Practitioners of the Gladiator sphere are experts at fighting with flair and style in order to manipulate the emotions and actions of their enemies, their allies, or the crowd. The gladiator understands that winning is a mental game; if you can convince your enemy that you should be feared, the battle is half-finished already.
When you gain the Gladiator sphere, you gain the following abilities:
As long as you have martial focus, after damaging a creature with a critical hit, reducing a hostile creature to 0 hit points, or succeeding on a grapple or shove against a hostile creature, you may perform a boast as a reaction. If a boast affects another creature, that creature must be within 30 feet and must be able to see and hear you.
When you gain the Gladiator sphere, you gain the following boast.
Prowess (boast)
Target: self
Duration: end of your next turn or until used.
You have advantage on the next weapon attack or contested ability check you make before the end of your next turn.
Talents with the (boast) descriptor grant additional boasts you may make.
As an action, you may force one creature within 30 feet that can see or hear you to make a Charisma saving throw; if they fail, they are frightened of you until the end of your next turn. You may expend your martial focus to use demoralize as a bonus action.
Talents with the (demoralize) descriptor modify when and how you can use demoralize, while (fear) talents grant you additional benefits against those who are frightened.
Gladiator Basic Talents
Boast Talents
Bloodthirst (boast)
Target: self
Duration: instantaneous
Success spurs you to keep up the assault. You may make an attack against an enemy within the area of your boast using a wielded weapon. The enemy must be within your weapon’s reach or range.
Caper (boast)
Target: all creatures within range that target you with an attack roll
Duration: end of your next turn
Saving Throw: Wisdom
Your extravagant and unusual display confounds your foes. Until the start of your next turn, any creature within range of this boast that attempts to target you with an attack roll must make a Wisdom saving throw or lose their attack and be unable to attack you with any subsequent attacks during the duration of this ability, though may still direct any remaining attacks toward other targets. If they targeted you with a spell, the spell or the portion of the spell targeting you is lost. Once a creature succeeds on a saving throw against this ability, it is immune to your use of it until you complete a long rest.
Distracting Display (boast)
Target: all allies within range
Duration: end of your next turn
Saving Throw: none
By calling attention to yourself, you allow your allies to slip from view. Until the end of your next turn, allies other than yourself within range of this boast may hide even if they are observed. You may perform this boast as a standard action, ignoring the required trigger.
Exemplar (boast)
Target: all allies within range
Duration: end of your next turn or until used.
Saving Throw: none
Your allies within range have advantage on their next attack roll, grapple, or shove before the start of your next turn. You do not benefit from this advantage.
Inspiring Pose (boast)
Target: see text
Duration: end of your next turn or until used.
Saving Throw: none
A number of allied creatures within range equal to your proficiency bonus may make a new saving throw against any ongoing effect they are currently suffering from that normally grants a saving throw, even if they have already failed the initial save and would not normally be granted another. Failing this additional save does not progress any effects that are normally incurred on a failed save. You may only affect a creature once but may do so again after a short or long rest.
Menace (boast)
Target: hostile creatures within range
Duration: start of your next turn
Saving Throw: Wisdom
Hostile creatures within range of your boast cannot voluntarily move closer to you unless they succeed on a Wisdom saving throw. This lasts until the start of your next turn. Creatures immune to the frightened condition are immune to this effect.
Steel Braggart (boast)
Target: self
Duration: start of your next turn
You gain resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage.
Demoralize Talents
Cow Enemy (demoralize)
When you deal damage or succeed on a grapple or shove against a creature while using the attack action, you may demoralize that creature as a bonus action.
Master of Fear (demoralize)
When using demoralize, you may target a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus. You may expend your martial focus to target all enemies within 20 feet who can see and hear you.
Spectacle (demoralize)
Any time you deal damage to a hostile creature with a critical hit or reduce a hostile creature to 0 or fewer hit points, you may use demoralize on any creature within range as a reaction.
