
You can create and manipulate light. When you first gain the Light sphere, you gain the brighten, glow, and lens sphere abilities.


Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 120 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Target: 1 glow you created
Saving Throw: Wisdom negates
Cost: 0 sp

You can cause any creature or object you have caused to glow that is within range to glow brightly, creating bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light in an additional 20-foot radius. Unwilling targets can make a saving throw to prevent their glow from being brightened. Both radii increase by 10 feet at 5th (30-foot radius), 11th (40-foot radius), and 17th level (50-foot radius).

Augment 1 sp: You can target a number of glows equal to your proficiency bonus.


Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Duration: 10 minutes
Target: 1 creature or object
Cost: 0 sp

You can cause an object or creature in range to glow for the duration, shedding bright light in a 5-foot radius sphere and dim light an additional 15 feet beyond that, which may be of any color you wish. This requires a melee spell attack or ranged spell attack. The object or creature becomes outlined with light, giving it disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and negating all bonuses usually bestowed by invisibility, darkness, or similar effects.

Whenever a glow effect interacts with a magical darkness effect (such as from the Dark sphere) the caster of the glow effect must succeed on a spellcasting ability check against the sphere or spell save DC of the darkness effect’s caster. If they succeed, the darkness is countered and the Light effect functions normally. If they fail, the glow effect is countered and the Dark effect functions normally (outlines are swallowed, light sources are hampered, etc.).

Some talents are designated (glow), which add additional effects to your glow ability. You can only apply the benefits of one (glow) talent to any individual glow effect. While you can only apply one such talent to an individual glow effect, areas of light from different glow effects can overlap. When augmenting a glow effect with a (glow) talent, the effect is applied once per round, at the end of the caster’s turn. For example, if a glowing object is thrown into a large group of enemies, it would only affect those within the area where it landed, not those targets it passed by to arrive in that area.

Some talents are designated (nimbus), which allows you to alter the appearance of light shed by your glow effects, changing the area or shape in which light is increased as well as where the effects of (glow) talents are applied. You can only apply a single (nimbus) talent to a glow at a time, but may switch between them and the normal area of your glow as a bonus action at the start of your turn, though any (glow) talents affect only one area in a round.


Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Duration: concentration, up to 1 hour
Target: 1 creature or object
Cost: 0 sp

Light talents listed with the (lens) tag are talents that do not create light, but instead bend it or alter its properties. Placing a (lens) effect on an unwilling target requires a melee or ranged spell attack.

Augment 2 sp: The effect persists for the remaining duration without concentration. This augment may be applied after the effect is cast on your turn without an action.

Light Basic Talents

Glow Talents

Beacon of Hope (glow)

Augment 0 sp: When you place a glow on a creature, you can choose to grant that creature advantage on saving throws to prevent or end the frightened condition.

Augment 1 sp: When you brighten a glow to which Beacon of Hope is applied, all creatures within the area of bright light gain advantage on saving throws to prevent or end the frightened condition.

Blinding Light (glow)

Augment 0 sp: When you cause a creature to glow, you can choose to give that target a -1 penalty to attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks.

Augment 1 sp: When you brighten a glow to which Blinding Light is applied, you can blind the glowing target and all creatures within the area of bright light. All creatures must make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of your next turn. Creatures who succeed at their saving throw still take the -1 penalty on attack rolls.

Bound Light (glow)

Augment 1 sp: When you brighten this glow, you can trap the target inside a prison of light. The target is restrained. In addition, the target must pass a spellcasting ability check against your sphere DC to use any form of dimensional travel, such as the dimension door spell or the teleport ability from the Warp sphere.

Disorienting Patterns (glow)

Augment 0 sp: When you brighten a glow, the bright light covers the area in confusing colors and designs. The area of this bright light is considered difficult terrain.

Augment 1 sp: You can make the patterns of the bright light even more intricate and confusing. Creatures within the bright light must make a Wisdom saving throw or fall prone. Blind creatures (or creatures that have closed their eyes1) and creatures that do not rely on sight are immune to the effects of this talent.

