Training in the Alchemy martial sphere teaches you how to quickly and efficiently combine volatile chemicals for new or enhanced effects.
When you gain the Alchemy sphere, choose either formulae or poison. If you choose formula, you gain proficiency with alchemist’s supplies and gain a (formula) talent of your choice. If you choose poison, you gain proficiency with poisoner’s kits and gain a (poison) talent of your choice. If you are already proficient with the chosen tools, you become proficient with the other tool or gain a bonus talent if you are already proficient with both.
So long as you have alchemist supplies (for formulae) or a poisoner’s kit (for poisons) and are proficient, you are assumed to have all the tools and materials required to create formulae or poisons from the Alchemy sphere; the rest of the ingredients are easily gathered or stored throughout your travels and do not have any default cost. Formulae and poisons that allow a saving throw use your sphere DC.
You may create formulae and poisons individually or in batches. Creating a formula or poison individually takes 10 minutes, while batches are made as part of a short or long rest. Due to the volatile nature of the items, you cannot have more formulae and poisons created at one time than a number equal to your proficiency bonus + the number of Alchemy sphere talents you possess; formulae and poisons go inert after a day if not used. When creating batches, you create up to your maximum number of formulae or poisons. Because formulae and poisons are more unstable than standard alchemical items, they expire and no longer work after 24 hours; it is relatively easy (DC 5 Intelligence check) to recognize that these items’ are unstable and impermanent in nature, so typically they have no monetary value.
Formulae can be drunk or applied to an adjacent willing ally as an Action. Some formulae can also be thrown as an improvised weapon with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. Formulae that are thrown as improvised weapons do not deal damage unless stated otherwise, but do shatter upon impact, applying their effects to the target or object they are thrown against.
All poisons function as ingested or injury poisons unless modified by another talent. Applying an injury or contact poison to a weapon is an Action, and the next creature that takes damage from that weapon (within 1 minute) suffers its effects. Some formulae can also be applied to weapons, as noted in the relevant talent. You may only have a single formula or poison applied to a weapon at one time; applying another causes the previously applied item to become inert.
When you gain the Alchemy sphere, you gain the following ability:
You know the secrets of how to get the most out of alchemical creations. When using an alchemical item or a poison whose name matches a talent you possess, any saving throw it requires uses your Sphere DC instead of its normal DC, if it is higher.
You may expend your martial focus to increase the effects of certain poisons and alchemical items when you use them, throw them, or apply them to a weapon. The effects of this increased potency is listed for each individual item. You must have an item’s respective talent to use its more potent form, but you can use this ability not only with formulae and poisons you have created, but also with purchased or crafted items of the same name.
Alchemy Basic Talents
Talents in the Alchemy sphere may possess the (formula) or (poison) descriptor. These talents expand what formulae or poisons you can craft or use potency with. Some of these talents may also possess the (medic) descriptor.
Formula Talents
Acid (formula)
You create a vial of acid that deals 2d6 acid damage on a hit. Acid can also be splashed onto a creature within 5 feet of you as a melee attack with an improvised weapon.
Potency: You may expend martial focus to apply an acid vial to a weapon as if it were a poison. The weapon deals an additional 1d6 acid damage on all attacks for 1 minute. If you expend your martial focus when throwing or splashing with an acid vial, its damage increases by 1d6 (3d6), and again by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (4d6), 11th level (5d6), and 17th level (6d6).
Alchemist Fire (formula)
You create a flask of alchemist fire that deals 1d4 fire damage. Any creature damaged by the alchemist fire takes an additional 1d4 damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a Dexterity saving throw against your Alchemy sphere DC to extinguish the flames; rolling on the ground provides the target advantage on the saving throw. Leaping into a large body of water or magically extinguishing the flames automatically smothers the fire.
Potency: You may expend martial focus to apply alchemist fire to a weapon as if it were a poison. The weapon deals an additional 1d6 fire damage on all attacks for 1 minute. If you expend your martial focus when throwing alchemist fire, both its initial damage and its follow up damage per turn increases by 1d4 (2d4), and again by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (3d4), 11th level (4d4), and 17th level (5d4).
Alchemical Ice (formula)
You create a flask of alchemical ice that deals 1d6 cold damage to a target when thrown. Creatures damaged by alchemical ice have their movement speed reduced by 10 feet for 1 round.