Uncowed (demoralize)
You are proficient in any saving throw to prevent the frightened condition, and creatures have disadvantage on Intimidate checks against you.
When a creature attempts an Intimidate check against you and fails, or when you succeed on a saving throw against an effect that imposes the frightened condition, you may expend martial focus to demoralize the creature who initiated the effect as a reaction.
Fear Talents
Cowards Bane (fear)
You have advantage on attack rolls against creatures that are frightened of you.
Daunting (fear)
When a creature that is frightened of you misses you with an attack or fails on a grapple or shove targeting you, they provoke an opportunity attack from you.
Other Talents
When a creature misses when targeting you with an attack roll or fails on a grapple or shove against you, you may perform a boast as a reaction.
Fan Favorite
You may perform a boast as a reaction whenever you succeed on a saving throw against an effect originating from a hostile creature.
You gain proficiency in Intimidate. If you already have proficiency in Intimidate, you may add twice your proficiency modifier to Intimidate. You may take this talent twice. If you already add twice your proficiency modifier to Intimidate, you may not take this talent.
Self Confidence
You may perform a boast as an action instead of a reaction, ignoring the required trigger. If you do, you may regain your martial focus as a bonus action.
Theatrical Boast
Double the range of your boasts and demoralizations.
Trash Talker
When making a boast, you may expend your martial focus to make two boasts instead of one.
Gladiator Legendary Talents
Aura of Fear
Prerequisites: Gladiator sphere, 9th level or higher.
When a creature that is aware of you moves or starts its turn within 30 feet of you, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to your aura until you complete a long rest.
Burn the Chaff (fear)
Prerequisites: Gladiator sphere, 9th level or higher.
Whenever you successfully make a melee attack against a target with a CR less than your proficiency bonus that is suffering from the frightened condition, your attack is an automatic critical hit.
Deafening Clangor (demoralize)
Prerequisites: Gladiator sphere, Shield sphere, 5th level or higher.
Whenever you demoralize, you may choose to strike a shield you are wielding with a weapon or limb to produce a deafening clangor. In addition to any results of your demoralize, all targets (excluding yourself) within your demoralize range must pass a Constitution saving throw or become deafened for 1d4+1 rounds. As part of using this ability, you may warn your allies to cover their ears and protect them from the effects of the deafening clangor (rendering them immune to that instance of it), but doing so gives enemies advantage on their saving throw against this effect.
Nightmare Fuel (demoralize, fear)
Prerequisites: Gladiator sphere, 11th level or higher.
Whenever a hostile creature fails its saving throw against your demoralize, you may expend your martial focus to force the target to pass a Wisdom saving throw or become permanently afraid of you. The creature has disadvantage on all saving throws against your demoralize, and you have advantage on all Intimidate checks against it. This effect is permanent until removed by a break enchantment, heal, miracle, or wish spell, or similar effects.
Piercing Fear (demoralize)
Prerequisites: Gladiator sphere
You may expend martial focus when using demoralize to ignore the target’s immunity to the frightened condition. The target instead has advantage on its saving throw.
You do not gain the demoralize ability. You gain Self Confidence as a bonus talent. You may not possess this variant and Humble Combatant.
Humble Combatant
You do not gain the boast ability and cannot select (boast) talents. You gain Uncowed as a bonus talent. You may not possess this variant and Braggart.
Spheres of Might by Drop Dead Studios | ||||||
Using Spheres of Might | ||||||
Classes | ||||||
Alter Ego | Armiger | Artisan | Commander | Conscript | Scholar | Striker |
Spheres | ||||||
Alchemy | Athletics | Barrage | Barroom | Beastmastery | Berserker | Brute |
Dual Wielding | Equipment | Fencing | Gladiator | Guardian | Leadership | Retribution |
Scoundrel | Scout | Shield | Sniper | Tinkerer | Trap | Warleader |
Wrestling | ||||||
Other Rules | ||||||
Combat Actions | Conditions | Feats | Martial Traditions | Mundane Equipment | ||
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