1: For this purpose, the decision to close your eyes must be made on the creature’s turn and renders it blind until the start of its next turn.

Encompassing Light (glow)

Augment 0 sp: When you brighten this glow, the bright light encompasses the glowing creature, allowing it to function as if it were larger than it is. The glowing creature deals +1d4 damage with weapon attacks and increases their reach by 5 feet. The bonus to damage increases by one step, and the reach by 5 feet at 5th level (10 feet, +1d6), 11th level (15 feet, +1d8), and 17th level (20 feet, +1d10).

Flicker (glow)

Augment 0 sp: When you brighten this glow that is placed on a creature, the bright light partially assimilates the glowing creature, allowing them to momentarily shed their physical form. A creature under this effect can choose to move through solid objects as long as there are no factors that block normal sight (such as concealment from darkness or fog). This allows them to pass through transparent barriers like glass or through impossibly small gaps (such as a keyhole).

Guiding Light (glow)

Augment 1 sp: When you cause a creature to glow, you can choose to grant all creatures advantage on attack rolls against that target.

Hypnotic Light (glow)

You gain the following augmentations:

Hypnotic Glow

Augment 0 sp: When you brighten a glow, the bright light fascinates creatures. All creatures within this area of bright light must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or take no action on their turn but to stare into the light, and suffer disadvantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks. A target is allowed a new saving throw each round at the beginning of their turn to throw off the effect, and on a successful save, may make their actions as normal. Once a target has saved against this effect, they are immune to the effect for the rest of its duration. Hostile action taken against a hypnotized target automatically breaks the effect, as if the target had succeeded at their saving throw. If the target was already in combat when this ability is used, they gain advantage on their initial saving throw. Blind creatures (or creatures that have closed their eyes) and creatures immune to the charmed condition are immune to this effect.

Lure Light

Augment 0 sp: When you brighten a glow, the bright light lures creatures towards it. All creatures in the area of your light must make a Wisdom saving throw or be compelled to move towards the source of the glow on their turns. An affected creature capable of movement must move its speed towards the source of the glow each turn and cannot intentionally move away from it unless they must backtrack to get closer to it. A creature may attempt a new saving throw each round they are in the bright light, and after successfully saving once they are immune to your use of this talent for 24 hours. If a creature is in the area of multiple Lure Lights, they move towards the closest, or towards the glow of their choice if they are equidistant.

A creature will not intentionally harm themselves when moving towards a lure. They will not throw themselves off cliffs or into lava to pursue a glow, though they will move as close as possible without risking themselves. Blind creatures (or creatures that have closed their eyes) and creatures immune to the charmed condition are immune to this effect.

Irradiance (glow)

Augment 1 sp: When you brighten this glow, the bright light sheds ionizing radiation along with visible light. Creatures within this bright light must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 poison damage and be poisoned until the start of their next turn each time they start their turn within the bright light. This damage increases by 1d6 at 5th (2d6), 11th (3d6), and 17th level (4d6). If a creature succeeds on two consecutive saving throws, this effect ends for it.


Repelling Light (glow)

Augment 1 sp: When you brighten this glow, the bright light repels unwanted creatures. Choose one creature type. In the case of humanoids, you must also choose one tag. Any creature of this type or with this tag within the area of bright light must pass a Constitution saving throw or be unable to move closer to the source of the light. Affected creatures may move sideways or backwards, but cannot move closer, although the source of the light may move closer to them. Creatures who make their saving throw but remain within the area of bright light must make a new saving throw every round to avoid being affected.

If a creature enters this area of bright light (or if the source of bright light moves close to them), they must immediately save or be affected.

Revealing Light (glow)

Augment 1 sp: When you brighten this glow, the bright light reveals all invisible creatures and objects. These creatures and objects lose all the benefits of invisibility for as long as they are within the area of bright light.