Potency: You may expend martial focus to apply alchemical ice to a weapon as if it were a poison. The weapon deals an additional 1d6 cold damage on all attacks for 1 minute. If you expend martial focus while throwing alchemical ice, the formula’s damage increases by 1d6 (2d6), and again by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (3d6), 11th level (4d6), and 17th level (5d6).
Bottled Lightning (formula)
You create a vial of bottled lightning that deals 1d8 lightning damage. You have advantage on attack rolls with bottled lightning made against creatures who are made of metal or who are wearing metal armor.
Potency: You may expend martial focus to apply bottled lightning to a weapon as if it were a poison. The weapon deals an additional 1d6 lightning damage on all attacks for 1 minute. If you expend your martial focus when throwing bottle lightning, its damage increases by 1d8 (2d8), and again by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (3d8), 11th level (4d8), and 17th level (5d8).
Flash Powder (formula)
You create a flask of flash powder. On a hit, the target must pass a Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1 round. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make a new Constitution saving throw to end the effect early.
Potency: If you expend your martial focus when throwing flash powder, the duration of the blindness increases to 1 minute.
Focusing Formula (formula, medic)
You create a concoction that restores combat vigor. Anyone who drinks the concoction or has it applied to them regains martial focus.
Grease (formula)
You create a flask of grease. Targets affected by grease have advantage on ability checks to escape bonds, restraints, or grapples, but disadvantage on Athletics checks, Acrobatics checks, and on Dexterity saving throws against effects that deal fire damage or which cause a creature to catch fire. If applied to open ground, it creates a 5 ft. square that counts as difficult terrain. Any creature that enters the area or ends its turn there must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.
Grease lasts for 1 round, but a creature may end this effect by spending an action removing the grease.
Potency: If you expend your martial focus when throwing or applying grease, the duration of the grease increases to 1 minute.
Holy Water (formula)
You create a flask of holy water that deals 2d6 radiant damage to fiends or undead on a hit. Holy Water can also be splashed onto a creature within 5 feet of you as a melee attack with an improvised weapon.
Potency: You may expend martial focus to apply holy water to a weapon as if it were a poison. The weapon deals an additional 1d6 radiant damage on all attacks against fiends and undead for 1 minute. If you expend your martial focus when throwing holy water, its damage increases by 1d6 (3d6), and again by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (4d6), 11th level (5d6), and 17th level (6d6). If you expend your martial focus when splashing a dominated or possessed creature within 5 feet of you as a melee attack, the creature gains an additional saving throw to end the effect.
Itching Powder (formula)
You create a flask of itching powder. On a hit, the target becomes incredibly itchy for 1 round. Whenever the target makes an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, the target must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled. A creature can end this penalty by using its action to make a Wisdom (Medicine) check against your Alchemy sphere DC to cleanse the creature of the powder, by using the Life sphere’s restore ability or by casting a lesser restoration. Immersing the target’s body in water also removes this effect. This counts as poisoned when removing it or dealing with immunity.
Potency: You may expend martial focus to apply itching powder to a weapon as if it were a poison. The next creature that is dealt damage by the weapon within 1 minute is subject to the itching powder’s effects for 1 round. If you expend your martial focus when throwing the itching powder, the penalties’ duration increases to 1 minute.
Panacea (formula, medic)
You create a concoction that removes the blinded, deafened, or poisoned condition from the target. When throwing a panacea, an ally aware of you can choose not to avoid the attack, in which case you automatically hit.
Potency: If you expend your martial focus when targeting a creature with the panacea, the list of conditions that panacea may remove now also includes frightened. The list of conditions is expanded at 5th level (diseased), 11th level (stunned), and 17th level (paralyzed).
Performance Enhancer (formula, medic)
When you use this formula, choose one attribute; the target gains advantage on ability checks with that attribute for 1 minute. The target takes disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws with the corresponding attribute for the same duration. Strength corresponds to Intelligence, Dexterity to Wisdom, and Constitution to Charisma. Once someone benefits from this stimulant, they cannot do so again until they complete a short or long rest. When throwing a performance enhancer, an ally aware of you can choose not to avoid the attack, in which case you automatically hit.
Salve (formula, medic)
You create a poultice that can be used as a potion, allowing the target to expend a hit die to heal themselves, adding your key ability modifier to the amount healed. When throwing a salve, an ally aware of you can choose not to avoid the attack, in which case you automatically hit.
