rarity. While holding it, you are treated as possessing a magic sphere of your choice, chosen at the time of attunement. You cannot spend your own spell points to use or augment a wand’s sphere abilities, but you can spend charges from the wand as if they were spell points to use any magic sphere ability granted by the wand. You cannot spend more charges on any magic sphere effect greater than your proficiency bonus. While you are attuned, you can treat this wand as a focus.
The wand regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
Scrolls And Spheres of Power
Scrolls, unlike most other magical items, are generally more commonly found by PCs. Unfortunately, in order to use a scroll, the player must have that scroll’s spell on their class’s spell list. In a game where only spherecasters are played, this could mean the players lose access to tools that are meant to be used in the adventure. GMs should consider using one of the following suggestions when handling scrolls and similar items:
- When a spherecaster gains a casting tradition, assign them a spell list that best fits the theme of the character. That spherecaster is considered to possess that spell list for the purpose of using spell scrolls and similar items.
- A spherecaster can use a scroll if they possess a sphere that might be associated with that spell. For example, healing scrolls can be used by a character with the Life sphere, while a scroll of fireball could be used by a character with the Destruction sphere.
- Restrict the use of scrolls to spherecasters who can also use rituals, either by means of a boon, feat, or other feature. Allow spherecasters who can cast spells as rituals to also be able to use spell scrolls and similar items, provided the spell is on the same spell list as the spherecaster’s rituals.
Spheres of Power by Drop Dead Studios | ||||
Using Spheres of Power | ||||
Classes | ||||
Elementalist | Incanter | Mageknight | Prodigy | Soul Weaver |
Spheres | ||||
Alteration | Conjuration | Creation | Dark | Death |
Destruction | Divination | Enhancement | Fate | Illusion |
Life | Light | Mind | Nature | Protection |
Telekinesis | Time | Universal | Warp | Weather |
Other Rules | ||||
Casting Traditions | Conditions | Feats | Magic Items | Wild Magic |
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