Searing Light (glow)

Augment 0 sp: When you brighten this glow, the bright light burns creatures in its area. Each round that a creature is inside the area of bright light, they suffer 1d4 points of radiant damage. Affected creatures may avoid this damage with a successful Constitution saving throw, but if the final spell point cost of your glow was 1 or more spell points, a successful save instead reduces the damage by half. The radiant damage increases by 1d4 at 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4). You cannot augment this glow to have a duration other than concentration.

Sunstroke (glow)

Augment 1 sp: When you place this glow effect on a creature, you can choose to deal it 1d4 radiant damage, increasing by 1d4 at 5th (2d4), 11th (3d4), and 17th level (4d4). The creature takes this damage at the beginning of its rounds for as long as the glow is in effect. A successful Constitution saving throw negates the damage for that round, while two consecutive Constitution saves end the effect.

Augment 1 sp: When you brighten a glow augmented by Sunstroke, the target also gains a level of exhaustion the next time they take damage from this effect. Only one level of exhaustion may be applied by this effect.

Visual Overload (glow)

Augment 0 sp: When you brighten this glow, you can overwhelm the target of the glow with visual stimulation. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw each round the glow is in effect on them or be able to take only an action or a bonus action, not both.

Augment 1 sp: This effect affects all creatures within the area of bright light.

Augment 1 sp: When you brighten a glow augmented by Visual Overload, creatures that fail their saving throw are instead stunned until the start of their next turn.

Two consecutive successful Wisdom saving throws against the glow ends this effect for that creature.

Lens Talents

Chameleon (lens)

Augment 0 sp: You can cause light and color to shift around a target, granting it the ability to blend in with its surroundings. The creature under this effect gains advantage on Dexterity (Stealth). An object hidden in this way requires a Wisdom (Perception) check to notice, with a DC equal to your sphere DC -1 for every size category the object is above tiny (-1 for small, -2 for medium, -3 for large, -4 for huge, -5 for gargantuan).

Augment 1 sp: the target gains the ability to hide even while being observed and having nowhere to hide, though the target must move no more than half its speed each round to use this benefit.

Dim Light (lens)

Augment 0 sp: You cause a target to suffer no ill effects from your Light sphere abilities. The target of this (lens) talent is immune to the negative effects of your glows, including the effects of any (glow) talents applied to them. It also gains no visibility related penalties from your glows.

Infravision (lens)

You can slightly shift the spectrum of light, granting the target the ability to see heat. This allows them to ignore disadvantage from obscured vision for attack rolls against living creatures. In addition, the target is capable of tracking living creatures by the heat they leave in their tracks. So long as the trail is no more than an hour old, the target has advantage on ability checks made to track living creatures, though strong temperature conditions (such as winter snow or a desert noon) can negate this benefit.

Obscure (lens)

Augment 0 sp: You allow light to partially pass through your target and move in strange ways around them, making it difficult to perceive their exact position. Once per round, when the target is subject to an attack roll, they can spend a reaction to impose disadvantage on that roll. This decision must be made before the attack is rolled.

Opponents that rely solely on non-visual senses (such as blindsight) or that cannot see the target ignore this penalty.

Periscope (lens)

Target: One 5-foot cube

Augment 0 sp: By altering the path of light you can see from unusual positions. You can place and see from a sensor in any unoccupied 5-foot cube within your range that you can draw an unobstructed line to. This line may have one angle of up to 90 degrees, plus an additional angle of up to 90 degrees at 5th level (two 90 degree angles), 11th level (three 90 degree angles), and 17th level (four 90 degree angles), but must otherwise be straight, and have a length no longer than the range of your (lens) talents. You can see from the position of the sensor as if you stood in the space it occupies. A creature that can see invisible objects sees the sensor as a luminous orb about the size of your fist.

Telescope (lens)

Augment 0 sp: You give the target the ability to magnify incoming light. The target does not take disadvantage on ranged attack rolls made at a weapon’s long range and gains advantage on sight-based Wisdom (Perception) checks.