Potency: If you expend your martial focus when targeting a creature with the salve, the target is also healed an additional 1d8 hit points, increasing again by 1d8 at 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
Smelling Salts (formula, medic)
You create a pouch of powder with a strong, pungent odor. When throwing smelling salts, it creates a 10-ft. radius cloud centered on a point within range. Creatures that breathe in the dust must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be forced conscious and imposed with anosmia for 1 minute.
A creature with anosmia cannot benefit from having a keen sense of smell, and cannot track a creature by scent. A creature that is unconscious due to being reduced to 0 hit points is still awakened by smelling salts on a failed saving throw but is still incapacitated.
Potency: If you expend your martial focus when throwing smelling salts, creatures are still awakened on a successful saving throw. Additionally, dying creatures within the cloud stabilize. Affected creatures can choose to resist being made stable with a successful Constitution saving throw.
Smoke Bomb (formula)
You create a smoke bomb that explodes into a cloud of thick smoke. When you throw the smoke bomb, it creates a 10- ft. radius cloud centered on a point within range. The cloud spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. It lasts for 1 round or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.
Potency: If you expend your martial focus when throwing a smoke bomb, the duration increases to 1 minute.
Sneezing Powder (formula)
You create a flask of sneezing powder. On a hit, the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or succumb to uncontrollable sneezing, becoming incapacitated for 1 round.
As long as the target is conscious, it can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. Additionally, another creature can end these penalties by using its action to make a Wisdom (Medicine) check against your Alchemy sphere DC to cleanse the creature of the powder, by using the Life sphere’s restore ability, or by casting a lesser restoration. Immersing the target’s head in water also removes this effect. This counts as poisoned for removing it and dealing with immunity.
Potency: You may expend martial focus to apply sneezing powder to a weapon as if it were a poison. The next creature that is dealt damage by the weapon within 1 minute is subject to the sneezing powder’s effects for 1 round. If you expend your martial focus when throwing the sneezing powder, the penalties’ duration increases to 1 minute.
Tanglefoot Bag (formula)
You create a flask of entangling glue. On a hit, the target’s speed is reduced to 0. A flying creature (assuming it uses wings to fly) falls to the ground. A tanglefoot bag does not function underwater. This lasts for 1 round, but a creature may end this effect by spending an action removing the glue.
Potency: If you expend your martial focus when throwing the tanglefoot bag, the effect lasts for 1 minute.
Thunderstone (formula)
You create a stone that explodes upon impact when thrown with a loud, reverberating crash. On a hit, the target must make a Constitution saving throw or take 1d10 thunder damage and be deafened for 1 minute. Those that succeed the saving throw take half as much damage and are not deafened.
Potency: If you expend your martial focus when throwing a thunderstone, a target that fails its saving throw is also stunned for 1 round, and the thunder damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10).
War Paint (formula)
War Paint can’t be drunk, applied by throwing, or augmented by Gaseous Application.
You gain the knowledge of two colors of war paint when you gain this talent; you may create one pigment of warpaint from a list of colors that you know, chosen at the time the formula is created. War paint can be applied to any visible part of the body — typically the face, shoulders, legs, or arms, or even armor or clothing.
A creature can only benefit from one color of war paint at a time — applying a dose of a different color replaces the effects of the previous application. Once applied, the effects of the war paint last for 1 hour. You may select this talent multiple times; each time, you gain the knowledge of two more colors of war paint. War paint have the following effects based on their color:
- Black. Advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
- Blue. Increases your movement speed by 10 feet.
- Brown. Gain resistance to non-magical slashing damage.
- Chrome. Gain a +1 bonus to Attack rolls.
- Diamond. Gain resistance to force damage.
- Green. Gain resistance to necrotic damage.
- Gold. Advantage on Death saving throws.
- Indigo. Gain resistance to lightning damage.
- Maroon. Gain resistance to non-magical piercing damage.
- Mint. Advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks.
- Navy. Gain resistance to thunder damage.
- Olive. Gain resistance to poison damage.
- Orange. Gain resistance to non-magical bludgeoning damage.
- Pink. Gain resistance to psychic damage.
- Purple. Gain resistance to acid damage.
- Red. Gain resistance to fire damage.