Nimbus Talents

Beam (nimbus)

Augment 0 sp: When you cause a glow effect to shed light, you can focus this light into a line, quadrupling the affected distance. For normal light this creates a 5 foot wide by 20 foot long line of bright light, with dim light extending another 15 feet in all directions. This also quadruples the distance in which brighten sheds bright light, creating a 20 foot wide and 80 foot long line of bright light, with dim light extending another 20 feet in all directions. Once each round on your turn, without spending an action, you can change the direction the line projects from the glow; changing the direction is done instantaneously, and doesn’t allow you to “sweep” an area with your glow.

Illuminate (nimbus)

Augment 0 sp: When causing an object to shed light, you can focus this light into a cone as a free action, doubling the affected distance. Your glow creates a 10 foot cone of bright light, with dim light extending another 30 feet beyond, while brighten creates a 40 foot cone, shedding dim light another 40 feet beyond. You can return the light to normal or change its orientation freely on your turn.

Trail (nimbus)

Augment 0 sp: You can cause your glow to trail light behind it rather than radiate light normally. The glow sheds bright light in any square it passes through during the round, with dim light extending 5 feet beyond. If you brighten the glow, it sheds bright light in a 5 foot radius around all squares it passes through, with dim light 5 feet beyond. If you return the light’s area to normal or change between (nimbus) talents, any trail left behind is removed immediately.

Other Talents

Area Glow

Augment 1 sp: You can create an eruption of light, causing all creatures and objects within a 15-foot radius, 30-foot high cylinder centered within range to glow. You needn’t make a ranged spell attack against any creature within this area, but creatures are allowed a Dexterity saving throw to avoid the effect. Each affected creature counts as being under a different glow for the purpose of using brighten, lens, and nimbus effects.

Bend Radiance

Augment 0 sp: You can bend the light produced by your glows, allowing you to create spaces untouched by their light. When you create a glow, you can choose a number of 5-foot cubes in the area of light it produces, up to a maximum of a number of cubes equal to your proficiency bonus. These cubes do not need to be contiguous. The selected area is unaffected by your glow; its light level does not change, and it is not subject to the effects of any (glow) talents applied to the glow. If the glow moves, this omitted area moves with it. You can alter what areas are affected and unaffected by your light with no action required on your turn.

Black Light

Augment 0 sp: You can cause any glow within your range to shed non-visible light. While shedding non-visible light, a glow does not outline a creature with light, impose disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, or increase light levels within its radius. However, (glow) talents applied to the glow still function as if it was shedding light in its normal area. This augment may be applied or removed from a glow within range without any required action on your turn. Creatures can still perceive the area of the effect.

A glow shedding non-visible light functions normally even in magical darkness and does not hinder the function of magical darkness in the same area. No magical skill check is made when a glow under the effects of Black Light interacts with magical darkness.

Dancing Lights

Augment 0 sp: You can create a glow effect without the need for a creature or object. This allows you to create a floating ball of light that may fly up to 60 feet per round and may be directed without action cost on your turn. You can give these lights simple commands, such as following a creature you can see or traveling in a specified pattern.

Dual Light

Augment 0 sp: You can simultaneously apply two (glow) talents you possess to your glow. The effects of each talent is resolved separately. Any augmentation costs from the (glow) talents must be paid separately. This augmentation may not be used in conjunction with the Daylight advanced talent.

Augment 1 sp: You can apply two (nimbus) talents to a single glow effect, causing it to shed light in the area defined in both (nimbus) talents. Alternatively, you can choose to apply a single (nimbus) talent while also shedding light in the normal radius of your glow, or apply a single (nimbus) talent twice. Creatures in overlapping areas are still only affected by (glow) talents and other effects of your glow once.

Augment 1 sp: When applying a lens, you can apply a second lens as part of the same casting. Both are considered a single effect for concentrating, augmenting duration, dispelling, and similar effects.


As a bonus action, you can expend one of your glow effects within range of your glow ability, causing it to blaze up momentarily before dying completely, ending the effect. The target of the glow effect takes 1d8 radiant damage, increasing by 1d8 at 5th (2d8), 11th (3d8), and 17th level (4d8), while all creatures within 5 feet of the target take half that damage.

Affected creatures may avoid this damage with a successful Dexterity saving throw, but if the final spell point cost of your glow was 1 or more spell points, a successful save instead reduces the damage by half. If the target of your glow is Large or larger, choose one of its squares and the secondary damage affects creatures within 5 feet of that square.

If you possess the Dual Light talent, you can apply the following augment:

Augment 1 sp: You can cause a number of glows within range equal to your proficiency bonus to flare. Creatures within the area of multiple glows roll a single saving throw. Damage from multiple glows stack.


You can choose to apply the effects of (glow) talents at any point during your turn instead of only at the end of your turn. You can still only apply the effects of (glow) talents once per turn.

Augment 1 sp: As a bonus action, you can apply the effects of a (glow) talent an additional time in a single round. This additional application may be activated separately from any other application of your (glow) talents. This allows your (glow) talent to affect a different area if the glow has moved or the area of its light has changed, but does not let you affect any given area more than once per round.


When you brighten a glow on yourself and only yourself, it lasts for its duration without concentration. The radius of the bright light so created is reduced to 5 feet.

Intensity Control

Augment 0 sp: You can add or subtract up to 10 feet from the radius of your dim and bright light. If you possess talents that would alter the area of your light, such as the Illuminate talent, this increased or decreased radius is added in before the area is multiplied. You can alter the area of your light as a free action, but for the purpose of (glow) talents you can still only affect one area per round.

Augment 0 sp: So long as you do not apply any (glow) talents to your glow, you can double its radius. You cannot alter the area of light shed by the Glory talent with Intensity Control.

Light Link

Augment 0 sp: You always know the direction and distance to any creature or object under the effect of your glow. This has no effect if the creature or object is on another plane.


Augment 0 sp: Your glows may be composed of multiple colors, allowing you to outline or highlight specific portions of a glowing object or create art. When you brighten your glow, you can also create patterns and different colors in the light it sheds, casting intricate designs on surfaces. These patterns may be highly detailed and complex, though creating art of high craftsmanship requires you to succeed on an appropriate check (usually Charisma (Painter’s Supplies)). You determine and create the pattern as part of making the glow, but may change it once per turn without spending an action.

As an action, you can cause one of your glows that is shedding bright light to stain a surface with its light, painting its current pattern on any portion of the glow’s area. The ability to stain a surface is an instantaneous effect, so the resulting stain is non-magical and functions as a mundane dye that cannot be dispelled, though it may be cleaned off or painted over. Unwilling targets may make a Dexterity saving throw to avoid being stained, and a 5-foot cube may be cleaned of these stains with a full minute of work.

If you also possess the Dancing Lights talent, you can alter the shape and appearance of your light. It may be as large as a full 5 foot cube, or as small as a mote of dust, though its size has no impact on the light it sheds. Regardless of how intricate or well shaped your Dancing Light is, it is impossible to mistake as anything other than a magical light.

Advanced Light Talents

Daylight (glow)

Prerequisites: Light sphere, 11th level or higher.

Augment 2 sp: When you brighten a glow, you can cause the object to shed bright light for a 2 mile radius and dim light for 5 miles beyond that. You cannot add the effects of any (glow) talents to this glow.

Diffuse Body

Prerequisites: Light sphere (Flicker), 7th level or higher.

Augment 2 sp: Your Flicker talent becomes more nuanced and refined. Rather than allowing someone to simply turn into a single body of light, you give them the ability to split themselves into multiple reflections. When a creature under the effects of your Flicker moves, they may choose to move in two separate directions and end their movement in two different locations. When they take their next action, bonus action, or reaction, or the next time they are attacked or targeted at one of these locations, whichever is sooner, they must decide which of these positions they are actually in.


Lens Focus

You cannot create glow effects. You can only select (lens) talents and talents that augment (lens) effects. You gain a (lens) talent as a bonus talent.

Roving Glow

You cannot place glow effects on objects or creatures. You gain Dancing Lights talent as a bonus talent.

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