- Silver. Gain a +1 bonus to AC.
- Turquoise. Gain resistance to cold damage.
- White. Gain resistance to radiant damage.
- Yellow. Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
Poison Talents
Basic Poison (poison)
Creatures subjected to this poison must make a Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 poison damage.
Potency: If you expend your martial focus when applying basic poison, any creature damaged by the basic poison is also poisoned. At the start of each of their turns, as long as they are poisoned, the creature must continue to make another Constitution saving throw or suffer the effects of this poison. A successful Constitution save ends the poisoned condition on the target and negates any poison damage they would’ve taken from the basic poison. The poison damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
Confusing Hallucinogen (poison)
Creatures subjected to this poison must make a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of their turns. Succeeding on two saving throws ends the effect. Those who fail one saving throw automatically fail Investigation and Perception rolls for as long as they are subject to the effect. Creatures that fail two saving throws become confused; they can’t take reactions and must roll a d10 at the start of each of their turns for as long as they are subject to the effect to determine its behavior for that turn.d10 | Behavior |
1 | The creature uses all its movement to move in a random direction. To determine the direction, roll a d8 and assign a direction to each die face. The creature doesn’t take an action this turn. |
2-6 | The creature doesn’t move or take actions this turn. |
7-8 | The creature uses its action to make a melee attack against a randomly determined creature within its reach. If there is no creature within its reach, the creature does nothing this turn. |
9-10 | The creature can act and move normally. |
Drowsy Venom (poison, medic)
Creatures subjected to this poison must make a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of their turns. Succeeding on two saving throws ends the effect. Those who fail one saving throw increase their exhaustion level by 1 (to a maximum of 2) for as long as they are subject to this effect. Creatures who fail their saving throw while already at exhaustion level 2 lose consciousness and fall asleep. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature is an action.
Frightening Hallucinogen (poison)
Creatures subjected to this poison must make a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of their turns. Succeeding on one saving throw ends the effect. Those who fail one saving throw are imposed with disadvantage on all Intelligence and Wisdom saving throws for the duration. Those that fail two saving throws become frightened of all hostile creatures for one round.
Paralytic Venom (poison)
Creatures subjected to this poison must make a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of their turns. Succeeding on two saving throws ends the effect. Each time a creature fails a saving throw, they decrease all movement speeds by 10 feet for as long as they are subject to this effect. Creatures who fail an additional saving throw after all their speeds have been reduced to 0 feet become paralyzed for as long as they are subject to the effect.
Will-Sap (poison)
Creatures subjected to this poison must make a Constitution saving throw at the start of their next turn and once per minute thereafter. Succeeding on two saving throws ends the effect. Creatures that fail one saving throw take disadvantage on all saving throws against the charmed condition and on all Charisma ability checks for as long as they are subject to the effect.
Other Talents
Contact Poison Delivery
You may prepare your poisons as contact poisons. Contact poisons may be thrown as if they were formula. Creatures that are hit by the attack are subject to the poison. Whenever you successfully perform a Dirty Trick or Steal action, you may expend your martial focus to subject the target to your contact poison as part of the same action.
Controlled Rupture
Whenever you use a formula or poison, you can select a number of individuals or 5-foot squares equal to your proficiency bonus that are not affected. Selected targets or creatures inside the selected squares do not suffer the effects of the formula or poison.
Delayed Application
Whenever you create a formula or poison, you can choose to delay the effects up to a number of minutes up to half your level. You may expend two doses to instead delay the effects for a number of hours up to half your level. This delay takes place between when a creature is subjected to the formula or poison and when its effects manifest and does not influence how long a formula or poison remains potent after being applied but before the target is exposed to it.
As a reaction, you may expend your martial focus to immediately trigger the effects of one delayed formula or poison you created within 60 feet.
Gaseous Application
You may prepare a formula as a gas instead of a liquid. A gaseous formula targets a 5-foot radius area within normal range (normally 20 feet), cannot be applied to a weapon, and no longer requires an attack roll. Creatures caught inside the area of effect suffer the effects of the formula, but are allowed a Dexterity saving throw to negate any negative effects if the formula does not already require a different saving throw. This has no effect on formula that can’t be thrown, such as war paint. If used with an alchemical item that’s already a gas, such as smoke bombs, this instead doubles the area.
Clouds of gaseous formula grant their effects and then dissipate; the duration of its effects remain unchanged, but creatures cannot simply enter or re-enter the area to gain their effects.
You may also prepare a poison as an inhaled poison; such poisons are counted as two doses for determining the number you may prepare. An inhaled poison targets a 5-foot radius area within normal range (normally 20 feet) and cannot be applied to a weapon. Creatures that enter or begin their turn within this cloud are subject to the poison. The toxic cloud dissipates after 1 minute, or a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.
Lasting Application
Whenever you apply your poison to a weapon, the poison lasts for 1 additional successful attack before it is consumed.
At 5th, 11th, and 17th levels, it remains for an additional successful attack. Alternatively, you may apply a single dose of poison to up to 2 pieces of ammunition with a single action, plus one additional piece of ammunition at 5th, 11th, and 17th levels.
When you create an ingested poison and add it to any food or drink, it remains potent for up to 48 hours and becomes tasteless and odorless. You may expend two doses to have it instead remain potent for 1 week.
Master Chemist
You gain proficiency with either alchemist supplies or poisoner’s kit. If you are already proficient with the chosen tools, you instead add double your proficiency bonus. This talent may be taken more than once.
Master Herbalist
You gain proficiency with the herbalism kit and can use an herbalism kit to craft formulae or poisons from the Alchemy sphere. If you are already proficient with the herbalism kit, you instead add double your proficiency bonus.
Quick Doses
The amount of time it takes to create formula or poisons individually is reduced to 5 minutes.
Risky Business
You may expend martial focus to impose disadvantage to the target’s saving throw against the initial effects of your formula or poison. In addition, throwing a formula or poison against a creature while within 5 feet doesn’t impose disadvantage on your attack roll.
Skilled Applicator
You may apply a formula or poison to yourself or a weapon you wield as a bonus action.
Specialized Venom
You select one creature type (or two races of humanoid) from the ranger favored enemy list; your poisons may affect those creatures even if they would normally be immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition. If not immune, you ignore any racial bonuses they may possess to saving throws against poison damage and the poisoned condition.
You may select an additional type (or two humanoid races) at 5th, 11th, and 17th levels.
Alchemy Legendary Talents
Renaissance, Modern, and Future Eras
Some legendary alchemy talents are legendary because their availability depends on what level of technology is found in the world at large; for example, if the world already has access to modern explosives, there is no reason an alchemist shouldn’t be able to gain modern era legendary talents. The technological era of a particular campaign setting is determined by the game master.
Advancing Eras
With the game master's permission, a dedicated alchemist might be able to advance forward through technological eras with their creations, beginning with simple chemistry, advancing through gunpowder, before finally building modern creations.
In such a case, taking Alchemist’s Fire counts as meeting the prerequisites for the Bomb talent, and taking Bomb counts as meeting the prerequisites for the Dynamite and Fragmentation Grenade talents.
Bomb (formula)
Prerequisites: Alchemy sphere, Renaissance era.
You create a bomb that you can light and throw at a point within 60 feet. Each creature within 5 feet of that point must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire damage. Each bomb counts as two formulae for the purpose of determining how many you may have created at one time.
Potency: If you expend your martial focus when throwing a bomb, creatures still take half damage on a successful Dexterity saving throw, and the fire damage increases by an additional 1d6 when you reach 5th level (4d6), 11th level (5d6), and 17th level (6d6).
Dynamite (formula)
Prerequisites: Alchemy sphere, Modern era.
You create a stick of dynamite that you can light and throw at a point within 60 feet. Each creature within 5 feet of that point must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. A character can bind sticks of dynamite together so they explode at the same time. Each additional stick increases the damage by 1d6 (to a maximum of 10d6) and the blast radius by 5 feet (to a maximum of 20 feet).
Dynamite can be rigged with a longer fuse to explode after a set amount of time, usually 1 to 6 rounds. Roll initiative for the dynamite. After the specified number of rounds goes by, the dynamite explodes on that initiative.
Each stick of dynamite counts as two formulae for the purpose of determining how many you may have created at one time.
Elixir of Immortality (formula, medic)
Prerequisites: Alchemy sphere, 15th level.
You may create a special elixir that restores a creature to its starting age as a young adult. Unlike a standard formula, it takes 1 month to brew an elixir of immortality, and it costs an additional 50,000 gp in materials to create.
Fragmentation Grenade (formula)
Prerequisites: Alchemy sphere, Modern era.
You create a fragmentation grenade that you can throw at a point within 60 feet. Each creature within 20 feet of that point must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d6 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Each grenade counts as three formulae for the purpose of determining how many you may have created at one time.
Glue and Solvent (formula, poison)
Prerequisites: Alchemy sphere (Acid Flask), 15th level.
You can create sovereign glue or universal solvent as a formula. A formula of sovereign glue or universal solvent requires 10,000 gp in materials to create and counts as ten formulae for the purpose of determining how many you may have created at one time. Unlike other formula, a sovereign glue or universal solvent created with this talent does not expire after 24 hours; however, until the sovereign glue or universal solvent is used, it continues to count against the maximum number of formula you can have created at one time.
Necromancer's Oil (poison)
Prerequisites: Alchemy sphere, 11th level or higher.
Creatures subjected to this poison must make a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of their turns. Succeeding on two saving throws ends the effect. Each time a creature fails a saving throw, it treats its proficiency bonus as 1 lower for the duration of the effect. If a creature would be reduced to a +0 proficiency bonus by this effect, it dies and is reanimated as a zombie per the Death sphere. This does not grant you any control over the zombie. This poison counts as two doses for the purpose of determining how many you may have created at one time.
Potency: If you expend your martial focus when using the necromancer’s oil, a creature who fails their saving throw also takes 3d6 Necrotic damage.
Petrifying Poison (poison)
Prerequisites: Alchemy sphere, 11th level or higher.
Creatures subjected to this poison must make a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of their turns. Succeeding on two saving throws ends the effect. The first time a creature fails a saving throw, it becomes restrained for the duration of the effect. If a creature fails three saving throws, it is permanently turned to stone. This poison counts as two doses for the purpose of determining how many you may have created at one time.
Philosophers Stone (formula, medic)
Prerequisites: Alchemy sphere, 20th level or higher.
Once per month with one day of work, you may create a philosopher’s stone.
A philosopher’s stone appears to be an ordinary, sooty piece of blackish rock. If the stone is broken open (break DC 15), a cavity is revealed at the stone’s heart. This cavity is lined with a magical type of quicksilver that enables any character with proficiency in alchemist’s tools to transmute base metals (iron and lead) into silver and gold. A single philosopher’s stone can turn up to 5,000 pounds of iron into silver (worth 25,000 gp) or up to 1,000 pounds of lead into gold (worth 50,000 gp). However, the quicksilver becomes unstable once the stone is opened and loses its potency within 24 hours, so all transmutations must take place within that period.
The quicksilver found in the center of the stone may also be put to another use. If mixed with any formula or potion that restores hit points while the substance is still potent, it creates a special oil of life that acts as a true resurrection spell or Greater Resurrection sphere effect for any dead body it is sprinkled upon.
Spontaneous Alchemy
Prerequisites: Alchemy sphere (Quick Doses), 1st level or higher.
As an action or a bonus action, you can expend your martial focus to craft one alchemical item, poison, or potion instantaneously.
As an additional cost, you must spend an amount of crafting material or gold whose worth is equal to the item’s purchase price; items without an established purchase price cannot be crafted this way. To use this talent, you must also have appropriate tools on hand or readily available; alchemy items require alchemist’s supplies, poisons require poisoner’s kits, and potions require brewer’s supplies or a herbalism kit. You can only use this talent a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Hippocratic Oath
You cannot create any formulae or poison that lacks the (medic) descriptor. You gain a (medic) talent as a bonus talent.
When you gain the Alchemy sphere, you do not gain proficiency with either alchemist’s supplies or the poisoner’s kit. You can only use herbalism kits when crafting formulae or poisons from the Alchemy sphere. You gain Master Herbalist as a bonus talent.
Spheres of Might by Drop Dead Studios | ||||||
Using Spheres of Might | ||||||
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Alter Ego | Armiger | Artisan | Commander | Conscript | Scholar | Striker |
Spheres | ||||||
Alchemy | Athletics | Barrage | Barroom | Beastmastery | Berserker | Brute |
Dual Wielding | Equipment | Fencing | Gladiator | Guardian | Leadership | Retribution |
Scoundrel | Scout | Shield | Sniper | Tinkerer | Trap | Warleader |
Wrestling | ||||||
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